Source code for mathmaker.lib.document.frames.sheet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets
# with their answers
# Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <>

# This file is part of Mathmaker.

# Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.

# Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import copy
import random
import warnings

from mathmakerlib.LaTeX import KNOWN_AMSMATH_SYMBOLS

from mathmaker.lib import shared
from mathmaker.lib.constants import SLIDE_CONTENT_SEP
from import rotate
from import load_sheet, read_layout
from import build_exercises_list
from mathmaker.lib.document.frames import Exercise

DEFAULT_SHEET_LAYOUT = {'type': 'default', 'unit': 'cm',
                        'font_size_offset': '0',
                        'wordings': '', 'answers': ''}

[docs]class Sheet(object): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param **options Any options # @return One instance of sheet.Generic def __init__(self, theme, subtheme, sheet_name, **options): from import get_sheet_config from import get_exercises_list # from import load_sheet filename = options.get('filename', None) self.preset = 'default' # default presets presets = {'default': {'write_ex_titles': True, 'header': '', 'title': '', 'subtitle': '', 'text': '', 'answers_title': _('Answers')}, 'mental calculation': {'write_ex_titles': False, 'header': '', 'title': '', 'subtitle': '', 'text': '', 'answers_title': _('Answers')}, 'mental calculation slideshow': {'write_ex_titles': False, 'header': '', 'title': _('Ready,{sep}Steady,{sep}Go!') .format(sep=SLIDE_CONTENT_SEP), 'subtitle': '', 'text': '', 'answers_title': _('Answers!')}} if filename is None: data = load_sheet(theme, subtheme, sheet_name) self.preset = data.get('preset', 'default') shared.enable_js_form = (options.get('enable_js_form', False) and self.preset == 'mental calculation') header = data.get('header', presets[self.preset]['header']) title = data.get('title', presets[self.preset]['title']) subtitle = data.get('subtitle', presets[self.preset]['subtitle']) text = data.get('text', presets[self.preset]['text']) answers_title = data.get('answers_title', presets[self.preset]['answers_title']) layout_data = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_SHEET_LAYOUT) if self.preset == 'mental calculation': layout_data['font_size_offset'] = '-1' loaded_layout_data = data.get('layout', layout_data) if self.preset == 'mental calculation slideshow': layout_data['type'] = 'slideshow' if not isinstance(loaded_layout_data, list): loaded_layout_data = [loaded_layout_data] for d in loaded_layout_data: layout_data.update(d) self.layout_type = layout_data['type'] if (self.preset == 'mental calculation slideshow' and self.layout_type != 'slideshow'): self.layout_type = 'slideshow' warnings.warn('For mental calculation slideshows, the ' 'layout type cannot be redefined to another ' 'value than \'slideshow\'.') self.sheet_layout_unit = layout_data['unit'] font_size_offset = layout_data['font_size_offset'] sheet_layout = read_layout(layout_data) try: font_size_offset = int(font_size_offset) except ValueError: raise ValueError('YAML file format error: expected an integer' 'as font_size_offset value, got {} instead.' .format(str(type(font_size_offset)))) else: (header, title, subtitle, text, answers_title, self.layout_type, font_size_offset, self.sheet_layout_unit, sheet_layout, self.preset) = get_sheet_config(filename) self.write_ex_titles = presets[self.preset].get('write_ex_titles') self.exercises_list = list() shared.machine.set_font_size_offset(font_size_offset) self.write_texts_twice = False if 'write_texts_twice' in options and options['write_texts_twice']: self.write_texts_twice = True # Some tests on sheet_layout before using it ; # but it's a bit complicated to write a complete set of tests on it ; # e.g. if the user doesn't use the same number of exercises in the # 'exc' key as in 'ans' key (which would be stupid) this # won't be checked here and so it won't work. if type(sheet_layout) != dict: raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(type(sheet_layout))) + ' instead of a dict') # if len(sheet_layout) != 4: # raise ValueError('SHEET_LAYOUT should have four keys but ' # 'it has ' + str(len(sheet_layout)) + ' keys') for k in ['exc', 'ans']: if k not in sheet_layout: raise ValueError('SHEET_LAYOUT should have a key ' + k + ' but it has no such key') if type(sheet_layout[k]) != list: raise ValueError('SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '] should be' + ' a list, but it is ' + str(type(sheet_layout[k]))) if len(sheet_layout[k]) % 2: raise ValueError('SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '] should have' + ' an even number of elements but it has ' + str(len(sheet_layout[k])) + ' elements') for i in range(int(len(sheet_layout[k]) // 2)): if (not (sheet_layout[k][2 * i] is None or type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i]) == list or sheet_layout[k][2 * i] == 'jump')): # __ raise ValueError('SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i) + '] should be ' 'either a list ' 'or None or "jump", but it is a ' + str(type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i]))) elif sheet_layout[k][2 * i] is None: if (not (type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1]) == int or sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1] in ['all', 'all_left', 'jump'])): # __ raise ValueError( 'SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i + 1) + '] should be an ' + 'int since it follows the None' + 'keyword, but it is ' + str(type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1]))) elif sheet_layout[k][2 * i] == 'jump': if not sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1] == 'next_page': raise ValueError( 'SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i + 1) + '] should be: ' + 'next_page since it follows ' + 'the jump keyword, but it is ' + str(type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1]))) elif type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i]) == list: if not type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1]) == tuple: raise ValueError( 'SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i + 1) + '] should be a tuple, ' 'but it is ' + str(type(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1]))) if (not len(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1]) == (len(sheet_layout[k][2 * i]) - 1) * sheet_layout[k][2 * i][0]): # __ raise ValueError( 'SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i + 1) + '] should have ' + ' as many elements as the ' + 'number of cols described in ' + 'SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i) + '], but found ' + str(len(sheet_layout[k][2 * i + 1])) + ' instead of ' + str(len(sheet_layout[k][2 * i]) - 1)) else: raise ValueError( 'SHEET_LAYOUT[' + k + '][' + str(2 * i) + '] is not of any ' + ' of the expected types or ' + 'values, it is instead: ' + str(len(sheet_layout[k][2 * i]))) self.sheet_layout = sheet_layout self.header = _(header) if header != "" else "" self.title = _(title) if title != "" else "" self.subtitle = _(subtitle) if subtitle != "" else "" self.text = _(text) if text != "" else "" self.answers_title = _(answers_title) if answers_title != "" else "" self.shift = options.get('shift', False) if filename is None: for e_data in build_exercises_list(data): if self.preset != 'default' and 'preset' not in e_data: if self.preset == 'mental calculation slideshow': e_preset = 'mental calculation' else: e_preset = self.preset e_data.update({'preset': e_preset}) if self.preset == 'mental calculation slideshow': e_data.update({'layout_variant': 'slideshow'}) exc = Exercise(data=e_data) self.exercises_list.append(exc) if self.shift: excbis = copy.deepcopy(exc) offset = random.choice([i - 9 for i in range(19) if abs(i - 9) >= 5]) excbis.questions_list = rotate(excbis.questions_list, offset) self.exercises_list.append(excbis) else: for ex in get_exercises_list(filename): ex_kwargs = ex[2] if self.preset != 'default': ex_kwargs.update({'preset': self.preset}) self.exercises_list.append(Exercise(q_list=ex[0], x_layout=ex[1][1], x_config=ex[1][0], **ex_kwargs)) # @brief Writes the whole sheet's content to the output. def __str__(self): result = '' if self.layout_type in ['default', 'equations', 'slideshow']: result += shared.machine.write_document_begins( variant=self.layout_type) result += self.sheet_header_to_str() result += self.sheet_title_to_str(variant=self.layout_type) result += self.sheet_text_to_str() result += self.texts_to_str('exc', 0) if self.layout_type != 'slideshow': result += shared.machine.write_jump_to_next_page() result += self.answers_title_to_str( variant=self.layout_type) result += self.texts_to_str('ans', 0) result += shared.machine.write_document_ends() pkg = [] if any([s in result for s in KNOWN_AMSSYMB_SYMBOLS]): pkg.append('amssymb') if any([s in result for s in KNOWN_AMSMATH_SYMBOLS]): pkg.append('amsmath') if any([s in result for s in KNOWN_TEXTCOMP_SYMBOLS]): pkg.append('textcomp') result = shared.machine.write_preamble(variant=self.layout_type, required_pkg=pkg)\ + result return result # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Return as str exercises' or answers'texts
[docs] def texts_to_str(self, ex_or_answers, n_of_first_ex): M = shared.machine result = '' if self.layout_type == 'slideshow': result += self.exercises_list[0].to_str(ex_or_answers) return result result += M.reset_exercises_counter() result += M.write_set_font_size_to('large') layout = self.sheet_layout[ex_or_answers] ex_n = n_of_first_ex for k in range(int(len(layout) // 2)): if layout[2 * k] is None: how_many = layout[2 * k + 1] if layout[2 * k + 1] in ['all_left', 'all']: how_many = len(self.exercises_list) - ex_n if (self.layout_type in ['short_test', 'mini_test'] and ex_n < len(self.exercises_list) // 2): # __ how_many = len(self.exercises_list) // 2 - ex_n # elif self.layout_type == 'mini_test': # if ex_n < len(self.exercises_list) / 4: # how_many = len(self.exercises_list) / 4 - ex_n # elif ex_n < len(self.exercises_list) / 2: # how_many = len(self.exercises_list) / 2 - ex_n # elif ex_n < 3*len(self.exercises_list) / 4: # how_many = 3*len(self.exercises_list) / 4 - ex_n for i in range(how_many): if self.shift and i != 0: result += shared.machine.write_jump_to_next_page() if ex_or_answers == 'exc': result += self.sheet_title_to_str( variant=self.layout_type) else: result += self.answers_title_to_str() result += \ shared.machine.write_set_font_size_to( 'large') if self.write_ex_titles: result += M.write_exercise_number() result += self.exercises_list[ex_n].to_str(ex_or_answers) if (self.layout_type == 'default' and ex_or_answers == 'ans'): if i < how_many - 1: result += M.addvspace(height='29.0pt') else: vspace = '' if len(result) <= 25 else result[-25:] newpage = '' if len(result) <= 9 else result[-9:] result += M.write_new_line(check=result[-2:], check2=vspace, check3=newpage) # if not (ex_or_answers == 'ans' \ # and self.layout_type == 'equations'): # __ # result += M.write_new_line() ex_n += 1 elif layout[2 * k] == 'jump' and layout[2 * k + 1] == 'next_page': result += M.write_jump_to_next_page() else: nb_of_lines = layout[2 * k][0] nb_of_cols = len(layout[2 * k]) - 1 col_widths = layout[2 * k][1:] content = [] for i in range(nb_of_lines): for j in range(nb_of_cols): nb_of_ex_in_this_cell = \ layout[2 * k + 1][i * nb_of_cols + j] cell_content = "" for n in range(nb_of_ex_in_this_cell): if self.write_ex_titles: cell_content += M.write_exercise_number() cell_content += \ self.exercises_list[ex_n].to_str(ex_or_answers) ex_n += 1 content += [cell_content] result += M.write_layout((nb_of_lines, nb_of_cols), col_widths, content, unit=self.sheet_layout_unit) if ex_n < len(self.exercises_list): result += M.write_new_line() return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Writes to the output the header of the sheet to be generated # This header is written in a large size. A new line follow it. # It's useful to write headers for test sheets, for example.
[docs] def sheet_header_to_str(self): result = "" if self.header != "": result += shared.machine.write_set_font_size_to('large') result += self.header result += shared.machine.write_new_line() return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Writes to the output the title of the sheet to be generated
[docs] def sheet_title_to_str(self, variant='default'): result = '' if variant == 'slideshow' and self.title != '': result += shared.machine.write_frame(self.title, uncovered=True, duration=0.75) else: result += shared.machine.write_set_font_size_to('large') if shared.enable_js_form: result += r'\begin{Form}' + '\n' result += shared.machine.write(self.title, emphasize='bold') if shared.enable_js_form: result += r"""\hfill \TextField[name=mark,width=3cm,height=0.2cm,value=Score :, format={var f = this.getField('mark'); f.strokeColor = ['T']; f.fillColor = ['T']; f.textFont = 'Ubuntu'}, width=10em]{}""" if self.subtitle != '': result += shared.machine.write_new_line() result += shared.machine.write_set_font_size_to('normal') result += shared.machine.write(self.subtitle, emphasize='bold') result += shared.machine.write_new_line_twice() return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Writes to the output the sheet's text
[docs] def sheet_text_to_str(self): result = "" if self.text != "": result += shared.machine.write(self.text) result += shared.machine.write_new_line_twice() return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Writes to the output title of the answers' sheet to be generated
[docs] def answers_title_to_str(self, variant='default'): result = '' if variant == 'slideshow' and self.answers_title != '': result += shared.machine.write_frame(self.answers_title) else: result += shared.machine.write_set_font_size_to('Large') result += shared.machine.write(self.answers_title, emphasize='bold') result += shared.machine.write_new_line_twice() return result