
Mathmaker creates elementary maths worksheets with detailed solutions.

The output documents can be compiled into pdf files by lualatex. Examples of available themes are: first degree equations, pythagorean theorem, fractions calculation…

It can run from command line, but can be controlled via http requests too.


Documentation (master release)

Documentation (latest development release).



Required (non python) dependencies are python >=3.6, euktoeps >=1.5.4, xmllint, msgfmt, lualatex, luaotfload-tool and a bunch of LaTeX packages(1)

To install them:

  • on Ubuntu, install python3.6 if it is not already installed, then:

    $ sudo apt-get install eukleides libxml2-utils gettext texlive-latex-base

    And for the yet missing LaTeX packages: you can either install the complete texlive distribution (takes some room on the hard disk): run $ sudo apt-get install texlive-full, or install only the necessary packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install texlive-luatex texlive-latex-recommended texlive-xetex texlive-pstricks texlive-font-utils texlive-latex-extra texlive-base texlive-science texlive-pictures texlive-generic-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
  • on FreeBSD(2):

    $ sudo pkg install python36 py36-sqlite3 gettext eukleides libxml2 texlive-full
    $ rehash


    As of 2018 (mathmaker version 0.7.3) it is necessary to install texlive directly using texlive instructions. Do not forget to setup the fonts for lualatex if you intend to use them (as described in the same link).


    Check how to fix eukleides install in the complete documentation

Once you’re done, you can proceed installing mathmaker:

$ pip3 install mathmaker

(this will automatically install some extra python3 libraries too: mathmakerlib, polib, ruamel.yaml, intspan and python-daemon).


Check how to fix install if it stops with an error in python-daemon install, in the complete documentation

Basic use

$ mathmaker pythagorean-theorem-short-test > out.tex
$ lualatex out.tex

or directly:

$ mathmaker pythagorean-theorem-short-test --pdf > out.pdf

Get the list of all provided sheets:

$ mathmaker list

Some settings

Check mathmaker --help to see which settings can be changed as command line arguments.

Some more settings can be overriden by user defined values in ~/.config/mathmaker/user_config.yaml. Read the complete documentation for more information.

Advanced use

It’s possible to create your own sheets in yaml. Read the complete documentation for more information.


You can contribute to mathmaker:

As a wordings contributor

Mathmaker needs contexts for problems wordings. There are already some, but the more there is, the better. Existing wordings can be found here. You can submit any new idea as an enhancement proposal there (should be written in english, french or german).

Any question can be sent to nh dot techn (hosted at gmail dot com).

As a translator

You can help translating mathmaker to your language (or any language you like, if you have enough elementary maths vocabulary for that).

If the translation to your language isn’t started yet, there are several pot files to get here (see explanations about their respective roles there). You can use an editor like poedit or any other you like better, to create po files from them and start to translate.

If you want to add missing translations, or to correct some, you can find the po files in the subdirectories here.

Once you’re done, you can make a pull request here.

Any question can be sent to nh dot techn (hosted at gmail dot com).

As a developer

Before submitting a PR, please ensure you’ve had a look at the writing rules.

More details can be found in the documentation for developers.

Any question can be sent to nh dot techn (hosted at gmail dot com).



  • Lead developer: Nicolas Hainaux
  • Developers: Vaibhav Gupta
  • Clever advices: Olivier Cecillon


  • French: Nicolas Hainaux

Problems wordings

Nicolas Hainaux

Patience and chocolate cakes

Sophie Reboud


New in version 0.7.3 (2018-01-15)

  • Add mental calculation sheets for fourth level (“yellow belt, 1st stripe”)

New in version 0.7.2 (2017-10-18)

  • Add mental calculation sheets for third level (“yellow belt”)
  • The mental calculation pdf may now be “interactive” (answers can be written in text fields, they can be validated pushing a button; this validation is done by some javascript)
  • The daemon now accepts an optional argument in the request (written right after sheet’s name, separated with a ‘|’. Only interactive is allowed, so far)

New in version 0.7.1-3 (2017-08-30)

  • Patch the daemon to let it accept the new YAML sheet names.
  • The output dir will always be in user’s home.
  • Fix several bugs.

New in version 0.7.1 (2017-08-29)

  • Support for python3.6 only, drop support for older python versions.
  • Mental calculation sheets can now be created as slideshows. Add a default slideshows series for white belt, 1st and 2d stripes.
  • Reorganization of mental calculation in belts: White belt, 1st stripe and 2d stripe have been added (including new sheets: addition/subtraction, fraction of a rectangle, complements)
  • New sheet: order of precedence in operations.
  • YAML files will be used to store sheets. The previous ways (XML and Python) will be dropped.
  • Huge reorganization of the lib/ source code.
  • Fair bunch of bug fixes.
  • Issue warnings instead of exceptions when the version of a dependency could not be determined. [0.7.1dev5 (2017-05-04)]
  • New sheets about trigonometry: [0.7.1dev4 (2017-05-03)]
    • vocabulary in the right triangle
    • write the correct formulae
    • calculate a length
    • calculate an angle
  • New sheets: [0.7.1dev3 (2016-10-21)]
    • intercept theorem: “butterfly” configuration
    • intercept theorem: converse
  • New sheets: [0.7.1dev2 (2016-10-13)]
    • expansion of simple brackets (declined in two versions)
    • clever multiplications (mental calculation)
    • intercept theorem: write the correct quotients’ equalities
    • intercept theorem: solve simple exercises
  • A new sheet (declined in two versions): expansion of double brackets. Defined in an xml sheet as for mental calculation sheets. [0.7.1dev1 (2016-09-14)]

New in version 0.7.0-6 (2016-08-19)

  • Added a setting to let the user change mathmaker’s path (to be used by the daemon)
  • Bugfix [0.7.0-5 (2016-08-19)]
  • If an IP address is passed as parameter to mathmaker’s daemon, it will return a 429 http status code (too many requests) if the last request from the same address is not older than 10 seconds. [0.7.0-4 (2016-08-19)]
  • Fixed the install of locale files and font listing file [0.7.0-3 (2016-07-18)]

New in version 0.7 (2016-07-15)

  • Standardized structure (mathmaker becomes pip3-installable, available on PyPI and github; its documentation is hosted on readthedocs; tests are made with py.test)
  • A daemon is added (mathmakerd) to provide communication with mathmaker through http connections.
  • A bunch of mental calculation sheets
  • The use of XML frameworks for the sheets (yet only for mental calculation, so far)


  1. Complete list of recommended LaTeX packages (list up-to-date for 0.7 release):
CTAN Package Name Package name (Ubuntu 14.04 )
fontspec texlive-latex-recommended
polyglossia texlive-xetex
geometry texlive-latex-base
graphicx texlive-pstricks
epstopdf texlive-font-utils
tikz texlive-latex-extra
amssymb texlive-base
amsmath texlive-latex-base
siunitx texlive-science
cancel texlive-pictures
array texlive-latex-base
ulem texlive-generic-recommended
textcomp texlive-latex-base
eurosym texlive-fonts-recommended
lxfonts texlive-fonts-extra
multicol texlive-latex-base
  1. Using pkg, you’ll have to install texlive-full; if you wish to install only the relevant LaTeX packages, you’ll have to browse the ports, I haven’t done this yet so cannot tell you exactly which ones are necessary.

Advanced features

User settings

The default settings are following:

    EUKTOEPS: euktoeps
    XMLLINT: xmllint
    LUALATEX: lualatex
    LUAOTFLOAD_TOOL: luaotfload-tool
    MSGFMT: msgfmt
    # OUTPUT_DIR *must* be relative (to user's home)
    OUTPUT_DIR: .mathmaker/outfiles/

    # Available values can be checked in the locale directory.
    # Values can be 'euro', 'sterling', 'dollar'
    CURRENCY: dollar


    # Double quotes around the template strings are mandatory.
    # {n} will be replaced by the successive numbering items (1, 2, 3... or
    # a, b, c... etc.)
    # nothing; bold; italics; underlined


Some explanations:

  • The PATHS: section is here to provide a mean to change the paths to euktoeps, lualatex and xmllint mainly. In case one of them is not reachable the way it is set in this section, you can change that easily.
  • The PATHS: section contains also an OUTPUT_DIR: entry. This is the directory where mathmaker will store the possible picture files (.euk and .eps). Change it at your liking, but as it must be a subdirectory of user’s own directory, it must be a relative path.
  • The entries under LOCALES: allow to change the language, encoding, and default currency used.
  • The LATEX: section contains an entry to set the font to use (be sure it is available on your system). The ROUND_LETTERS_IN_MATH_EXPR: entry is disabled by default (set to False). If you set it to True, a special font will be used in math expressions, that will turn all letters (especially the ‘x’) into a rounded version. This is actually the lxfonts LaTeX package. It doesn’t fit well with any font. Using “Ubuntu” as font and setting ROUND_LETTERS_IN_MATH_EXPR: to True gives a nice result though.
  • The entries under DOCUMENT: allow to change some values to format the output documents.

Your settings file must be ~/.config/mathmaker/user_config.yaml.

Command-line options

Several command-line options correspond to settings that are defined in ~/.config/mathmaker/user_config.yaml. Any option redefined in command-line options will override the setting from the configuration file.

Type mathmaker --help to get information on these command-line options.

http server (mathmakerd)

Once everything is installed, it’s possible to run a server to communicate with mathmaker through a web browser.

Run the server:

$ mathmakerd start

Then go to your web browser and as url, you can enter:<sheetname>

and replace <sheetname> by an available sheet’s name (from mathmaker list), for instance:

mathmaker will create the new sheet, compile it and return the pdf result to be displayed in the web browser.

At the moment, mathmakerd stop doesn’t work correctly, you’ll have to kill it directly (ps aux | grep mathmakerd then kill with the appropriate pid).

It’s possible to pass an IP address in an extra parameter named ip, like:

In this case, mathmakerd will check if the last request is older than 10 seconds (this is hardcoded, so far) and if not, then a http status 429 will be returned. In order to do that, mathmakerd uses a small database that it erases when the last request is older than one hour (also hardcoded, so far).

YAML sheets

As a directive to mathmaker it is possible to give a path to yaml file.

Creating a new yaml file that can be used as a model by mathmaker is more for advanced users, though it’s not that difficult.


Let’s have a look at mathmaker/data/frameworks/algebra/expand.yaml, where four sheets are defined:

simple: !!omap
  - title: "Algebra: expand simple brackets"
  - exercise: !!omap
    - details_level: medium
    - text_exc: "Expand and reduce the following expressions:"
    - questions: expand simple -> inttriplets_2to9 (5)

simple_detailed_solutions: !!omap
  - title: "Algebra: expand simple brackets"
  - exercise: !!omap
    - text_exc: "Expand and reduce the following expressions:"
    - questions: expand simple -> inttriplets_2to9 (5)

double: !!omap
  - title: "Algebra: expand and reduce double brackets"
  - exercise: !!omap
    - details_level: medium
    - text_exc: "Expand and reduce the following expressions:"
    - questions: expand double -> intpairs_2to9;;intpairs_2to9 (5)

double_detailed_solutions: !!omap
  - title: "Algebra: expand and reduce double brackets"
  - exercise: !!omap
    - text_exc: "Expand and reduce the following expressions:"
    - question: expand double -> intpairs_2to9;;intpairs_2to9 (5)

The four top-level keys are the sheets’ names. These names must not contain spaces (not supported).

A list of keys is defined below each sheet’s name. No one is mandatory. If you do not define the title, then the default value will be used (for titles, this is an empty string).

Sheet’s keys

Possible keys for sheets, at the moment, are:

  • preset allows to preset a number of other keys. Possible values: default, mental_calculation. Default is default. The mental_calculation value will remove the exercise’s titles and the exercises layout.
  • header, title, subtitle, text allow to customize the header, title, subtitle and text of the sheet. Default value is an empty string for each of them.
  • answers_title allows to customize the title for the answers’ sheet. It defaults to Answers.
  • layout contains the layout description of the sheet, if necessary (see below).
  • Any key starting with exercise will contain the list of questions of one exercise. It is not possible to use the same key several times (YAML forbids it), so if you want to define several exercises, say two, for instance, you’ll have to use exercise and exercise2, for instance (if you use numbers, it will have no effect on the order of exercises in the output).

Sheet’s layout


If a sheet contains no layout key (or if its value is left empty), then the default layout will be used (all exercises printed one after the other, unlike the 3×2 grid in the figure above).

The layout key can list a unit key, whose value will be used for columns widths (see below). unit defaults to cm.

The layout key can list a font_size_offset key, whose value is a relatively small integer allowing to change the font size (for instance, set it at +1 or +2 to enlarge all fonts, or -1 or -2 to reduce all fonts’ size)

So far, no spacing key is available for sheets’ layout, but the spacing between exercises can be set in the properties.

Finally, the layout key can list one wordings key and/or one answers key. They allow to define different settings for wordings and answers, but both work the same way.

The properties are defined as key=value pairs separated by commas (actually a comma and a space). For instance: rowxcol=?×2, print=3 3

  • rowxcol can contain none (default: no layout) or the number of rows and columns as a multiplication of two integers: r×c, for instance: 3×2. This would mean 3 rows and 2 columns, what would define 6 “cells”, like in the figure above. As a convenience, you can use a x instead of a ×, like this: 3x2.
  • colwidths is ignored if rowxcol contains none. If rowxcol contains a r×c definition, then colwidths defaults to auto: the width of all columns will be calculated automatically (all equal). Otherwise, you can set the values you like, separated by spaces, like: 4.5 4.5 9 what would make the two first columns 4.5 units wide and the last, 9 units wide (See unit key description above). Note that there must be as many values as the number of columns defined in the "r×c" definition.
  • print is the number of exercises to print, either one after the other, or per “cell”. It defaults to auto. If rowxcol contains none, then print can either be a natural number (how many exercises/questions to print), or auto, and then all exercises (left) will be printed, without distributing them among columns. If rowxcol contains a r×c definition, then an auto value would mean that each “cell” will contain one question. Otherwise, you can tell how many questions you want in each cell, row after row, as integers separated by spaces, like: 2 1 1 3 1 1 what would put (with rowxcol=2×3) 2 questions (or exercises) in the first cell, then 1 question in each other cell of the first row, then 3 questions in the first cell of the second row, and 1 question in each cell left. There must be as many numbers as cells. As a convenience, you can add a . or a / to separate the rows, like: 2 1 1 / 3 1 1 (These two signs will simply be ignored). Each row must contain as many numbers as defined in the r×c definition. If the number of rows is left undefined (?) then only the first row has to be defined (extra rows will be ignored) as a pattern for all rows (the default still being auto, i.e. 1 question per cell).
  • newpage can be turned to true in order to insert a jump to next page.

Examples of sheet’s layouts:

Say you have 4 exercises and you want to put the answers of the two first ones in 2 two columns, and then print the left ones one after another:

  answers: rowxcol=1×2, print=1 1,

ex 1 ex 2

ex 3

ex 4


YAML allows to write the same string (“scalar”) on several lines. This is practical for readability. In the example above, we could have written rowxcol=1×2, print=1 1, print=2 all on the same line.

If you have 3 exercises and you want to print 2 answers on a first page, then jump to next page and print the answer of the third one, then your sheet’s layout may be:

  answers: print=2,

The !!omap label

The sheets’ names keys as well as the exercise keys are labeled !!omap. This is required in order to ensure the order of the created sheets will be the same as the one defined in the sheet. Forgetting these labels won’t prevent mathmaker from running, but the final order may be changed (what does not mean it will be randomly reorganized at each run). In this example, this wouldn’t have any consequence as there’s only one exercise key in each sheet and only one question key in each exercise.

Exercise’s keys

Possible keys for sheets, at the moment, are:

  • preset (same as for sheets)
  • layout_variant can be default, tabular or slideshow.
  • layout_unit defaults to cm.
  • shuffle can be true or false. It defaults to false, except for mental_calculation preset. If set to true, then the questions will be shuffled.
  • details_level can be maximum (default), medium or none (default for mental_calculation preset). Some types of questions can be configured to output the answer with different levels of details.
  • q_numbering defines the numbering of the questions of the exercise. It can be default, alphabet, alphabetical, numeric or disabled. The three first values are synonyms.
  • start_number defines the first number, when numbering the questions. Must be an integer greater or equal to 1.
  • spacing defines the spacing between two consecutive exercises. It defaults to '' (i.e. nothing). Otherwise, you can set it at newline, newline_twice, or a value that will be inserted in a LaTeX addvspace{} command, for instance spacing=40.0pt will result in a addvspace{40.0pt} inserted at the end of each exercise. spacing can be overriden in the layout key (in either or both wordings and answers keys) of the exercise, in order to set different spacings for the wordings and the answers.
  • newpage can be turned to true in order to insert a jump to next page.
  • q_spacing can be used to set a default value for the spacing between two consecutive questions.
  • text_exc and text_ans allow to customize the wording of the exercise and of its answer. text_exc defaults to nothing (empty string). text_ans defaults to "Example of detailed solutions:" with default preset, but also to an empty string with mental_calculation preset.
  • The question and mix keys allow to define the exercise’s questions. As YAML does not allow to use the same key, if you want to define several question keys, nor several mix keys, you’ll have to use the same trick for them as for the exercise key: question1, question2 etc. or mix1, mix2, etc. See below the paragraphs about question and mix.

Exercise’s layout

It works the same way as a Sheet’s layout, with some differences:

  • In rowxcol, the first number can be replaced by a ?. In that case, the number of rows will be automatically calculated, depending on the number of questions and the number of columns.

Examples of exercise’s layouts:

  wordings: rowxcol=4×3
  answers: rowxcol=4×3

will basically distribute the questions in 4 rows of 3 columns. Same for wordings and for answers.

  wordings: rowxcol=?×3, colwidths=5 5 8, print=1 1 2

will distribute, only for wordings, the questions in 3 columns of widths 5 cm, 5 cm and 8 cm. There will be 1 question in the left cell of each row, 1 question in the middle cell of each row and 2 questions in the right cell of each row.

If you have 6 expressions, say A, B, C, D, E and F to distribute:

  wordings: rowxcol=?×2

will distribute the questions in 2 columns of 3 rows, 1 question per row, i.e.:

A = …. B = ….

C = …. D = ….

E = …. F = ….


  wordings: rowxcol=?×2,  print=3 / 3

will distribute the questions in 2 columns of 1 row, 3 questions per row, i.e.:

A = …. D = ….

B = …. E = ….

C = …. F = ….

The question key

Example of a simple question:

question: expand simple -> inttriplets_2to9 (5)

This question says: “I want 5 questions about expand a simple braces expression, the numbers being integers between 2 and 9”.

It is actually divided in two parts, separated by this arrow ->. The first part concerns the kind of question and possibly its specific attributes, the second part concerns the numbers’ source to be used to create the question.

The question’s id and attributes

The left part of the scalar (string) matching a question key must start with two parts (words or several_words) separated by a space. This is the id of the question. Possible extra attributes can follow it, separated by commas (actually a comma and a space). Each extra attribute will be written as a pair key=value.

For instance:

question: calculation order_of_operations, subvariant=only_positive, spacing=15.0pt -> singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=5 (1)

In this example, a question of kind “calculation order_of_operations” will be created, with only positive numbers, spaced of 15.0pt.

The question’s nb and its attributes

The right part (after ->) starts with the name of the numbers’ source (intpairs_*to*, singleint_*to* etc. see the already existing questions to know what to use, so far there’s no doc about them. Some questions require multiple sources, like the one in the example above, they’re written in row, joined by ;;). It may be followed by attributes, just like the left part, and must end with an integer between braces, what is the number of questions to create with this numbers’ source.

The example above will create 1 question, variant number 5, and use the sources singleint_5to20 and intpairs_2to9.

Note that you can put several different numbers’ sources inside one question. For instance:

questions: calculation order_of_operations, subvariant=only_positive, spacing=15.0pt -> singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=5 (1)
                                                                                     -> singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=7 (1)


questions: expand simple -> inttriplets_2to9 (3)
                         -> inttriplets_5to15 (3)

This means there will be six questions, all being of “expand simple” kind, but the three first ones will use integers between 2 and 9; and the three last ones will use integers between 5 and 15.

The mix key

“Mixes” are primarily meant to allow to distribute numbers’ sources randomly on several questions types. This will only work if all numbers’ sources match all the questions of the same mix.

They can also be used to control the randomness of questions in an exercise. For instance, you want that the 3 first questions of an exercise are in random order, and then the 3 next ones too, but not all the 6 questions in random order. Then you can set two mix keys, say mix1 and mix2 and put 3 questions inside each mix.

The questions and numbers’ sources inside mix are not displayed as in simple question, but under different keys, the ones starting by question, the others by nb.

- mix0:
  - question: calculation order_of_operations, subvariant=only_positive, pick=4, nb_variant=decimal1, spacing=15.0pt
  - nb: singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=0, required=true (1)
        singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=1,3,5,7, required=true (1)
        singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=2,3,6,7, required=true (1)
        singleint_5to20;;intpairs_2to9, variant=0-7, required=true (1)
- mix1:
  - question: calculation order_of_operations, subvariant=only_positive, pick=6, nb_variant=decimal1, spacing=15.0pt
  - nb: singleint_3to12;;intpairs_2to9, variant=8-23, required=true (2)
        singleint_3to12;;intpairs_2to9, variant=116-155, required=true (1)
        singleint_3to12;;intpairs_2to9, variant=156-187, required=true (1)
        singleint_3to12;;intpairs_2to9, variant=8-23,100-187 (2)


Inside a mix, the <question>’s pick attribute tells how many times to create such a question. If unspecified, default value is 1. This attribute has no effect outside mix keys.

The rules to follow in a mix list are:

  • Any numbers’ source must be assignable to any of the questions of the section.
  • Put at least as many numbers’ sources as there are questions.

If you put more number’s sources as there are questions, the extraneous ones will be ignored. This is useful when there are a lot of possibilities to pick from and you want to define special features to each of them, if chosen (like different number sources depending on variant or subvariant).

If among the sources you want to ensure there will be at least one of a certain type, you can set the required attribute of nb to true.

Also, note that the question’s variant can be redefined as nb’s attribute (it overrides the one defined in question, if any).


Now the question is: how to know about the questions kinds and subkinds, and the possible contexts, variants or whatever other attributes? Well it is planned to add an easy way to know that (like a special directive) but there’s nothing yet. The better, so far, may be to look at the provided sheets in mathmaker/data/frameworks/ and see what’s in there.

Install notes

eukleides install fix for FreeBSD

eukleides currently does not work out of the box. The pkg-installed version has a functional euktoeps script, it is required, so keep it somewhere. Then do pkg remove eukleides and re-install it from source:

  • get the 1.5.4 source from http://www.eukleides.org/, for instance wget http://www.eukleides.org/files/eukleides-1.5.4.tar.bz2

  • then tar xvzf eukleides-1.5.4.tar.bz2

  • then possibly modify the prefix for install in the Config file, at your liking

  • remove the making of documentation and manpages from the install target in the Makefile (they cause errors)

  • install the required dependencies to compile eukleides: pkg install bison flex gmake gcc

  • do gmake and then gmake install. This will provide functional binaries.

  • replace the euktoeps script by the one you did get from the pkg installed version.

  • if necessary (if lualatex complains about not finding eukleides.sty), reinstall eukleides.sty and eukleides.tex correctly:

    # mkdir /usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eukleides
    # cp /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/eukleides/eukleides.* /usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eukleides/
    # mktexlsr

python-daemon error at install

You might get an error before the end of mathmaker’s installation:

error: The 'python-daemon>=2.1.1' distribution was not found and is required by mathmaker


File "/home/nico/dev/mathmaker/venv/test071_bis/lib/python3.6/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py", line 250, in finalize_options
  'dist_version': self.distribution.get_version(),
File "/tmp/easy_install-myl7eaei/python-daemon-2.1.2/version.py", line 656, in get_version
File "/tmp/easy_install-myl7eaei/python-daemon-2.1.2/version.py", line 651, in get_version_info
File "/tmp/easy_install-myl7eaei/python-daemon-2.1.2/version.py", line 552, in get_changelog_path
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/posixpath.py", line 154, in dirname
  p = os.fspath(p)
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

Fix it this way:

# pip3 install python-daemon --upgrade

And finish the install:

# pip3 install mathmaker