Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets
# with their answers
# Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <>

# This file is part of Mathmaker.

# Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.

# Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import re
import copy
import json
import random
import warnings
from decimal import Decimal

from intspan import intspan
from mathmakerlib.calculus import is_integer, is_number, Number, Fraction

from mathmaker import settings
from mathmaker.lib import shared
from mathmaker.lib.constants.numeration import DIGITSPLACES
from mathmaker.lib.constants.numeration import DIGITSPLACES_CONFUSING
from import lined_up
from import coprime_generator, generate_decimal

FETCH_TABLE_NAME = re.compile(r'CREATE TABLE (\w+)')
FETCH_TABLE_COLS = re.compile(r', (\w\w+)|\n[ ]+(\w\w+)|\((\w\w+)')

[docs]def parse_sql_creation_query(qr): """Retrieve table's name and columns' names from sql query.""" return (FETCH_TABLE_NAME.findall(qr)[0], [elt for t in FETCH_TABLE_COLS.findall(qr) for elt in t if elt != ''])
[docs]class source(object): ## # @brief Initializer # @param table_name The name of the table in the database # @param cols The name of the cols used to return values. The # first one will be used to _timestamp the retrieved # data and won't be returned. If only one value is # returned it is unpacked from the tuple containing # it. def __init__(self, table_name, cols, **kwargs): self.table_name = table_name self.allcols = cols self.idcol = cols[0] self.valcols = cols[1:] self.language = kwargs.get('language', '') self.db = kwargs.get('db', shared.db) def _unlock(self): """Reset locked column of current table.""" log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db_lock') log.debug('UNLOCK table: {}\n'.format(self.table_name)) self.db.execute("UPDATE {} SET locked = 0;".format(self.table_name)) def _twothirds_reset(self): """Will reset only two thirds of the already timestamped entries.""" log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db') n = tuple(self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) from {} ' 'WHERE drawDate != 0;' .format(self.table_name)))[0][0] lim = Number(Number('0.67') * Number(n)).rounded(Decimal('1')) log.debug(' 2/3 RESET: {}/{}\n'.format(lim, n)) self.db.execute('UPDATE {table_name} SET drawDate=0 ' 'WHERE id IN ' '(SELECT id FROM {table_name}' ' WHERE drawDate != 0' ' ORDER BY drawDate LIMIT {nb});' .format(table_name=self.table_name, nb=lim)) ## # @brief Resets the drawDate of all table's entries (to 0) def _reset(self, **kwargs): self.db.execute("UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET drawDate = 0;") if "lock_equal_products" in kwargs: self.db.execute("UPDATE {} SET lock_equal_products = 0;" .format(self.table_name)) if "union" in kwargs: self.db.execute("UPDATE {} SET drawDate = 0;" .format(kwargs['union']['table_name'])) if (not len(tuple(self.db.execute(self._cmd(**kwargs)))) and kwargs.get('not_in', None) is not None): if 'nb1_min' in kwargs and 'nb1_max' in kwargs: kwargs.update({'not_in': [str(n) for n in kwargs['not_in'] if not (Decimal(kwargs['nb1_min']) <= Decimal(n) <= Decimal(kwargs['nb1_max']) )] }) if 'nb2_min' in kwargs and 'nb2_max' in kwargs: kwargs.update({'not_in': [str(n) for n in kwargs['not_in'] if not (Decimal(kwargs['nb2_min']) <= Decimal(n) <= Decimal(kwargs['nb2_max']) )] }) return kwargs ## # @brief Creates the "SELECT ...,...,... FROM ...." part of the query def _select_part(self, **kwargs): table_name = kwargs.get('table_name', self.table_name) return "SELECT " + ",".join(self.allcols) + " FROM " + table_name ## # @brief Creates the language condition part of the query def _language_part(self, **kwargs): return "AND language = '" + self.language + "' " \ if self.language != ""\ else "" ## # @brief Creates the conditions of the query, from the given kwargs # Some special checks are allowed, like nb1_min <= ... # and nb1_max >= ... def _kw_conditions(self, wrap_in_AND=True, **kwargs): result = "" def hook(i): """Return ' AND ' if i != 0, else ''""" yield ' AND ' if i else '' # kn stands for keyword number # It must be updated (+=1) ONLY if a keyword has led to add a condition # indeed. Hence it - alas - CANNOT be handled by enumerate(kwargs). kn = 0 for kw in kwargs: if kw == "raw": result += next(hook(kn)) + kwargs[kw] + " " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith('_notmod'): k = kw[:-7] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " % " + str(kwargs[kw]) \ + " != 0 " kn += 1 elif kw == "triangle_inequality": common_nb, t1, t2 = kwargs[kw] mini = str(abs(t1 - t2) + 1) # we avoid "too flat" triangles maxi = str(t1 + t2 - 1) result += next(hook(kn)) + ' ( '\ '( nb1 = ' + str(common_nb) + ' '\ 'AND ( nb2 >= ' + mini + ' AND nb2 <= ' + maxi + ' ) '\ ') OR '\ '( nb2 = ' + str(common_nb) + ' '\ 'AND ( nb1 >= ' + mini + ' AND nb1 <= ' + maxi + ' ) '\ ')) ' kn += 1 elif (kw == "prevails" or kw.startswith("info_") or kw == "union" or kw == 'table_name' or kw == 'no_order_by_random'): # __ pass elif kw == "lock_equal_products": result += next(hook(kn)) + " lock_equal_products = 0 " kn += 1 elif kw in ["lock_equal_coeffs", "lock_equal_contexts"]: if "locked = " not in result: result += next(hook(kn)) + " locked = 0 " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_to_check"): k = kw[:-9] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + "_min" + " <= " \ + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " result += ' AND ' + k + "_max" + " >= " \ + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_min"): k = kw[:-4] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " >= " + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_max"): k = kw[:-4] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " <= " + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " kn += 1 elif kw == "not_in": if kwargs["not_in"] is not None: updated_notin_list = list(kwargs[kw]) for c in self.valcols: if c in kwargs and kwargs[c] in updated_notin_list: updated_notin_list.remove(kwargs[c]) # prevails is used to not prevent numbers to be drawn # twice in a row, like when drawing multiples of the same # number, or drawing complements to the same number # (e.g. 100) # Take care it must contain a list of str (e.g. ['100']) if "prevails" in kwargs: for n in kwargs["prevails"]: if n in updated_notin_list: updated_notin_list.remove(n) if len(updated_notin_list): for i, c in enumerate(self.valcols): result += next(hook(kn + i)) + c + " NOT IN ( " \ + ", "\ .join(str(x) if is_number(x) else "'{}'".format(x) for x in updated_notin_list) + " ) " kn += 1 elif kw.startswith("either_") and kw.endswith("_in"): if kwargs[kw] is not None: k = kw.split(sep='_')[1:-1] result += next(hook(kn)) + " ( " + k[0] + " IN ( " + ", "\ .join(str(x) for x in kwargs[kw]) + " ) OR "\ + k[1] + " IN ( " + ", "\ .join(str(x) for x in kwargs[kw]) + " ) ) " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_in"): k = kw[:-3] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " IN ( " + ", "\ .join(str(x) for x in kwargs[kw]) + " ) " kn += 1 elif kw == 'rectangle': if any([kw.startswith('nb2') for kw in kwargs]): result += next(hook(kn)) + "nb1 != nb2 " kn += 1 elif kw == 'square': if any([kw.startswith('nb2') for kw in kwargs]): result += next(hook(kn)) + " nb1 = nb2 " kn += 1 elif kw == 'diff7atleast': result += next(hook(kn)) + " nb2 - nb1 >= 7 " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith('_noqr'): pass else: # default interpretation is " AND key = value " key = kw rel_sign = " = " if kw.endswith('_lt'): rel_sign = " < " key = kw[:-3] # If following lines become useful, don't forget to update # other places (search for '_gt') # if kw.endswith('_gt'): # rel_sign = " > " # key = kw[:-3] if kw.endswith('_ge'): rel_sign = " >= " key = kw[:-3] elif kw.endswith('_neq'): rel_sign = " != " key = kw[:-4] simple_quote = "" try: # automatic detection of integers int(kwargs[kw]) except ValueError as excinfo: if ('invalid literal for int() with base 10' in str(excinfo)): simple_quote = "'" else: raise # This automatic detection in not enough, since int('1_1_1') # does not raise an error. if any([c not in '0123456789.' for c in str(kwargs[kw])]): simple_quote = "'" result += next(hook(kn)) + key + rel_sign + simple_quote \ + str(kwargs[kw]) + simple_quote + " " kn += 1 if wrap_in_AND: fmt = 'AND ( {} ) ' else: fmt = ' {} ' return fmt.format(result) if result else '' ## # @brief Concatenates the different parts of the query def _cmd(self, **kwargs): if 'union' in kwargs: kwargs2 = kwargs.pop('union') return "SELECT * FROM (" \ + self._cmd(no_order_by_random=True, **kwargs) \ + " UNION " \ + self._cmd(no_order_by_random=True, **kwargs2) \ + ") ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1;" else: order_by_random = " ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1;" if 'no_order_by_random' in kwargs: order_by_random = "" return self._select_part(**kwargs) + " WHERE drawDate = 0 " \ + self._language_part(**kwargs) \ + self._kw_conditions(**kwargs) \ + order_by_random ## # @brief Executes the query. If no result, resets the table and executes # the query again. Returns the query's result. def _query_result(self, cmd, **kwargs): log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db') log.debug(cmd) qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd)) if (not len(qr) and self.table_name in ['deci_int_triples_for_prop', 'mini_pb_prop_wordings']): self._unlock() qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd)) if not len(qr): self._twothirds_reset() qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd)) if not len(qr): log.debug('FULL RESET of {}\n'.format(self.table_name)) kwargs = self._reset(**kwargs) cmd1 = self._cmd(**kwargs) qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd1)) if not len(qr): if ' nb1 ' in cmd1 and ' nb2 ' in cmd1: cmd2 = cmd1.replace(' nb1 ', 'TEMP') \ .replace(' nb2 ', ' nb1 ') \ .replace('TEMP', ' nb2 ') cmd2 = cmd2.replace(' nb1_', 'TEMP') \ .replace(' nb2_', ' nb1_') \ .replace('TEMP', ' nb2_') qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd2)) if not len(qr): logm = settings.mainlogger logm.error('Query result is empty:\nQUERY1\n{}\n' 'QUERY2\n{}\nQUERY3\n{}\n' .format(cmd, cmd1, cmd2)) log.debug('Query result = {}\n'.format(qr)) return qr ## # @brief Set the drawDate to datetime() in all entries where col_name # has a value of col_match. def _timestamp(self, kwconditions, **kwargs): cond = self._kw_conditions(wrap_in_AND=False, **kwconditions) log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db_timestamp') log.debug('TIMESTAMP condition={}\n'.format(cond)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET drawDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f')" + " WHERE " + cond + ";") if 'union' in kwargs: self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + kwargs['union']['table_name'] + " SET drawDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f')" + " WHERE " + cond + ";") ## # @brief Will 'lock' some entries def _lock(self, t, **kwargs): log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db_lock') if 'lock_equal_products' in kwargs: if t in kwargs['info_lock']: log.debug('LOCK: products equal to {} in {}\n' .format(str(t[0] * t[1]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET lock_equal_products = 1" + " WHERE nb1 = '" + str(t[0]) + "' and nb2 = '" + str(t[1]) + "';") for couple in kwargs['info_lock'][t]: self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET lock_equal_products = 1" + " WHERE nb1 = '" + str(couple[0]) + "' and nb2 = '" + str(couple[1]) + "';") if ('lock_equal_coeffs' in kwargs and self.table_name == 'deci_int_triples_for_prop'): log.debug('LOCK: coeff {} in {}\n' .format(str(t[0]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE {table_name} SET locked = 1 WHERE coeff = '{coeff}';" .format(table_name=self.table_name, coeff=str(t[0]))) if ('lock_equal_contexts' in kwargs and self.table_name == 'mini_pb_prop_wordings'): log.debug('LOCK: context "{}" in {}\n' .format(str(t[0]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE {table_name} SET locked = 1 " "WHERE wording_context = '{wcontext}';" .format(table_name=self.table_name, wcontext=str(t[0]))) ## # @brief Synonym of, but makes the source an Iterator. def __next__(self): return ## # @brief Handles the choice of the next value to return from the # database
[docs] def next(self, **kwargs): sql_query = self._cmd(**kwargs) query_result = self._query_result(sql_query, **kwargs) if not len(query_result): raise RuntimeError('No result from database query. Command was:\n' + str(sql_query)) t = query_result[0] self._timestamp({str(self.idcol): str(t[0])}, **kwargs) self._lock(t[1:len(t)], **kwargs) return t[1:len(t)]
[docs]def db_table(tag): """Table's name possibly associated to tag.""" if (tag.startswith('intpairs_') or tag.startswith('table_') or tag.startswith('multiplesof') or tag.startswith('complements_to_')): return 'int_pairs' elif tag.startswith('singleint_'): return 'single_ints' elif tag.startswith('singledeci1_'): return 'single_deci1' elif tag == 'unitspairs': return 'units_conversions' elif tag == 'decimalfractionssums': return 'decimals' elif tag.startswith('deciinttriplesforprop'): return 'deci_int_triples_for_prop' elif tag in ['int_deci_clever_pairs', 'digits_places', 'fracdigits_places', 'decimals', 'polygons', 'int_triples', 'int_quadruples', 'int_quintuples', 'int_sextuples']: return tag return ''
## # @brief Will tell if the tag belongs to int pairs, decimal numbers etc.
[docs]def classify_tag(tag): if (tag.startswith('intpairs_') or tag.startswith('table_') or tag.startswith('multiplesof') or tag.startswith('complements_to_')): # __ return 'int_pairs' elif tag.startswith('singleint_'): return 'single_int' elif tag.startswith('singledeci1_'): return 'single_deci1' elif tag.startswith('deciinttriplesforprop'): return 'deciinttriplesforprop' elif tag.startswith('inttriplesforprop'): return 'int_triples' elif tag.endswith(r'%of...'): return 'percentage' elif tag.startswith('int_quintuples'): return 'int_quintuples' elif tag in ['int_deci_clever_pairs', 'int_irreducible_frac', 'nothing', 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_multi', 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_divi', 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_multi', 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_divi', 'unitspairs', 'digits_places', 'fracdigits_places', 'decimals', 'decimalfractionssums', 'extdecimals', 'simple_fractions', 'dvipsnames_selection', 'polygons', 'int_triples', 'int_quadruples', 'int_quintuples', 'int_sextuples']: # __ return tag raise ValueError(tag + " is not recognized as a valid 'tag' that can be " "used in a mathmaker xml file.")
[docs]def preprocess_qkw(table_name, qkw=None): """Add relevant questions keywords to build the query.""" with open(settings.db_index_path) as f: db_index = json.load(f) with open(settings.shapes_db_index_path) as f: db_index.update(json.load(f)) if table_name not in db_index: return {} d = {} if qkw is None: qkw = {} for kw in qkw: if any([kw.startswith(ref) for ref in db_index[table_name]]): d.update({kw: qkw[kw]}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_int_triplesforprop_tag(tag, not_in=None): d = {'equal_sides': 0, 'nb3_notmod': 'nb2'} parts = tag.split('_') if len(parts) == 2: L0 = list(intspan(parts[1])) # Make use of 'not_in' to remove numbers from last draw from the ones # we add here. if not_in is not None: not_in = [int(_) for _ in not_in] for elt in not_in: if elt in L0: L0.remove(elt) L = [str(_) for _ in L0] # For nb2 and nb3, usually we don't want to use 15 and 25 L1 = [str(_) for _ in L0 if _ <= 14] d.update({'nb1_in': L, 'nb2_in': L1, 'nb3_in': L1}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_deci_int_triplesforprop_tag(tag, qkw=None): d = {} parts = tag.split('_') if len(parts) == 2: n1, n2 = parts[1].split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2, 'nb2_min': n1, 'nb2_max': n2} return d
## # @brief Will turn the tag into the matching conditions for the db query. # Note that any value matching a 'nbN' key (like 'nb1': '11') will # be automatically removed from any "NOT IN(...)" condition in a # query. The "raw" keyword allows to give more complex queries but # as the 'nbN' keys are then "buried" inside the query string, it's # possible to add a "prevail": 'value' in the returned dictionary # to allow this very same behaviour (as directly adding a # 'nbN': 'value' may change the query). # @return A dictionary
[docs]def preprocess_int_pairs_tag(tag, qkw=None): if qkw is None: qkw = {} d = {} if tag.startswith('complements_to_'): step = 1 upper_bounds = tag[15:] if '...' in upper_bounds: mini, maxi = [int(n) for n in upper_bounds.split('...')] if mini % 10 == 0 and maxi % 10 == 0: step = 10 if mini % 100 == 0 and maxi % 100 == 0: step = 100 upper_bound = random.choice([n * step + mini for n in range(maxi // step - mini // step + 1)]) else: upper_bound = int(upper_bounds) if qkw.get('nb_variant', 'default').startswith('decimal'): upper_bound *= 10 step = 10 d = {'nb2': upper_bound, 'nb1_lt': upper_bound // 2 + 1, 'prevails': [str(upper_bound)]} if upper_bound > 10: d.update({'diff7atleast': True}) if step != 1: d.update({'nb1_notmod': step}) # 'table_11' is a shortcut for a special range elif tag == 'table_11_ones': d = {'nb1_in': ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'nb2': '11'} elif tag == 'table_11_tens_easy': d = {'nb2_in': ['11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '51', '52', '53', '54', '61', '62', '63', '71', '72', '81'], 'nb1': '11'} elif tag == 'table_11_tens_hard': d = {'nb2_in': ['19', '28', '29', '37', '37', '39', '46', '47', '48', '49', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'], 'nb1': '11'} elif tag == 'table_11_tens': d = {'nb2_in': [str(n + 11) for n in range(89)], 'nb1': '11'} # 'table_N' is a shortcut for 'multiplesofN_2to9' if N <= 10 # and for 'multiplesofN_2to6' if N >= 12 (11 is managed separately) elif tag.startswith('table_'): n = int(tag[6:]) r = "_2to9" if n <= 10 else "_2to6" tag = 'multiplesof' + str(n) + r if tag.startswith('intpairs_'): if '×' not in tag: n1, n2 = tag[9:].split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2, 'nb2_min': n1, 'nb2_max': n2} else: nb1_part, nb2_part = tag.replace('intpairs_', '').split(sep='×') min1, max1 = nb1_part.split(sep='to') min2, max2 = nb2_part.split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': min1, 'nb1_max': max1, 'nb2_min': min2, 'nb2_max': max2} elif tag.startswith('multiplesof'): N, r = tag[11:].split(sep='_') mini, maxi = r.split(sep='to') d = {'raw': '(nb1 = ' + N + ' and (nb2 >= ' + mini + ' and nb2 <= ' + maxi + ')) or (nb2 = ' + N + ' and (nb1 >= ' + mini + ' and nb1 <= ' + maxi + '))', 'prevails': [N]} return d
[docs]def preprocess_int_quintuples_tag(tag, qkw=None): d = {} if 'to' in tag: if '×' not in tag: n1, n2 = tag[len('int_quintuples_'):].split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2, 'nb2_min': n1, 'nb2_max': n2} else: nb1_part, nb2_part = tag.replace('int_quintuples_', '')\ .split(sep='×') min1, max1 = nb1_part.split(sep='to') min2, max2 = nb2_part.split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': min1, 'nb1_max': max1, 'nb2_min': min2, 'nb2_max': max2} return d
[docs]def preprocess_single_nb_tag(tag): """From single..._mintomax, get and return min and max in a dictionary.""" n1, n2 = tag.split(sep='_')[1].split(sep='to') return {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2}
[docs]def preprocess_percentage_tag(tag, qkw=None): """ Deal with quarters, halves... numbers' sources. As the initial tag (source_id) may be modified, it is returned along the tag to use, in first position, so all return statements are of the form return tag, ... """ if qkw is None: qkw = {} if '|' in tag: possible_values = tag[:-len('%of...')].split('|') value =[0] tag = str(value) + '%of...' if tag in [r'25%of...', r'75%of...']: if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': return tag, 'multiplesof4_2to10' else: return tag, 'multiplesof2_2to100' elif tag == r'50%of...': if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': return tag, 'multiplesof2_2to100' else: return tag, 'singleint_12to200' elif tag == r'10%of...': if qkw.get('nb_variant', 'default').startswith('decimal'): return tag, random.choice(['singleint_1to9', 'singleint_11to19', 'singleint_21to29', 'singleint_31to39', 'singleint_41to49', 'singleint_51to59', 'singleint_61to69', 'singleint_71to79', 'singleint_81to89', 'singleint_91to99', 'singleint_101to109', 'singleint_111to119', 'singleint_121to129', 'singleint_131to139', 'singleint_141to149', 'singleint_151to159', 'singleint_161to169', 'singleint_171to179', 'singleint_181to189', 'singleint_191to199']) if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': choice = random.choice([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) if choice == 1: return tag, 'singleint_12to200' elif choice == 2: return tag, random.choice(['multiplesof10_2to9', 'multiplesof10_11to19', 'multiplesof10_21to29', 'multiplesof10_31to39', 'multiplesof10_41to49', 'multiplesof10_51to59', 'multiplesof10_61to69', 'multiplesof10_71to79', 'multiplesof10_81to89', 'multiplesof10_91to99']) else: return tag, 'multiplesof100_2to10' else: choice = random.choice([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]) if choice == 1: return tag, 'singleint_1to9' elif choice == 2: return tag, random.choice(['singleint_11to19', 'singleint_21to29', 'singleint_31to39', 'singleint_41to49', 'singleint_51to59', 'singleint_61to69', 'singleint_71to79', 'singleint_81to89', 'singleint_91to99']) elif choice == 3: return tag, random.choice(['multiplesof10_2to9', 'multiplesof10_11to19', 'multiplesof10_21to29', 'multiplesof10_31to39', 'multiplesof10_41to49', 'multiplesof10_51to59', 'multiplesof10_61to69', 'multiplesof10_71to79', 'multiplesof10_81to89', 'multiplesof10_91to99']) else: return tag, 'multiplesof100_2to10' elif tag == r'5%of...': if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': return tag, 'multiplesof2_2to100' else: return tag, 'singleint_12to200' elif tag in [r'20%of...', r'30%of...', r'40%of...', r'60%of...', r'70%of...', r'80%of...', r'90%of...']: return tag, 'multiplesof{}_2to9'.format(tag[0]) else: # any other percent value: 1%, 2%,... 7%,... 12%,... 15% etc. raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def preprocess_units_pairs_tag(tag, last_draw=None, qkw=None): """ Create the SQL query according to last_draw content and possible qkw. """ d = {} if qkw is None: qkw = {} if last_draw is None: last_draw = {} if 'level' in qkw: d.update({'level': qkw['level']}) else: d.update({'level': 1}) if 'category' in qkw: d.update({'category': qkw['category']}) elif len(last_draw) >= 5: d.update({'category_neq': last_draw[3]}) if 'direction' in qkw: d.update({'direction': qkw['direction']}) elif len(last_draw) >= 5: d.update({'direction_neq': last_draw[2]}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_decimals_query(qkw=None): """ Create the SQL query according to possible qkw. """ d = {} if qkw is None: qkw = {} if 'fd' not in qkw: d.update( {'fd': Number(str(shared.fracdigits_places_source .next()[0])).fracdigits_nb()}) if 'iz' in qkw and int(qkw['iz']) >= d['fd']: d['fd'] = int(qkw['iz']) + 1 if 'iz_ge' in qkw and int(qkw['iz_ge']) >= d['fd']: d['fd'] = int(qkw['iz_ge']) + 1 # if 'iz_gt' in qkw and qkw['iz_gt'] >= d['fd']: # d['fd'] = qkw['iz_gt'] + 1 else: d.update({'fd': qkw['fd']}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_polygons_sides_lengths_query(polygon_data=None, qkw=None): """ Query's keywords depending on polygon's type and expected kind of numbers. """ if qkw is None: qkw = {} d = {} sides_nb, codename = polygon_data[0], polygon_data[3] variant = polygon_data[6] d.update({'code': '_'.join(codename.split('_')[1:])}) sum_ingredients = qkw.get('sum_ingredients', 'int_2to10') if sides_nb == 3: tuple_name = 'triples' d.update({'triangle': 1}) if variant == 1: d.update({'pythagorean': 1}) elif sides_nb == 4: tuple_name = 'quadruples' d.update({'quadrilateral': 1}) elif sides_nb == 5: tuple_name = 'quintuples' d.update({'pentagon': 1}) elif sides_nb == 6: tuple_name = 'sextuples' d.update({'hexagon': 1}) nb_source = '{}_{}'.format(sum_ingredients.split('_')[0], tuple_name) mini, maxi = sum_ingredients.split('_')[1].split('to') for n in range(sides_nb): d.update({'nb{}_min'.format(n + 1): mini, 'nb{}_max'.format(n + 1): maxi}) return nb_source, d
[docs]def preprocess_extdecimals_query(qkw=None): """ Create the SQL query according to possible qkw. """ if qkw is None: qkw = {} d = {} d.update({'position': qkw.get('position', None)}) d.update({'width': qkw.get('width', 'random')}) d.update({'generation_type': qkw.get('generation_type', 'default')}) d.update({'pos_matches_invisible_zero': qkw.get('pos_matches_invisible_zero', False)}) d.update({'unique_figures': qkw.get('unique_figures', True)}) d.update({'grow_left': qkw.get('grow_left', False)}) d.update({'numberof': qkw.get('numberof', False)}) d.update({'digits_positions': qkw.get('digits_positions', None)}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_decimalfractions_pairs_tag(qkw=None, **kwargs): """ Create the SQL query according to possible qkw's overlap value. :param qkw: keywords provided by the question :type qkw: dict :rtype: dict """ return {'overlap_level_ge': qkw.get('overlap', 0), 'overlap_noqr': qkw.get('overlap', 0)}
[docs]def postprocess_decimalfractionssums_query(qr, qkw=None, **kwargs): """ Create two decimal fractions from the drawn decimal number. :param qr: the result of the query (containing the decimal number) :type qr: tuple :rtype: tuple """ variant = qkw.get('variant', 'random') if variant == 'random': variant = random.choice(['atomize', 'cut']) if variant == 'atomize': decimals = Number(str(qr)).atomized() else: decimals = Number(str(qr)).cut(overlap=kwargs['overlap_noqr']) if is_integer(decimals[0]) and (len(decimals) >= 3 or random.choice([True, False])): first = decimals[0] else: first = Fraction(from_decimal=decimals[0]) return (first, *[Fraction(from_decimal=decimals[i + 1]) for i in range(len(decimals) - 1)])
[docs]def postprocess_percentage_query(qr, source_id, qkw=None, **kwargs): """ Create the two numbers from the query result, depending on source_id. :param qr: the result of the query (containing the number(s)) :type qr: tuple :param source_id: the original source id :type source_id: str :param qkw: the question's keywords (attributes) :type qkw: dict :rtype: tuple """ if source_id in [r'25%of...', r'75%of...', r'50%of...', r'10%of...', r'5%of...']: if isinstance(qr, tuple) and len(qr) == 2: n2 = Number(str(qr[0])) * Number(str(qr[1])) else: # qr should be a single number n2 = Number(str(qr[0])) if source_id == r'25%of...': n1 = Number(25) elif source_id == r'75%of...': n1 = Number(75) elif source_id == r'50%of...': n1 = Number(50) elif source_id == r'10%of...': n1 = Number(10) elif source_id == r'5%of...': n1 = Number(5) return (n1, n2) elif source_id in [r'20%of...', r'30%of...', r'40%of...', r'60%of...', r'70%of...', r'80%of...', r'90%of...']: # In such cases, we get a pair of int, so it's always a tuple if int(source_id[0]) == qr[0]: n1, n2 = qr else: n2, n1 = qr n1, n2 = Number(n1), Number(n2) if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': n2 *= 10 elif (qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'normal' and not qkw.get('nb_variant', 'default').startswith('decimal') and random.choice([True, False])): if random.choice([True, False]): n2 *= 10 else: n2 *= 100 n1 *= 10 return (n1, n2) else: # any other source raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def postprocess_int_triplesforprop_query(qr): shuffled_qr = list(qr) random.shuffle(shuffled_qr) return tuple(shuffled_qr)
## # @brief Generates a list of values to be used # @todo Several cases should be factorized or maybe later moved to the db
[docs]def generate_values(source_id): if source_id == 'int_irreducible_frac': return [(k, Fraction(n, k)) for k in [i + 2 for i in range(18)] for n in coprime_generator(k)] elif source_id == 'alternate_2masks': lr = ['left', 'right'] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'alternate_3masks': lr = [1, 2, 3] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'alternate_4masks': lr = [1, 2, 3, 4] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'alternate_nb2nb3_in_mini_pb_prop': lr = [True, False] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id.startswith('alternate'): lr = ['left', 'right'] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'trigo_functions': return ['cos', 'cos', 'sin', 'sin', 'tan', 'tan'] elif source_id == 'trigo_vocabulary': return ['adjacent', 'adjacent', 'opposite', 'opposite'] elif source_id == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_multi': box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box_10_100_1000: box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] chosen_10_100_1000 = box_10_100_1000.pop() digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[2:]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3], weights=[0.14, 0.63, 0.33])[0] start_pos = random.choice([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))]) result |= {(chosen_10_100_1000, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_divi': box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box_10_100_1000: box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] chosen_10_100_1000 = box_10_100_1000.pop() digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[2:]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3], weights=[0.14, 0.63, 0.33])[0] wt = {10: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], 100: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0], 1000: [0.34, 0.33, 0.33, 0, 0]} start_pos = random.choices([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))], weights=wt[chosen_10_100_1000])[0] result |= {(chosen_10_100_1000, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_multi': box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box: box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] chosen = box.pop() digits_positions = list() if chosen == Decimal('0.1'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[:-1]) elif chosen == Decimal('0.01'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[:-2]) elif chosen == Decimal('0.001'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[:-3]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3, 4], weights=[0.14, 0.43, 0.33, 0.2])[0] start_pos = random.choice([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))]) result |= {(chosen, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_divi': box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box: box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] chosen = box.pop() digits_positions = list() if chosen == Decimal('0.1') or chosen == Decimal('0.01'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES) elif chosen == Decimal('0.001'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[1:]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3, 4], weights=[0.14, 0.43, 0.33, 0.2])[0] start_pos = random.choice([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))]) result |= {(chosen, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id in ['nothing', 'bypass']: return []
[docs]def generate_random_decimal_nb(position=None, width='random', generation_type=None, pos_matches_invisible_zero=False, unique_figures=True, grow_left=False, numberof=False, digits_positions=None, **unused): if position is None: position = Decimal(str([0])) if generation_type is None: if numberof: generation_type = 'default' else: generation_type = random.choice(['default', 'alternative']) chosen_deci = Decimal('0') figures = [str(i + 1) for i in range(9)] if not unique_figures: figures = figures * 3 random.shuffle(figures) if digits_positions is None: digits_positions = copy.copy(DIGITSPLACES) if (isinstance(width, str) and width.startswith('random') and width != 'random'): if len(width.split('_')) != 2: width = 'random' warnings.warn('Malformed random width. ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) else: _, span = width.split('_') if not len(span.split('to')) == 2: width = 'random' warnings.warn('Malformed random width\'s span. ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) else: mini, maxi = span.split('to') try: mini, maxi = int(mini), int(maxi) except ValueError: width = 'random' warnings.warn('Malformed random width\'s span bounds ' '(both should be int). ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) else: width = random.choice([i + 1 for i in range(max(maxi - mini + 1, 1))]) elif width != 'random': try: width = int(width) if not (1 <= width <= len(digits_positions)): width = 'random' warnings.warn('The chosen width ({}) is not greater than 1 ' 'and lower than the length of digits positions' ' ({}). ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) except ValueError: raise ValueError('As width you can specify either \'random\', ' '\'random_xtoy\' or an int.') if width == 'random': if generation_type == 'default': width = random.choice([3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) else: width = random.choices([2, 3, 4, 5], cum_weights=[0.1, 0.4, 0.75, 1])[0] if numberof: width = random.choices([2, 3, 4, 5], cum_weights=[0.15, 0.55, 0.85, 1])[0] # Two different ways to generate a number. Here is the "default" one: if generation_type == 'default': positions = [] if not pos_matches_invisible_zero: if grow_left: positions = [digits_positions.index(position) - p for p in range(width)] elif not numberof: # High positions are to the right of the numeral, # while low positions are to the left lr = digits_positions.index(position) - width + 1 lowest_start_pos = lr if lr >= 0 else 0 hr = digits_positions.index(position) highest_start_pos = hr if hr + width < len(digits_positions) \ else len(digits_positions) - 1 - width highest_start_pos = highest_start_pos \ if highest_start_pos >= lowest_start_pos \ else lowest_start_pos possible_start_positions = [lowest_start_pos + p for p in range( highest_start_pos - lowest_start_pos + 1)] start_pos = random.choice(possible_start_positions) positions = [start_pos + p for p in range(width)] else: # High positions are to the right of the numeral, # while low positions are to the left positions += [digits_positions.index(position)] # Probability to fill a higher position rather than a lower one phr = 0.5 hr = lr = digits_positions.index(position) for i in range(width - 1): if lr == 0: phr = 1 elif hr == len(digits_positions) - 1: phr = 0 if random.random() < phr: hr += 1 positions += [hr] phr *= 0.4 else: lr -= 1 positions += [lr] phr *= 2.5 else: # position matches invisible zero if position <= Decimal('0.1'): positions = [digits_positions.index(p) for p in digits_positions if p > position] width = min(width, len(positions)) positions = positions[-width:] elif (position >= Decimal('10') or (position == Decimal('1') and random.choice([True, False]))): positions = [digits_positions.index(p) for p in digits_positions if p < position] width = min(width, len(positions)) positions = positions[:width] else: # units, second possibility positions = [digits_positions.index(p) for p in digits_positions if p != position] width = min(width, len(positions)) maxi_start = len(positions) - width + 1 slice_start = random.choice([i for i in range(maxi_start)]) positions = positions[slice_start:slice_start + width] # Let's start the generation of the number: for p in positions: figure = figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * digits_positions[p] # "Alternative" way of generating a number randomly: else: figure = '0' if pos_matches_invisible_zero \ else figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * position digits_positions.remove(position) if pos_matches_invisible_zero: if position <= Decimal('0.1'): next_pos = position * Decimal('10') figure = figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * next_pos digits_positions = [p for p in digits_positions if p > next_pos] elif position >= Decimal('10'): next_pos = position * Decimal('0.1') figure = figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * next_pos digits_positions = [p for p in digits_positions if p < next_pos] width = min(width, len(digits_positions)) if position != Decimal('1') and not pos_matches_invisible_zero: figure = figures.pop() r = DIGITSPLACES_CONFUSING[ -(DIGITSPLACES_CONFUSING.index(position) + 1)] chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * r digits_positions.remove(r) width -= 1 for i in range(width): figure = figures.pop() r = random.choice(digits_positions) digits_positions.remove(r) chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * r return (chosen_deci, )
[docs]class sub_source(object): ## # @brief Initializer def __init__(self, source_id, **kwargs): self.ondemand = kwargs.get('ondemand', False) if self.ondemand: self.values = [] self.generator_fct = kwargs.get('generator_fct') else: self.values = generate_values(source_id) random.shuffle(self.values) self.current = 0 self.max = len(self.values) ## # @brief Resets the source def _reset(self): random.shuffle(self.values) self.current = 0 ## # @brief Synonym of, but makes the source an Iterator. def __next__(self): return ## # @brief Handles the choice of the next value to return
[docs] def next(self, qkw=None, **kwargs): # qkw is only here for compatibility with source class # it must be "merged" with kwargs during preprocessing if self.ondemand: return self.generator_fct(**kwargs) else: if self.current == self.max: self._reset() self.current += 1 if isinstance(self.values[self.current - 1], tuple): return self.values[self.current - 1] return (self.values[self.current - 1], )
[docs]class mc_source(object): ## # @brief Handles the choice of the next value to return
[docs] def next(self, source_id, qkw=None, **kwargs): if qkw is None: qkw = {} not_in = kwargs.get('not_in', None) tag_classification = classify_tag(source_id) kwargs.update(preprocess_qkw(db_table(source_id), qkw=qkw)) if tag_classification == 'int_pairs': kwargs.update(preprocess_int_pairs_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) if tag_classification == 'int_triples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_triples'), qkw=qkw) if 'forprop' in source_id: correct_kw.update(preprocess_int_triplesforprop_tag(source_id, not_in=not_in)) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] if 'forprop' in source_id: return postprocess_int_triplesforprop_query(**correct_kw)) return**correct_kw) if tag_classification == 'int_quadruples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_quadruples'), qkw=qkw) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] return**correct_kw) if tag_classification == 'int_quintuples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_quintuples'), qkw=qkw) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] correct_kw.update(preprocess_int_quintuples_tag(source_id)) return**correct_kw) if tag_classification == 'int_sextuples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_sextuples'), qkw=qkw) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] return**correct_kw) if tag_classification == 'simple_fractions': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification.startswith('single'): kwargs.update(preprocess_single_nb_tag(source_id)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'int_deci_clever_pairs': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'digits_places': return (Decimal(str(**kwargs)[0])), ) elif tag_classification == 'fracdigits_places': return (Decimal( str(**kwargs)[0])), ) elif tag_classification == 'int_irreducible_frac': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_multi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_divi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_multi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_divi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'unitspairs': kwargs.update(preprocess_units_pairs_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw, last_draw=kwargs.get( 'not_in', None))) kwargs.pop('not_in', None) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimals': kwargs.update(preprocess_decimals_query(qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'extdecimals': kwargs.update(preprocess_extdecimals_query(qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimalfractionssums': kwargs.update(preprocess_decimals_query(qkw=qkw)) kwargs.update(preprocess_decimalfractions_pairs_tag(qkw=qkw, **kwargs)) return postprocess_decimalfractionssums_query(**kwargs)[0], qkw=qkw, **kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'percentage': source_id, t = preprocess_percentage_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw) tc = classify_tag(t) if tc == 'int_pairs': kwargs.update(preprocess_int_pairs_tag(t, qkw=qkw)) return postprocess_percentage_query(**kwargs), source_id, qkw=qkw, **kwargs) elif tc == 'single_int': kwargs.update(preprocess_single_nb_tag(t)) return postprocess_percentage_query(**kwargs), source_id, qkw=qkw, **kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'dvipsnames_selection': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'polygons': result =**kwargs) nb_source, kwords = preprocess_polygons_sides_lengths_query( polygon_data=result, qkw=qkw) all_kw = {} all_kw.update(kwargs) all_kw.update(qkw) all_kw.update(kwords) adj_qkw = preprocess_qkw(db_table(nb_source), qkw=all_kw) nb_result = mc_source().next(nb_source, qkw=adj_qkw) if all([isinstance(n, int) for n in nb_result]): matching_pairs = lined_up(nb_result) for p in matching_pairs: sp = sorted(p) # We won't timestamp the (1, ...) pairs as it does not # seem to make sense (and causes a lot of timestamps). if sp[0] != 1: shared.int_pairs_source._timestamp({'nb1': sp[0], 'nb2': sp[1]}) return result + nb_result elif tag_classification == 'deciinttriplesforprop': kwargs.update( preprocess_deci_int_triplesforprop_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'nothing': return () else: raise RuntimeError('Could not build a query to the database, ' 'because tag\'s classification did not match ' 'any known case.')