Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets
# with their answers
# Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <>

# This file is part of Mathmaker.

# Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.

# Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import os
import errno
import subprocess
import copy
import logging
import random
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML_PARSER

from mathmaker import settings
from mathmaker.lib.constants import BOOLEAN, DEFAULT_LAYOUT
from import parse_layout_descriptor
from import _match_qid_sourcenb, parse_qid

# So far, quite useless features, so disabled on august 8th, 2017
# SWAPPABLE_QKINDS_QSUBKINDS = {("rectangle", "area"),
#                               ("rectangle", "perimeter"),
#                               ("square", "area"),
#                               ("square", "perimeter")}
#     ('divi', 'direct', 'area_width_length_rectangle'):
#     ('rectangle', 'length_or_width', 'from_area')}

[docs]def get_xml_schema_path(): return settings.frameworksdir + 'sheet.xsd'
[docs]def get_xml_sheets_paths(): """ Returns all paths to default xml frameworks. They are returned as a dictionary like: {id: path_to_matching_file.xml, ...} the id being the filename without its extension. :rtype: dict """ # We assume all files are to be found as: # frameworks/theme_name/subtheme_name/filename.xml files = [settings.frameworksdir + d + '/' + sd + '/' + f for d in next(os.walk(settings.frameworksdir))[1] for sd in next(os.walk(settings.frameworksdir + d))[1] for f in next(os.walk(settings.frameworksdir + d + '/' + sd))[2]] return {os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]: f for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.xml'}
def _read_layout(node, config, layout): config.update(node.attrib) keep_default_w, keep_default_a = True, True spacing = {'spacing_w': 'undefined', 'spacing_a': 'undefined'} for part in node: s = part.attrib.get('spacing', 'undefined') if s != 'jump to next page': if part.tag == 'wordings': spacing['spacing_w'] = s if part.tag == 'answers': spacing['spacing_a'] = s # part is either wordings or answers rowxcol = part.attrib.get('rowxcol', 'none') distri = part.attrib.get('print', 'auto') if rowxcol == 'none': if distri == 'auto': distri = 'all' else: try: distri = int(distri) except ValueError: raise ValueError('XMLFileFormatError: a print ' 'attribute cannot be turned into int.') if not (s == 'jump to next page' and 'rowxcol' not in part.attrib and 'print' not in part.attrib): if part.tag == 'wordings': if keep_default_w: layout['exc'] = [None, distri] keep_default_w = False else: layout['exc'] += [None, distri] else: if keep_default_a: layout['ans'] = [None, distri] keep_default_a = False else: layout['ans'] += [None, distri] else: nrow, ncol = parse_layout_descriptor(rowxcol, sep=['×', 'x'], special_row_chars=['?']) colwidths = part.attrib.get('colwidths', 'auto') if colwidths == 'auto': colwidths = [int(18 // ncol) for _ in range(ncol)] else: colwidths = [int(n) for n in colwidths.split(sep=' ')] if not len(colwidths) == ncol: raise ValueError( 'XMLFileFormatError: in a <layout>, the number of' 'columns ' 'widths does not match the number of cols in ' 'the rowxcol attribute.') if part.tag == 'wordings': if keep_default_w: layout['exc'] = [[nrow, ] + colwidths] keep_default_w = False else: layout['exc'].append([nrow, ] + colwidths) else: if keep_default_a: layout['ans'] = [[nrow, ] + colwidths] keep_default_a = False else: layout['ans'].append([nrow, ] + colwidths) if distri == 'auto': distri = ' '.join(['1' for i in range(ncol * nrow)]) distri = distri.replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ') distri = tuple(int(n) for n in distri.split()) if part.tag == 'wordings': layout['exc'].append(distri) else: layout['ans'].append(distri) if s == 'jump to next page': if part.tag == 'wordings': if keep_default_w: layout['exc'] = ['jump', 'next_page'] keep_default_w = False else: layout['exc'] += ['jump', 'next_page'] if part.tag == 'answers': if keep_default_a: layout['ans'] = ['jump', 'next_page'] keep_default_a = False else: layout['ans'] += ['jump', 'next_page'] config.update(spacing) return config, layout def _get_layout_from(node, default_config=None): default_layout = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_LAYOUT) config = default_config for child in node: if child.tag == 'layout': return _read_layout(child, config, default_layout) return config, default_layout
[docs]def get_sheet_config(file_name): """ Retrieves the sheet configuration values from *file_name*. :param file_name: The XML file name. :type file_name: str :rtype: tuple """ # Validation of the xml file # xmllint --noout --schema sheet.xsd file_name with open(get_xml_schema_path(), 'r'): call_xmllint = subprocess.Popen([settings.xmllint, "--noout", "--schema", get_xml_schema_path(), file_name], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) returncode = call_xmllint.wait() if returncode != 0: raise ValueError( '\nXMLFileFormatError: xmllint exited with a return code ' 'of ' + str(returncode) + '\n' 'xmllint error message is:\n' '' + str('UTF-8'))) xml_doc = XML_PARSER.parse(file_name).getroot() config, sheet_layout = \ _get_layout_from(xml_doc, default_config={'type': 'default', 'unit': 'cm', 'font_size_offset': '0'}) return (xml_doc.attrib["header"], xml_doc.attrib["title"], xml_doc.attrib["subtitle"], xml_doc.attrib["text"], xml_doc.attrib["answers_title"], config["type"], int(config["font_size_offset"]), config["unit"], sheet_layout, xml_doc.attrib.get('preset', 'default') )
[docs]def check_q_consistency(q_attrib, sources): """ (Unfinished) Check the consistency of question's kind, subkind and source. """ q_kind_subkind = '_'.join(parse_qid(q_attrib['id'])) if (q_kind_subkind == 'intercept_theorem_triangle' and sources[0].startswith('ext_proportionality_quadruplet')): # __ mini, maxi = sources[0].split(sep='_')[3].split(sep='to') if int(mini) < 11: raise ValueError('XMLFileFormatError: for intercept_theorem' '_triangle questions, the minimum number ' 'should be 11. Here it is only {}.' .format(mini)) if int(maxi) - int(mini) < 19: raise ValueError('XMLFileFormatError: for intercept_theorem' '_triangle questions, the range between ' 'minimum and maximum should be at ' 'least 19. Here it is only {}.' .format(str(int(maxi) - int(mini)))) if (q_kind_subkind == 'intercept_theorem_triangle_formula' and not sources[0] == 'nothing'): # __ raise ValueError('XMLFileFormatError: for intercept_theorem' '_triangle_formula questions, the only possible ' 'source is \'nothing\'. \'{}\' is not correct.' .format(sources[0]))
def _get_q_list_from(exercise_node): """ Retrieves the exercise kind and the questions from one exercise section. :param exercise_node: The XML node of the exercise. :type exercise_node: :rtype: tuple """ questions = [] # For instance we will get a list of this kind of elements: # [{'id': 'multi direct', 'nb': 'int'}, ['table_2_9'], 4] # [{'id': 'expand_and_reduce double_expansion'}, # ['table_2_9'], # 4] for child in exercise_node: if child.tag == 'question': # Useless features, so far, hence disabled on august 8th, 2017 # If this would be to re-enable, take care attrib has no kind and # subkind attributes any more. # if ((child.attrib['kind'], child.attrib['subkind']) # in SWAPPABLE_QKINDS_QSUBKINDS): # (child.attrib['kind'], child.attrib['subkind'])\ # = (child.attrib['subkind'], child.attrib['kind']) # # if 'context' in child.attrib: # if ((child.attrib['kind'], # child.attrib['subkind'], # child.attrib['context']) # in KINDS_SUBKINDS_CONTEXTS_TO_TRANSLATE): # (child.attrib['kind'], # child.attrib['subkind'], # child.attrib['context']) = \ # KINDS_SUBKINDS_CONTEXTS_TO_TRANSLATE[ # (child.attrib['kind'], # child.attrib['subkind'], # child.attrib['context'])] for elt in child: o = copy.deepcopy(child.attrib) o.update(elt.attrib) sources = elt.attrib['source'].split(sep=';;') check_q_consistency(o, sources) questions += [[o, sources, int(elt.text)]] elif child.tag == 'mix': q_temp_list = [] n_temp_list = [] mix_questions = [] for elt in child: if elt.tag == 'question': pick = int(elt.attrib.pop('pick', 1)) q_temp_list += [elt.attrib for i in range(pick)] elif elt.tag == 'nb': # We don't check that 'source' is in elt.attrib, # this should have been checked by the xml schema, # nor we don't check if the source tag is valid. # This would be best done by the xml schema # (requires to use xsd1.1 but lxml validates only # xsd1.0). So far, it is done partially and later, # in lib/ (the tag functions) # So far it's not possible to mix questions # requiring several sources with other questions # yet multiple sources questions can be mixed together # if they are the same type. n_temp_list += [[[elt.attrib['source']], elt.attrib, 1] for i in range(int(elt.text))] else: raise ValueError( 'XMLFileFormatError: unknown element found in ' 'the xml file: ' + elt.tag) if len(q_temp_list) > len(n_temp_list): raise ValueError( 'XMLFileFormatError: incorrect mix section: the number ' 'of sources of numbers (' + str(len(n_temp_list)) + ') ' 'must be at least equal to the number of questions ' '(' + str(len(q_temp_list)) + ').') # So far, we only check if all of the numbers' sources # may be attributed to any of the questions, in order # to just distribute them all randomly. for n in n_temp_list: for q in q_temp_list: v = n[1].get('variant', q.get('variant', '')) if (not _match_qid_sourcenb(q['id'].replace(' ', '_'), n[0], v)): # __ raise ValueError( 'XMLFileFormatError: this source: ' + str(n[0]) + ' cannot ' 'be attributed to this question:' ' ' + str(q['id'].replace(' ', '_'))) random.shuffle(q_temp_list) if any(BOOLEAN[n[1].get('required', 'false')]() for n in n_temp_list): required_n_temp_list = [n for n in n_temp_list if BOOLEAN[n[1].get('required', 'false')]()] rest_n_temp_list = [n for n in n_temp_list if not BOOLEAN[n[1].get('required', 'false')]()] random.shuffle(required_n_temp_list) random.shuffle(rest_n_temp_list) n_temp_list = required_n_temp_list + rest_n_temp_list else: random.shuffle(n_temp_list) for (q, n) in zip(q_temp_list, n_temp_list): merged_q = copy.deepcopy(q) merged_q.update(n[1]) mix_questions += [[merged_q, n[0], 1]] random.shuffle(mix_questions) questions += mix_questions return questions
[docs]def get_exercises_list(file_name): """ Retrieves the exercises' list from *file_name*. :param file_name: The XML file name. :type file_name: str :rtype: list """ mainlogger = logging.getLogger("__main__") try: xml_doc = XML_PARSER.parse(file_name).getroot() except FileNotFoundError: mainlogger.error('FileNotFoundError: ' + file_name) raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), str(file_name)) exercises_list = [] for child in xml_doc: if child.tag == 'exercise': exercises_list += [(_get_q_list_from(child), _get_layout_from(child, default_config={}), child.attrib, )] return exercises_list