Source code for mathmaker.lib.core.calculus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets
# with their answers
# Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <>

# This file is part of Mathmaker.

# Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.

# Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import random
from math import gcd
from string import ascii_uppercase as alphabet
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from mathmakerlib.calculus import is_integer, is_number

from mathmaker import settings
from mathmaker.lib import shared
from import sign_of_product
from mathmaker.lib.constants import RANDOMLY
from mathmaker.lib.core.utils import gather_literals
from mathmaker.lib.core.base import Printable
from mathmaker.lib.core.root_calculus import (Exponented, Value, Calculable,
from mathmaker.lib.core.base_calculus import (Monomial, Sum, Item, Polynomial,
                                              Fraction, Expandable, Product,
                                              Quotient, Function, SquareRoot,
                                              AngleItem, CommutativeOperation)
from mathmaker.lib.constants.latex import MARKUP


# The following tables come from the fractions' calculations sheets...
# which is a shame: this code must be factorized
FRACTIONS_SUMS_TABLE = [([1, 2], 15),
                        ([1, 3], 15),
                        ([1, 4], 15),
                        ([1, 5], 15),
                        ([1, 6], 15),
                        ([1, 7], 15),
                        ([2, 3], 17),
                        ([2, 5], 10),
                        ([2, 7], 7),
                        ([3, 4], 9),
                        ([3, 5], 7),
                        ([3, 7], 5),
                        ([4, 5], 5),
                        ([4, 7], 3),
                        ([5, 6], 4),
                        ([5, 7], 4),
                        ([6, 7], 3)]

                              0.005,  # (1, 7)
                              0.21,  # (2, 3)
                              0.14,  # (2, 5)
                              0.02,  # (2, 7)
                              0.21,  # (3, 4)
                              0.14,  # (3, 5)
                              0.01,  # (3, 7)
                              0.16,  # (4, 5)
                              0.01,  # (4, 7)
                              0.01,  # (5, 6)
                              0.005,  # (5, 7)
                              0.005]  # (6, 7)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @package core.calculus

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @class ComposedCalculable
# @brief Abstract mother class of objects composed of Calculable=Calculable=...
[docs]class ComposedCalculable(Printable, metaclass=ABCMeta): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @warning Must be redefined @abstractmethod def __init__(self): pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class Expression # @brief These are object of the kind: Name = Exponented
[docs]class Expression(ComposedCalculable): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param integer_or_letter A string or an integer # @param objct The Exponented that will be at the right hand side # @return One instance of Expression def __init__(self, integer_or_letter, objct): # just check if the given arguments are right if not (type(integer_or_letter) is str or (is_number(integer_or_letter) and is_integer(integer_or_letter))): # __ raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(integer_or_letter)) + ' instead of a str or integer number') if not (isinstance(objct, Exponented) or objct is None): raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(integer_or_letter)) + ' instead of Exponented|None') self._name = integer_or_letter self._right_hand_side = objct.clone() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the right hand side of the Expression e.g. # the Expression in itself
[docs] def get_right_hand_side(self): return self._right_hand_side
right_hand_side = property(get_right_hand_side, doc="Right hand side of the object") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Sets the right hand side of the Expression
[docs] def set_right_hand_side(self, arg): if not (isinstance(arg, Exponented)): raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(arg)) + ' instead of ' 'Exponented') self._right_hand_side = arg.clone()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates a string of the given object in the given ML # @param options Any options # @return The formated string
[docs] def into_str(self, **options): global expression_begins # Expression objects displaying if is_number( and is_integer( i = if i < len(alphabet): final_name = MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + alphabet[i] \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] else: nb_letters = len(alphabet) final_name = MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + alphabet[i - nb_letters * int(i / nb_letters)] \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] \ + MARKUP['opening_subscript'] \ + MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + str(int(i / nb_letters)) \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] \ + MARKUP['closing_subscript'] elif type( is str: final_name = MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] expression_begins = True options.update({'force_expression_begins': True}) return final_name \ + MARKUP['equal'] \ + self.right_hand_side.into_str(**options)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Create a string of the expression's exp. & red. in the given ML # @param options Any options # @return The formated string of the expression's resolution
[docs] def auto_expansion_and_reduction(self, **options): global expression_begins aux_expr = self.right_hand_side result = "" # Complete expansion & reduction of any expression:o) while aux_expr is not None: result += MARKUP['opening_math_style2'] \ + Expression(, aux_expr).into_str() \ + MARKUP['closing_math_style2'] \ + MARKUP['newline'] + "\n" aux_expr = aux_expr.expand_and_reduce_next_step(**options) return result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class Equality # @brief These are object of the kind: Exponented = Exponented [= ...]
[docs]class Equality(ComposedCalculable, Substitutable): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param objcts is a [Exponented] of 2 elements at least # @option equal_signs Contains a list of equal/not equal signs. Must be # @option as long as len(objcts) - 1. The signs are "=" or # "neq" # @return One instance of Equality def __init__(self, objcts, subst_dict=None, **options): # just check if the given arguments are right if not (isinstance(objcts, list)): raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(objcts)) + ' instead of ' 'a list (of two Exponenteds at least)') if not len(objcts) >= 2: raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(objcts)) + ' instead of ' 'a list of TWO Exponenteds AT LEAST') for i in range(len(objcts)): if not isinstance(objcts[i], Exponented): raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(objcts[i])) + ' instead of ' 'an Exponented') if 'equal_signs' in options: if not type(options['equal_signs']) == list: raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(options['equal_signs'])) + ' instead of a list') if not len(options['equal_signs']) == len(objcts) - 1: raise TypeError('Got a list of: ' + str(len(options['equal_signs'])) + ' elements instead of ' + str(len(objcts) - 1)) for i in range(len(options['equal_signs'])): if not (options['equal_signs'][i] == '=' or options['equal_signs'][i] == 'neq'): # __ raise TypeError(options['equal_signs'][i] + ' should be \'=\' or \'neq\'') self._elements = [] self._equal_signs = [] for i in range(len(objcts)): self._elements.append(objcts[i].clone()) if 'equal_signs' in options: if i < len(options['equal_signs']): sign_to_add = None if options['equal_signs'][i] == '=': sign_to_add = 'equal' else: sign_to_add = 'not_equal' self._equal_signs.append(sign_to_add) else: self._equal_signs.append('equal') Substitutable.__init__(self, subst_dict=subst_dict) @property def content(self): """The content to be substituted (list containing literal objects).""" return self._elements # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the elements of the Equality
[docs] def get_elements(self): return self._elements
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the equal signs series of the Equality
[docs] def get_equal_signs(self): return self._equal_signs
elements = property(get_elements, doc="Elements of the object") equal_signs = property(get_equal_signs, doc="Equal signs of the object") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates a string of the given object in the given ML # @param options Any options # @return The formated string
[docs] def into_str(self, **options): global expression_begins # Equality objects displaying expression_begins = True result = '' if ('force_expression_markers' in options and options['force_expression_markers']): # __ result += MARKUP['opening_math_style2'] options.update({'force_expression_begins': True}) result += self.elements[0].into_str(**options) for i in range(len(self.elements) - 1): options.update({'force_expression_begins': True}) result += MARKUP[self.equal_signs[i]] \ + self.elements[i + 1].into_str(**options) if ('force_expression_markers' in options and options['force_expression_markers']): # __ result += MARKUP['closing_math_style2'] return result
def __getitem__(self, i): """Make Equality indexable.""" return self._elements[i] def __setitem__(self, i, data): """Make Equality indexable.""" if not isinstance(data, Exponented): raise TypeError('data should be a Exponented') self._elements[i] = data.clone() def __len__(self): """Return the number of elements of the Equality.""" return len(self._elements)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class Equation # @brief One degree one variable. Sum=Sum. Name, number, left/right hand side.
[docs]class Equation(ComposedCalculable): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param arg Equation|(Exponented, Exponented)|(RANDOMLY, ...)|Equality # @return One instance of Equation def __init__(self, arg, **options): self._name = settings.default.EQUATION_NAME self._number = '' self._left_hand_side = None self._right_hand_side = None self._variable_letter = settings.default.MONOMIAL_LETTER # First determine name and number of the equation if 'name' in options and type(options['name']) is str: self._name = options['name'] if 'number' in options and is_integer(options['number']): self._number = options['number'] # Then the letter if 'variable_letter_name' in options \ and type(options['variable_letter_name']) is str: # __ self._variable_letter = options['variable_letter_name'][0] # Then determine its left & right hand sides if isinstance(arg, Equality): if not len(arg) == 2: raise RuntimeError('Impossible to turn into an Equation an ' 'Equality having not exactly 2 members') literals_list = list(set(gather_literals(arg[0]) + gather_literals(arg[1]))) if not len(literals_list) == 1: raise RuntimeError('create an Equation from an Equality ' 'containing more than ONE unknown literal. ' 'This one contains ' + str(len(literals_list)) + ' literals which are ' + str([repr(elt) for elt in literals_list])) if (not isinstance(literals_list[0], Value) and not literals_list[0].is_literal()): # __ raise ValueError('Expected a literal Value, instead of ' + repr(literals_list[0])) self.__init__((arg[0], arg[1]), variable_letter_name=literals_list[0] .get_first_letter(), **options) # Different cases of tuples elif type(arg) == tuple and len(arg) == 2: # 1st CASE # Given objects if (isinstance(arg[0], Exponented) and isinstance(arg[1], Exponented)): # __ if isinstance(arg[0], Sum): # TO FIX ? # this could be secured by checking the given Sum # is not containing only one term which would be also # a Sum self._left_hand_side = arg[0] else: self._left_hand_side = Sum(arg[0]) if isinstance(arg[1], Sum): # TO FIX ? # this could be secured by checking the given Sum # is not containing only one term which would be also # a Sum self._right_hand_side = arg[1] else: self._right_hand_side = Sum(arg[1]) # 2d CASE # RANDOMLY ! elif arg[0] == RANDOMLY: if arg[1] == 'basic_addition': self._left_hand_side = Polynomial([ Monomial(('+', 1, 1)), Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0))]) self._right_hand_side = Sum( Item((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE)))) self._left_hand_side.term[0]\ .set_letter(self.variable_letter) elif arg[1] == 'basic_addition_r': self._right_hand_side = Polynomial([ Monomial(('+', 1, 1)), Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0))]) self._left_hand_side = Sum( Item((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE)))) self._right_hand_side.term[0]\ .set_letter(self.variable_letter) elif arg[1] == 'any_basic_addition': m1 = Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.8, 1])[0], 1, 1)) m1.set_letter(self.variable_letter) m2 = Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0)) m3 = Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0)) if random.choice([True, False]): cst_list = [m2, m3] else: cst_list = [m3, m2] drawn_to_be_with_x = cst_list.pop() if random.choice([True, False]): polyn_list = [m1, drawn_to_be_with_x] else: polyn_list = [drawn_to_be_with_x, m1] polyn = Polynomial([polyn_list.pop(), polyn_list.pop()]) if random.choice([True, False]): sides = [polyn, Sum(cst_list.pop())] else: sides = [Sum(cst_list.pop()), polyn] self._left_hand_side = sides.pop() self._right_hand_side = sides.pop() elif arg[1] == 'basic_multiplication': self._left_hand_side = Sum( Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(2, MAX_VALUE), 1))) self._right_hand_side = Sum( Item((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 1))) self._left_hand_side.term[0]\ .set_letter(self.variable_letter) elif arg[1] == 'basic_multiplication_r': self._right_hand_side = Sum( Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(2, MAX_VALUE), 1))) self._left_hand_side = Sum( Item((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 1))) self._right_hand_side.term[0]\ .set_letter(self.variable_letter) elif arg[1] == 'any_basic_multiplication': m1 = Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(2, MAX_VALUE), 1)) m1.set_letter(self.variable_letter) m2 = Item((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 1)) if random.choice([True, False]): items_list = [Sum(m1), Sum(m2)] else: items_list = [Sum(m2), Sum(m1)] self._left_hand_side = items_list.pop() self._right_hand_side = items_list.pop() elif arg[1] == 'any_basic': # code duplication... done quickly if random.choice([True, False]): m1 = Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(2, MAX_VALUE), 1)) m1.set_letter(self.variable_letter) m2 = Item((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.75, 1])[0], random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 1)) if random.choice([True, False]): items_list = [Sum(m1), Sum(m2)] else: items_list = [Sum(m2), Sum(m1)] self._left_hand_side = items_list.pop() self._right_hand_side = items_list.pop() else: cst_list = list() m1 = Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.8, 1])[0], 1, 1)) m1.set_letter(self.variable_letter) m2 = Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0)) m3 = Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0)) if random.choice([True, False]): cst_list = [m2, m3] else: cst_list = [m3, m2] drawn_to_be_with_x = cst_list.pop() if random.choice([True, False]): polyn_list = [m1, drawn_to_be_with_x] else: polyn_list = [drawn_to_be_with_x, m1] polyn = Polynomial([polyn_list.pop(), polyn_list.pop()]) if random.choice([True, False]): sides = [polyn, Sum(cst_list.pop())] else: sides = [Sum(cst_list.pop()), polyn] self._left_hand_side = sides.pop() self._right_hand_side = sides.pop() elif (arg[1] in ['classic', 'classic_r', 'classic_x_twice', 'any_classic']): # __ # Let's build # classic: ax + b = d | b + ax = d # classic_r: d = ax + b | d = b + ax # classic_x_twice: ax + b = cx + d | ax + b = cx | # cx = ax + b | b + ax = cx + d etc. ax = Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.65, 1])[0], random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 1)) ax.set_letter(self.variable_letter) b = Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0)) cx = Monomial((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.65, 1])[0], random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 1)) cx.set_letter(self.variable_letter) d = Monomial((random.choice(['+', '-']), random.randint(1, MAX_VALUE), 0)) if random.choice([True, False]): polyn1 = Polynomial([ax, b]) else: polyn1 = Polynomial([b, ax]) if arg[1] == 'classic' or arg[1] == 'classic_r': polyn2 = Polynomial([d]) elif arg[1] == 'classic_x_twice': if random.random() > 0.3: if random.choice([True, False]): polyn2 = Polynomial([cx, d]) else: polyn2 = Polynomial([d, cx]) else: polyn2 = Polynomial([cx]) elif arg[1] == 'any_classic': random_nb = random.random() if random_nb < 0.4: if random.choice([True, False]): polyn2 = Polynomial([cx, d]) else: polyn2 = Polynomial([d, cx]) elif random_nb < 0.7: polyn2 = Polynomial([d]) else: polyn2 = Polynomial([cx]) if arg[1] == 'classic': self._left_hand_side = polyn1 self._right_hand_side = polyn2 elif arg[1] == 'classic_r': self._left_hand_side = polyn2 self._right_hand_side = polyn1 elif arg[1] in ['classic_x_twice', 'any_classic']: if random.choice([True, False]): box = [polyn1, polyn2] else: box = [polyn2, polyn1] self._left_hand_side = box.pop() self._right_hand_side = box.pop() elif arg[1] == 'classic_with_fractions': # the following code is copied from # -> must be factorized randomly_position = \ random.choices([n for n in range(17)], weights=FRACTIONS_SUMS_SCALE_TABLE)[0] chosen_seed_and_generator = FRACTIONS_SUMS_TABLE[ randomly_position] seed = random.randint(2, chosen_seed_and_generator[1]) # The following test is only intended to avoid having # "high" results too often. We just check if the common # denominator will be higher than 75 (arbitrary) # and if yes, we redetermine # it once. We don't do it twice since we don't want to # totally # forbid high denominators. if seed * chosen_seed_and_generator[0][0] \ * chosen_seed_and_generator[0][1] >= 75: # __ seed = random.randint(2, chosen_seed_and_generator[1]) lil_box = [0, 1] gen1 = chosen_seed_and_generator[0][lil_box.pop()] gen2 = chosen_seed_and_generator[0][lil_box.pop()] den1 = Item(gen1 * seed) den2 = Item(gen2 * seed) temp1 = random.randint(1, 20) temp2 = random.randint(1, 20) num1 = Item(temp1 // gcd(temp1, gen1 * seed)) num2 = Item(temp2 // gcd(temp2, gen2 * seed)) f1 = Fraction((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.7, 1])[0], num1, den1)) f2 = Fraction((random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.7, 1])[0], num2, den2)) # END OF COPIED CODE -------------------------------------- box = list() ax = Monomial((Fraction(( random.choices(['+', '-'], cum_weights=[0.7, 1])[0], Item(random.randint(1, 10)), Item(random.randint(2, 10)))) .simplified(), 1)) ax.set_letter(self.variable_letter) b = Monomial((f1.simplified(), 0)) d = Monomial((f2.simplified(), 0)) if random.choice([True, False]): box = [ax, b] else: box = [b, ax] self._left_hand_side = Polynomial(box) self._right_hand_side = Sum([d]) elif arg[1] in ['any_simple_expandable', 'any_double_expandable']: # __ # SIMPLE: # a monom0_polyn1 or a ±(...) on one side # + one Monomial with the monom0_polyn1 # and one or two Monomials on the other side # DOUBLE: # The same plus another expandable. # Creation of the expandables, to begin with... if random.random() <= 0.8: aux_expd_1 = Expandable((RANDOMLY, 'monom0_polyn1'), max_coeff=9) expd_kind = 'monom0_polyn1' else: sign = random.choice(['+', '-']) aux_expd_1 = Expandable(( Monomial((sign, 1, 0)), Polynomial((RANDOMLY, 9, 1, 2)))) if sign == '+': expd_kind = '+(...)' else: expd_kind = 'monom0_polyn1' # Now we fill the boxes to draw from box_1 = [] box_2 = [] additional_Monomial = Monomial((RANDOMLY, 9, 1)) additional_Monomial2 = Monomial((RANDOMLY, 9, 1)) if == 0: additional_Monomial2.set_degree(1) box_1.append(aux_expd_1) if expd_kind == '+(...)' or random.random() <= 0.5: box_1.append(additional_Monomial) box_2.append(Monomial((RANDOMLY, 9, 1))) if random.random() <= 0.25: # __ box_2.append(additional_Monomial2) if arg[1] == 'any_double_expandable': if random.random() <= 0.8: aux_expd_2 = Expandable((RANDOMLY, 'monom0_polyn1'), max_coeff=9) else: sign = random.choice(['+', '-']) aux_expd_2 = Expandable(( Monomial((sign, 1, 0)), Polynomial((RANDOMLY, 9, 1, 2)))) if random.random() <= 0.5: box_1.append(aux_expd_2) else: box_2.append(aux_expd_2) boxes = [box_1, box_2] if random.choice([True, False]): box_left, box_right = boxes else: box_right, box_left = boxes random.shuffle(box_left) random.shuffle(box_right) self._left_hand_side = Sum(box_left) self._right_hand_side = Sum(box_right) # All other unforeseen cases: an exception is raised. else: raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(arg)) + ' instead of (Exponented, Exponented)|' '(RANDOMLY, <option>)') # Another Equation to copy elif isinstance(arg, Equation): self._name = arg._name self._number = arg.number self._left_hand_side = arg.left_hand_side.clone() self._right_hand_side = arg.right_hand_side.clone() self._variable_letter = arg.variable_letter else: raise TypeError('Got: ' + str(type(arg)) + ' instead of Equation|tuple') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the name of the object @property def name(self): if self.number == '': return MARKUP['opening_bracket'] \ + MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + self._name \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] \ + MARKUP['closing_bracket'] \ + MARKUP['colon'] \ + MARKUP['space'] else: return MARKUP['opening_bracket'] \ + MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + self._name \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] \ + MARKUP['opening_subscript'] \ + MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + str(self.number) \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] \ + MARKUP['closing_subscript'] \ + MARKUP['closing_bracket'] \ + MARKUP['colon'] \ + MARKUP['space'] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the number of the Equality
[docs] def get_number(self): return self._number
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Getter for left hand side
[docs] def get_left_hand_side(self): return self._left_hand_side
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Getter for right hand side
[docs] def get_right_hand_side(self): return self._right_hand_side
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Getter for the variable letter
[docs] def get_variable_letter(self): return self._variable_letter
number = property(get_number, doc="Number of the Equation") left_hand_side = property(get_left_hand_side, doc="Left hand side of the Equation") right_hand_side = property(get_right_hand_side, doc="Right hand side of the Equation") variable_letter = property(get_variable_letter, doc="Variable letter of the Equation") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Sets the number of the Equation
[docs] def set_number(self, arg): if not type(arg) == int: raise ValueError('arg should be an int') self._number = str(arg)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Setter for hand sides # @return Nothing, just sets the given argument to the left hand side, # turned into a Sum if necessary
[docs] def set_hand_side(self, left_or_right, arg): if not (left_or_right == 'left' or left_or_right == 'right'): raise ValueError('left_or_right should be \'left\' or \'right\'') if isinstance(arg, Exponented): if isinstance(arg, CommutativeOperation) and len(arg) == 1: arg = arg.element[0] if not isinstance(arg, Sum): arg = Sum(arg) if left_or_right == "left": self._left_hand_side = arg else: self._right_hand_side = arg else: raise TypeError('arg should have been an Exponented, instead, got ' + str(type(arg)))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates a string of the given object in the given ML # @param options Any options # @return The formated string
[docs] def into_str(self, **options): global expression_begins # Equation objects displaying beginning = '' if 'display_name' in options: beginning = left = self.left_hand_side.printed right = self.right_hand_side.printed egal_sign = MARKUP['equal'] if self.left_hand_side.contains_a_rounded_number() \ or self.right_hand_side.contains_a_rounded_number(): # __ egal_sign = MARKUP['simeq'] return beginning + left + egal_sign + right
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Raw display of the Equation (debugging method) # @return A string containing "type: sign coeff × X ^ degree" def __repr__(self): return "\nEquation: " + str( \ + " " + str(self.number) \ + "\n Left hand side: " + repr(self.left_hand_side) \ + "\n Right hand side: " + repr(self.right_hand_side) \ + "\n Variable: " + str(self.variable_letter) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates a string of the equation's resolution in the given ML # @param options Any options # @return The formated string of the equation's resolution
[docs] def auto_resolution(self, **options): global expression_begins # Complete resolution of the equation:o) result = "" if 'dont_display_equations_name' not in options: result = MARKUP['opening_math_style2'] \ + \ + MARKUP['closing_math_style2'] # result += MARKUP['newline'] uline1 = "" uline2 = "" if 'underline_result' in options and options['underline_result']: uline1 = MARKUP['open_underline'] uline2 = MARKUP['close_underline'] eq_aux = None if (isinstance(self, Equation) and not isinstance(self, CrossProductEquation)): # __ eq_aux = Equation(self) elif isinstance(self, CrossProductEquation): eq_aux = CrossProductEquation(self) eq_aux1 = None eq_aux2 = None equation_did_split_in_two = False go_on = True step_nb = 0 while go_on: step_nb += 1 if not equation_did_split_in_two: next_eq_aux = eq_aux.solve_next_step(**options) if not('skip_first_step' in options and step_nb == 1): if next_eq_aux is None and 'unit' in options: result += MARKUP['opening_math_style1'] \ + uline1 \ + eq_aux.into_str() \ + MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + " " + str(options['unit']) \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] \ + uline2 \ + MARKUP['closing_math_style1'] else: result += MARKUP['opening_math_style1'] \ + eq_aux.into_str() \ + MARKUP['closing_math_style1'] if (next_eq_aux is None or type(next_eq_aux) == str or isinstance(next_eq_aux, tuple)): # __ eq_aux = next_eq_aux else: eq_aux = Equation(next_eq_aux) if isinstance(eq_aux, tuple): (eq_aux1, eq_aux2) = eq_aux equation_did_split_in_two = True elif isinstance(eq_aux, str) or eq_aux is None: go_on = False else: if isinstance(eq_aux1, Equation): next_eq_aux1 = eq_aux1.solve_next_step(**options) if isinstance(eq_aux2, Equation): next_eq_aux2 = eq_aux2.solve_next_step(**options) if eq_aux1 is not None or eq_aux2 is not None: result += MARKUP['opening_math_style1'] if isinstance(eq_aux1, Equation): if next_eq_aux1 is None: result += uline1 result += eq_aux1.into_str() if next_eq_aux1 is None and 'unit' in options: result += MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + " " + str(options['unit']) \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] if next_eq_aux1 is None: result += uline2 if isinstance(eq_aux2, Equation): result += " " + _("or") + " " elif eq_aux1 is not None: result += eq_aux1 if isinstance(eq_aux2, Equation): if next_eq_aux2 is None: result += uline1 result += eq_aux2.into_str() if next_eq_aux2 is None and 'unit' in options: result += MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] \ + " " + str(options['unit']) \ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] if next_eq_aux2 is None: result += uline2 elif eq_aux2 is not None: result += eq_aux2 eq_aux2 = None if not isinstance(eq_aux1, Equation) \ and not isinstance(eq_aux2, Equation): # __ go_on = False if eq_aux1 is not None or eq_aux2 is not None: result += MARKUP['closing_math_style1'] if isinstance(eq_aux1, Equation): eq_aux1 = eq_aux1.solve_next_step(**options) if isinstance(eq_aux2, Equation): eq_aux2 = eq_aux2.solve_next_step(**options) if (not equation_did_split_in_two): if eq_aux is None: pass else: result += eq_aux + MARKUP['newline'] else: if eq_aux1 is None and eq_aux2 is None: pass else: if eq_aux1 is None: result += eq_aux2 + MARKUP['newline'] else: result += eq_aux1 + MARKUP['newline'] # if 'get_solution' in options and options['get_solution']: return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates the next Equation object in the resolution # @todo Expandables (which have to get checked first, btw) ! # @todo check the case -x = -7 where the - belongs to the Item's value # @return An Equation
[docs] def solve_next_step(self, **options): log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('Equation.solve_next_step') new_eq = Equation(self) log.debug("Entering, with Equation: " + repr(new_eq)) # CASE 0: preparing the Equation: getting recursively rid of # imbricated Sums if isinstance(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0], Sum) \ and len(new_eq.left_hand_side) == 1: # __ log.debug("CASE-0s-left") new_eq.set_hand_side("left", new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0]) return new_eq.solve_next_step(**options) elif (isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Sum) and len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 1): # __ log.debug("CASE-0s-right") new_eq.set_hand_side("right", new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0]) return new_eq.solve_next_step(**options) if isinstance(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0], Product) \ and len(new_eq.left_hand_side) == 1 \ and len(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0]) == 1: # __ log.debug("CASE-0p-left") new_eq.set_hand_side("left", Sum(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].factor[0])) return new_eq.solve_next_step(**options) elif (isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Product) and len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 1 and len(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0]) == 1): # __ log.debug("CASE-0p-right") new_eq.set_hand_side("right", Sum(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].factor[0])) return new_eq.solve_next_step(**options) reduced_options = { 'details_level': options.get('details_level', 'maximum') } next_left_X = new_eq.left_hand_side.expand_and_reduce_next_step( **reduced_options ) next_right_X = new_eq.right_hand_side.expand_and_reduce_next_step( **reduced_options ) # next_left_C = new_eq.left_hand_side.calculate_next_step() # next_right_C = new_eq.right_hand_side.calculate_next_step() if not (isinstance(next_left_X, Calculable) or isinstance(next_left_X, ComposedCalculable)): # __ next_left_X_str = str(next_left_X) else: next_left_X_str = repr(next_left_X) log.debug("'decimal_result' is in options? " + str('decimal_result' in options) + "; " "len(new_eq.left_hand_side): " + str(len(new_eq.left_hand_side)) + "\nnext_left_X is: " + next_left_X_str + "\nnext_right_X is: " + repr(next_right_X) + "\nnew_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].is_literal()? " + str(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].is_literal()) + "; " "len(new_eq.right_hand_side): " + str(len(new_eq.right_hand_side)) + "\nisinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], " "Fraction)? " + str(isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Fraction))) at_left_one_literal_not_expandable_element = \ (len(new_eq.left_hand_side) == 1 and next_left_X is None and not new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].is_numeric() and len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 1) if (at_left_one_literal_not_expandable_element and isinstance(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0], Function) and new_eq.right_hand_side.is_numeric()): log.debug("A Function to invert") item_class = Item if isinstance(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].var, AngleItem): item_class = AngleItem new_eq.set_hand_side('right', item_class(new_eq.left_hand_side .term[0].inv_fct( new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0] .evaluate(**options))) .rounded(options['decimal_result'])) new_eq.set_hand_side('left', new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].var) elif (at_left_one_literal_not_expandable_element and isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Fraction) and new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].is_reducible() and 'skip_fraction_simplification' in options): # __ log.debug('At left, one literal not reducible element; ' 'at right, one reducible Fraction, but Fraction ' 'simplification must be skipped.') if 'decimal_result' in options: log.debug('And decimal result is required') new_eq.set_hand_side("right", Item(new_eq .right_hand_side.term[0] .evaluate(**options))) else: log.debug('But no decimal result is required') new_eq.set_hand_side("right", new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0] .completely_reduced()) elif (at_left_one_literal_not_expandable_element and 'decimal_result' in options and (isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Quotient) or isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Function) or isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], SquareRoot))): # __ log.debug('At left, one literal not reducible element; ' 'at right, one Quotient|Function|SquareRoot and ' 'decimal result is required.') options.update({'force_evaluation': True}) new_eq.set_hand_side("right", new_eq.right_hand_side. expand_and_reduce_next_step(**options)) # 1st CASE # Expand & reduce each side of the Equation, whenever possible elif (next_left_X is not None) or (next_right_X is not None): # __ log.debug("1st CASE") if next_left_X is not None: # __ new_eq.set_hand_side("left", next_left_X) if next_right_X is not None: # __ new_eq.set_hand_side("right", next_right_X) at_left_one_literal_not_expandable_element = \ (len(new_eq.left_hand_side) == 1 and next_left_X is None and not new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].is_numeric() and len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 1) if (at_left_one_literal_not_expandable_element and 'decimal_result' in options and isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Item) and new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0] .needs_to_get_rounded(options['decimal_result'])): # __ new_eq.set_hand_side("right", new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0] .rounded(options['decimal_result'])) # 2d CASE # Irreducible SUMS, like 3 + x = 5 or x - 2 = 3x + 7 # It seems useless to test if one side is reducible, if it was, # then it would have been treated in the first case. # After that case is treated, every literal term will be moved # to the left, and every numeric term moved to the right. elif (len(new_eq.left_hand_side) >= 2 or len(new_eq.right_hand_side) >= 2 or (len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 1 and not new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].is_numeric())): # __ log.debug("2d CASE") # All the literal objects will be moved to the left, # all numeric will be moved to the right log.debug("Current Equation: " + repr(self)) left_collected_terms = new_eq.left_hand_side.get_numeric_terms() right_collected_terms = new_eq.right_hand_side.get_literal_terms() log.debug("left content: " + repr(self.left_hand_side) + "\nright content: " + repr(self.right_hand_side)) log.debug("\nleft collected terms: " + "".join([repr(t) for t in left_collected_terms])) log.debug("\nright collected terms: " + "".join([repr(t) for t in right_collected_terms])) # Special case of equations like 5 = x - 9 # which should become x = 5 + 9 at the next line, instead of # -x = -5 - 9 (not suited for Pythagorean Equations) if new_eq.left_hand_side.is_numeric() \ and not new_eq.right_hand_side.is_numeric() \ and len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 2 \ and len(right_collected_terms) == 1: # __ log.debug("Entered in the Special Case [part of 2d Case]") log.debug("isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Product)? " + str(isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Product)) + "\nlen(right_collected_terms[0]) == 2? " + str(len(right_collected_terms[0]) == 2) + "\nlen(right_collected_terms[0]) == 1? " + str(len(right_collected_terms[0]) == 1) + "\nisinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Item)? " + str(isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Item))) if ((isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Product) and len(right_collected_terms[0]) == 2 and right_collected_terms[0][0].is_positive()) or (isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Product) and len(right_collected_terms[0]) == 1) or (isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Item) and right_collected_terms[0].is_positive())): # __ log.debug("Special Case [part 2]") return Equation((new_eq.right_hand_side, new_eq.left_hand_side))\ .solve_next_step(**options) # Special Case 2: # of Equations like 9 = 3x which should become x = 9/3 # and not -3x = -9 if new_eq.left_hand_side.is_numeric() \ and not new_eq.right_hand_side.is_numeric() \ and len(new_eq.right_hand_side) == 1 \ and isinstance(right_collected_terms[0], Product): # __ log.debug("Special Case [part 3]") return Equation((new_eq.right_hand_side, new_eq.left_hand_side)) \ .solve_next_step(**options) for term in left_collected_terms: # log.debug("(left)term: " + str(term)) new_eq.left_hand_side.remove(term) term.set_sign(sign_of_product(['-', term.sign])) new_eq.set_hand_side("right", Sum([new_eq.right_hand_side, term])) log.debug("Now, right_hand_side looks like: " + repr(new_eq.right_hand_side)) for term in right_collected_terms: # log.debug("(right)term: " + str(term)) new_eq.right_hand_side.remove(term) # term.set_sign(sign_of_product(['-', term.sign])) term = Product([term, Item(-1)]).reduce_() new_eq.set_hand_side("left", Sum([new_eq.left_hand_side, term])) new_eq.left_hand_side.reduce_() new_eq.right_hand_side.reduce_() # log.debug("after reduction, " # + "right_hand_side looks like: " # + str(new_eq.right_hand_side)) # 3rd CASE # Weird cases like 0 = 1 or 2 = 2 elif (new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].is_numeric() and (new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].is_numeric())): # __ log.debug("3rd CASE") if new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].raw_value == \ new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].raw_value \ and new_eq.left_hand_side.get_sign() == \ new_eq.right_hand_side.get_sign(): # __ return _('Any value of {variable_name} is ' 'solution of the equation.')\ .format(variable_name=new_eq.variable_letter) else: return _('This equation has no solution.') # 4th CASE # Irreducible PRODUCTS ax = b or -x = b or x = b, # where a and b are Exponenteds. # The Product in the left side can't be numeric, or it would # have been already treated before elif isinstance(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0], Product): # __ log.debug("4th CASE") # Let's replace the possibly remaining Monomial of degree 0 # at the right by an equivalent Item or Fraction if isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Monomial): if isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].factor[0], Item): # __ new_eq.right_hand_side\ .set_term(0, Item(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0])) elif isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].factor[0], Fraction): # __ new_eq.right_hand_side\ .set_term(0, Fraction(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0])) # Let's get the numeric Exponented to remove from the left: coefficient = new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].factor[0] if coefficient.is_displ_as_a_single_1(): new_eq.set_hand_side("left", Item(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0] .factor[1])) return new_eq.solve_next_step(**options) elif coefficient.is_displ_as_a_single_minus_1(): new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].set_opposite_sign() new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].set_opposite_sign() elif (isinstance(coefficient, Item) and isinstance(new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Item)): # __ new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].set_factor(0, Item(1)) new_eq.set_hand_side("right", Fraction(('+', new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0], Item(coefficient)))) new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0]\ .set_down_numerator_s_minus_sign() else: new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].set_factor(0, Item(1)) new_eq.right_hand_side\ .set_term(0, Quotient(('+', new_eq .right_hand_side .term[0], coefficient), use_divide_symbol=True)) # 5th CASE # Literal Items -x = b (or -x² = b) or x = b, or x² = b # where a and b are (reduced/simplified) Exponenteds. # The Item at the left can't be numeric, the case should have # been treated before elif (isinstance(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0], Item) and new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].is_literal()): # __ log.debug("5th CASE") if new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].get_sign() == '-': new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].set_opposite_sign() new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].set_opposite_sign() log.debug("Swapped signs") else: # CASES x² = b if new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].exponent == Value(2): if new_eq.right_hand_side.term[0].is_negative(): return _("This equation has no solution.") elif new_eq.left_hand_side.is_displ_as_a_single_0(): new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0].set_exponent(Value(1)) else: temp_sqrt1 = SquareRoot(new_eq. right_hand_side.term[0]) temp_sqrt2 = SquareRoot(temp_sqrt1) temp_sqrt2.set_sign('-') temp_item = Item(new_eq.left_hand_side.term[0]) temp_item.set_exponent(Value(1)) new_eq1 = Equation((temp_item, temp_sqrt1)) new_eq2 = Equation((temp_item, temp_sqrt2)) if ('pythagorean_mode' in options and options['pythagorean_mode']): # __ new_eq2 = MARKUP['open_text_in_maths'] + ' '\ + _('because {L} is positive.')\ .format(L=temp_item.printed)\ + MARKUP['close_text_in_maths'] return (new_eq1, new_eq2) # Now the exponent must be equivalent to a single 1 # or the algorithm just doesn't know how to solve further. else: log.debug("Returning None") return None # log.debug( # "Before having thrown away the neutrals: " # + str(new_eq)) # throwing away the possibly zeros left.. new_eq.set_hand_side("left", new_eq.left_hand_side.throw_away_the_neutrals()) new_eq.set_hand_side("right", new_eq.right_hand_side.throw_away_the_neutrals()) # log.debug( # "After having thrown away the neutrals," # right_hand_side looks like: " # + str(new_eq.right_hand_side)) log.debug("Leaving, with Equation: " + repr(new_eq)) return new_eq
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class CrossProductEquation # @brief All objects that are displayable as Cross Product Equations
[docs]class CrossProductEquation(Equation): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param arg CrossProductEquation|(Quotient, Quotient)| # (num1, num2, deno1, deno2) # @param arg numx and denox are expected as Calculables def __init__(self, arg): if not (type(arg) == tuple or isinstance(arg, CrossProductEquation)): raise ValueError('Got ' + str(type(arg)) + 'instead of a tuple|CrossProductEquation') elif type(arg) == tuple and not (len(arg) == 2 or len(arg) == 4): raise ValueError('Got a tuple of length ' + str(len(arg)) + 'instead of a tuple of length 2 or 4') if isinstance(arg, CrossProductEquation): self._name = self._number = arg.number self._left_hand_side = arg.left_hand_side.clone() self._right_hand_side = arg.right_hand_side.clone() self._variable_letter = arg.variable_letter self._variable_position = arg.variable_position self._variable_obj = arg.variable_obj.clone() else: self._name = settings.default.EQUATION_NAME self._number = '' if len(arg) == 2: if not(isinstance(arg[0], Quotient) and isinstance(arg[1], Quotient)): # __ raise ValueError('Got a a tuple of ' + str(type(arg[0])) + ' and of ' + str(type(arg[1]) + ' instead of a tuple of two Quotients')) else: self._left_hand_side = arg[0].clone() self._right_hand_side = arg[1].clone() elif len(arg) == 4: if not(isinstance(arg[0], Calculable) and isinstance(arg[1], Calculable) and isinstance(arg[2], Calculable) and isinstance(arg[3], Calculable)): # __ raise ValueError('Got a tuple of ' + str(type(arg[0])) + ', ' + str(type(arg[1])) + ', ' + str(type(arg[2])) + 'and ' + str(type(arg[3])) + 'instead of a tuple of four ' 'Calculables') else: self._left_hand_side = Quotient(('+', arg[0], arg[2]), ignore_1_denominator=True) self._right_hand_side = Quotient(('+', arg[1], arg[3]), ignore_1_denominator=True) # Let's find the variable # In the same time, we'll determine its position and the var obj stop = 0 literal_position = 0 literals = 0 variable_letter = "" variable_obj = None # Don't change the order of elt below, it is inspired by this... # 0: x a 1: a x 2: a b 3: a b # b c b c c x x c for elt in [self.left_hand_side.numerator, self.right_hand_side.numerator, self.right_hand_side.denominator, self.left_hand_side.denominator]: if elt.is_literal(): literals += 1 variable_letter += elt.into_str() variable_obj = elt.clone() stop = 1 if not stop: literal_position += 1 if not literals == 1: raise ValueError('Got ' + str(literals) + 'literal objects' 'instead of exactly one literal object ' 'among 4') self._variable_letter = variable_letter self._variable_position = literal_position self._variable_obj = variable_obj # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Getter for the variable obj
[docs] def get_variable_obj(self): return self._variable_obj
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Getter for the variable position
[docs] def get_variable_position(self): return self._variable_position
variable_obj = property(get_variable_obj, doc="Variable object of the Equation") variable_position = property(get_variable_position, doc="Variable position in the Equation") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates the next Equation object in the resolution # @return An Equation
[docs] def solve_next_step(self, **options): temp_table = Table([[self.left_hand_side.numerator, self.right_hand_side.numerator], [self.left_hand_side.denominator, self.right_hand_side.denominator]]) r1d = options.get('remove_1_deno', True) new_eq = Equation((self.variable_obj, temp_table.cross_product((0, 1), self.variable_position, remove_1_deno=r1d))) if (self.left_hand_side.numerator.is_literal() and self.left_hand_side.denominator.is_displ_as_a_single_1()): new_eq = new_eq.solve_next_step(**options) return new_eq
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class Table # @brief All objects that are displayable as Tables
[docs]class Table(Printable, Substitutable):
[docs] class SubstitutableList(list, Substitutable): """A list that can call substitute() on its elements.""" def __init__(self, *args, subst_dict=None): list.__init__(self, *args) Substitutable.__init__(self, subst_dict=subst_dict) @property def content(self): """ The content to be substituted (list containing literal objects). """ return self
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param arg [[Calculable], [Calculable]] (the Calculables' lists must # have the same length) def __init__(self, arg, displ_as_qe=False, ignore_1_denos=None, subst_dict=None): if not type(arg) == list: raise TypeError('arg must be a list (of two lists)') if not len(arg) == 2: raise ValueError('Got a list of ' + str(len(arg)) + 'elements' 'instead of a list of 2 elements') if not type(arg[0]) == list: raise ValueError('Got ' + str(type(arg[0])) + 'instead of a list') if not type(arg[1]) == list: raise ValueError('Got ' + str(type(arg[1])) + 'instead of a list') if not len(arg[0]) == len(arg[1]): raise ValueError('Got two lists of different lengths: ' + str(len(arg[0])) + ' and ' + str(len(arg[1])) + 'instead of two lists of the same length') for j in range(2): for i in range(len(arg[j])): if not isinstance(arg[j][i], Calculable): raise ValueError('Got: arg[' + str(j) + '][' + str(i) + '] being a: ' + str(type(arg[j][i])) + ' instead of a Calculable') if not isinstance(displ_as_qe, bool): raise TypeError('displ_as_qe should be a boolean') if ignore_1_denos is not None and not isinstance(ignore_1_denos, bool): raise TypeError('if set, ignore_1_denos should be a boolean') self._nb_of_cols = len(arg[0]) self._data = [Table.SubstitutableList(arg[0], subst_dict=None), Table.SubstitutableList(arg[1], subst_dict=None)] self._displ_as_qe = displ_as_qe self._ignore_1_denos = displ_as_qe if ignore_1_denos is not None: self._ignore_1_denos = ignore_1_denos Substitutable.__init__(self, subst_dict=subst_dict) @property def displ_as_qe(self): return self._displ_as_qe @property def ignore_1_denos(self): return self._ignore_1_denos @property def content(self): return self._data # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the Table's content as a list of two lists so it # can be addressed
[docs] def get_cell(self): return self._data
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- cell = property(get_cell, doc="t.cell is the complete Table t.cell[i][j] is a cell") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Creates a string of the given object in the given ML # @param options Any options # @return The formated string # @todo Separate this from the LaTeX format (seems difficult to do)
[docs] def into_str(self, as_a_quotients_equality=None, ignore_1_denos=None, **options): if as_a_quotients_equality is None: as_a_quotients_equality = self._displ_as_qe elif not isinstance(as_a_quotients_equality, bool): raise TypeError('as_a_quotients_equality should be a boolean.') if ignore_1_denos is None: ignore_1_denos = self._ignore_1_denos elif not isinstance(ignore_1_denos, bool): raise TypeError('ignore_1_denos should be a boolean.') result = "" if as_a_quotients_equality: for i in range(len(self)): options['ignore_1_denominator'] = ignore_1_denos result += Quotient(('+', self.cell[0][i], self.cell[1][i] ), **options).printed if i < len(self) - 1: result += MARKUP['equal'] else: # there, the table will be displayed normally, as a table content = [] for i in range(2): for j in range(len(self)): content += [self.cell[i][j].printed] result = shared.machine\ .create_table((2, len(self)), content, col_fmt=['c' for i in range(len(self))], borders='all') return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the number of columns of the Table def __len__(self): return self._nb_of_cols # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Produces the cross product of a cell among 4 given # @param cols: (nb of col 1, nb of col 2) # @param x_position: position of the unknown variable to compute # it will be 0, 1, 2 or 3 # 0: x a 1: a x 2: a b 3: a b # b c b c c x x c # @param options Any options # @return A Quotient or possibly a Fraction
[docs] def cross_product(self, col, x_position, remove_1_deno=True, **options): if col[0] >= len(self) or col[1] >= len(self): raise ValueError(str(col[0]) + ' or ' + str(col[1]) + 'should be < ' + str(len(self))) if x_position not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError(str(x_position) + 'should be in [0, 1, 2, 3]') num = None if x_position == 0 or x_position == 2: num = Product([self.cell[0][col[1]], self.cell[1][col[0]]]).throw_away_the_neutrals() elif x_position == 1 or x_position == 3: num = Product([self.cell[0][col[0]], self.cell[1][col[1]]]).throw_away_the_neutrals() deno = None if x_position == 0: deno = self.cell[1][col[1]] if deno.is_displ_as_a_single_1() and remove_1_deno: return num if (self.cell[0][col[1]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[1][col[0]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[1][col[1]].is_displ_as_a_single_int()): # __ return Fraction((num, deno)) else: return Quotient(('+', num, deno)) elif x_position == 1: deno = self.cell[1][col[0]] if deno.is_displ_as_a_single_1() and remove_1_deno: return num if (self.cell[0][col[0]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[1][col[1]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[1][col[0]].is_displ_as_a_single_int()): # __ return Fraction((num, deno)) else: return Quotient(('+', num, deno)) elif x_position == 2: deno = self.cell[0][col[0]] if deno.is_displ_as_a_single_1() and remove_1_deno: return num if (self.cell[0][col[1]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[1][col[0]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[0][col[0]].is_displ_as_a_single_int()): # __ return Fraction((num, deno)) else: return Quotient(('+', num, deno)) elif x_position == 3: deno = self.cell[0][col[1]] if deno.is_displ_as_a_single_1() and remove_1_deno: return num if (self.cell[0][col[0]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[1][col[1]].is_displ_as_a_single_int() and self.cell[0][col[1]].is_displ_as_a_single_int()): # __ return Fraction((num, deno)) else: return Quotient(('+', num, deno))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns True if the Table is entirely numeric
[docs] def is_numeric(self, displ_as=False): for i in range(2): for j in range(len(self)): if not self.cell[i][j].is_numeric(displ_as=displ_as): return False return True
[docs] def into_crossproduct_equation(self, col0=0, col1=1) -> CrossProductEquation: """ Create a CrossProductEquation from two columns. Ensure there is only one literal among the four cells before using it. :param col0: the number of the first column to use :param col1: the number of the second column to use """ return CrossProductEquation((self.cell[0][col0], self.cell[0][col1], self.cell[1][col0], self.cell[1][col1]))
[docs] def auto_resolution(self, col0=0, col1=1, subst_dict=None, **options): result = MARKUP['opening_math_style1'] + self.printed\ + MARKUP['closing_math_style1'] self.substitute(subst_dict=subst_dict) return result + self.into_crossproduct_equation(col0=col0, col1=col1)\ .auto_resolution(**options)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class Table_UP # @brief All objects that are displayable as proportional Tables but uncomplete
[docs]class Table_UP(Table): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor # @param coeff nb|numericCalculable # @param first_line [nb|numericCalculable] # @param info [None|(None|literalCalculable, # None|literalCalculable)] # info and first_line should have the same length # info should contain at least one None|(None, None) element # (means the column is completely numeric) def __init__(self, coeff, first_line, info, displ_as_qe=False): log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('Table_UP.init') if (not is_number(coeff) and not (isinstance(coeff, Calculable) and coeff.is_numeric())): # __ raise ValueError('Got:' + str(type(coeff)) + ' instead of a number or a numeric Calculable') if not type(first_line) == list: raise ValueError('Got:' + str(type(first_line)) + ' instead of a list ') if not type(info) == list: raise ValueError('Got:' + str(type(info)) + ' instead of a list ') if not len(info) == len(first_line): raise ValueError('Got: two lists of lengths ' + str(len(info)) + ' and ' + str(len(first_line)) + ' instead of two lists of the same length.') for elt in first_line: if (elt is not None and not is_number(elt) and not (isinstance(elt, Calculable) and elt.is_numeric())): # __ raise ValueError('Got:' + str(type(elt)) + ' ' + repr(elt) + 'instead of None | nb | numericCalculable') complete_cols = [] literals_positions = {} col_nb = 0 for i in range(len(first_line)): if first_line[i] is None and (info[i] is None or info[i] == (None, None)): # __ raise ValueError('Got first_line[i] and info[i] being' ' both equal to None though only one of ' 'them can be None in the same time') elt = info[i] log.debug('elt: ' + str(elt)) if not (elt is None or type(elt) == tuple): raise ValueError('Got:' + str(type(elt)) + ' instead of either None or a tuple ') if elt is None or elt == (None, None): complete_cols += [col_nb] if type(elt) == tuple: if not len(elt) == 2: raise ValueError('Got: a tuple of length ' + str(len(elt)) + 'instead of a tuple of length 2') if not ((isinstance(elt[0], Calculable) and elt[0].is_literal()) or elt[0] is None): # __ raise ValueError('Got:' + str(elt[0]) + ' instead of None|literalCalculable') if not ((isinstance(elt[1], Calculable) and elt[1].is_literal()) or elt[1] is None): # __ raise ValueError('Got:' + str(type(elt[1])) + ' instead of None|literalCalculable') if elt[0] in literals_positions: raise ValueError('Got:' + elt[0].into_str() + ' being already in the Table,' + ' but it should be there only once.') else: if (isinstance(elt[0], Calculable) and not isinstance(elt[1], Calculable)): # __ literals_positions[elt[0]] = col_nb if elt[1] in literals_positions: raise ValueError('Got:' + elt[1].into_str() + ' being already in the Table.' + ' but it should be there only once') else: if (isinstance(elt[1], Calculable) and not isinstance(elt[0], Calculable)): # __: literals_positions[elt[1]] = col_nb col_nb += 1 if len(complete_cols) == 0: raise ValueError('Got:' + "no complete column found", "there should be at least one complete") # Now everything is clean, let's set the fields self._coeff = coeff second_line = [] for i in range(len(first_line)): if first_line[i] is None: second_line += [None] else: second_line += [Item(Product([coeff, first_line[i]]).evaluate())] data = [[], []] for i in range(len(first_line)): if info[i] is None: data[0] += [first_line[i]] data[1] += [second_line[i]] elif first_line[i] is None: data[0] += [info[i][0]] data[1] += [info[i][1]] else: if info[i][0] is None: data[0] += [first_line[i]] if info[i][1] is None: data[1] += [second_line[i]] else: data[1] += [info[i][1]] else: data[0] += [info[i][0]] if info[i][1] is None: data[1] += [second_line[i]] else: data[1] += [info[i][1]] # for i in xrange(len(data[0])): # if data[0][i] is None: # d0 = "None" # else: # d0 = repr(data[0][i]) # if data[1][i] is None: # d1 = "None" # else: # d1 = repr(data[1][i]) # print "data[0][" + str(i) + "] = " + d0 + "\n" # print "data[1][" + str(i) + "] = " + d1 + "\n" Table.__init__(self, data, displ_as_qe=displ_as_qe) for elt in literals_positions: col_ref = literals_positions[elt] distance = len(data[0]) final_col = None for i in range(len(complete_cols)): if abs(complete_cols[i] - col_ref) <= distance: final_col = complete_cols[i] distance = abs(complete_cols[i] - col_ref) literals_positions[elt] = (col_ref, final_col) self._crossproducts_info = literals_positions # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the Table's coefficient
[docs] def get_coeff(self): return self._coeff
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the info about Cross Products
[docs] def get_crossproducts_info(self): return self._crossproducts_info
coeff = property(get_coeff, doc="the coefficient of the Table_UP") crossproducts_info = property(get_crossproducts_info, doc="infos about the cross products") # for instance, {'EF': (2,0), "GH": (3,0)} means Item 'EF' can # be calculated by a CrossProduct using columns 2 and 0, etc. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @argument arg is expected to be an object that exists in the cp info # @brief Returns the CrossProductEquation matching the given arg
[docs] def into_crossproduct_equation(self, arg): if arg not in self.crossproducts_info: raise ValueError('Got: ' + str(arg) + ' instead of an object expected to exist' 'in self.crossproducts_info') col0 = self.crossproducts_info[arg][0] col1 = self.crossproducts_info[arg][1] col_temp = col1 if col0 > col1: col1 = col0 col0 = col_temp return CrossProductEquation((self.cell[0][col0], self.cell[0][col1], self.cell[1][col0], self.cell[1][col1]))
[docs]class QuotientsEquality(Table): """A shortcut to create Tables as quotients equalities.""" def __init__(self, arg, displ_as_qe=True, ignore_1_denos=True, subst_dict=None): """Initialization of the Table as a Quotients equality.""" Table.__init__(self, arg, displ_as_qe=displ_as_qe, ignore_1_denos=ignore_1_denos, subst_dict=subst_dict)