Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets
# with their answers
# Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <>

# This file is part of Mathmaker.

# Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.

# Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import re
import copy
import json
import random
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import reduce
from itertools import combinations
from collections import defaultdict

from intspan import intspan
from intspan.core import ParseError
from mathmakerlib.calculus import is_integer, is_number, Number, Fraction

from mathmaker import settings
from mathmaker.lib import shared
from mathmaker.lib.constants.numeration import DIGITSPLACES
from mathmaker.lib.constants.numeration import DIGITSPLACES_CONFUSING
from import nndist
from import coprime_generator, generate_decimal

FETCH_TABLE_NAME = re.compile(r'CREATE TABLE (\w+)')
FETCH_TABLE_COLS = re.compile(r', (\w\w+)|\n[ ]+(\w\w+)|\((\w\w+)')

[docs]def parse_sql_creation_query(qr): """Retrieve table's name and columns' names from sql query.""" return (FETCH_TABLE_NAME.findall(qr)[0], [elt for t in FETCH_TABLE_COLS.findall(qr) for elt in t if elt != ''])
[docs]class IntspansProduct(object): """Handle intspan-like ranges, possibly concatenated by ×""" def __init__(self, cartesianpower_spans, elt_nb=None): """ :param cartesianpower_spans: intspan ranges, possibly concatenated by a × :type cartesianpower_spans: str :param elt_nb: number of elements of the tuple. Must be None or set to an int value. If elt_nb is None, then its value will be deduced from the provided cartesianpower_spans. :type elt_nb: int """ if not (elt_nb is None or isinstance(elt_nb, int)): raise TypeError('elt_nb must be an int, found {} instead.' .format(str(type(elt_nb)))) if not isinstance(cartesianpower_spans, str): raise TypeError('cartesianpower_spans must be a str, found {} ' 'instead.'.format(str(type(cartesianpower_spans)))) spans = cartesianpower_spans.split('×') if elt_nb is None: elt_nb = len(spans) if elt_nb != 1 and len(spans) == 1: spans *= elt_nb if len(spans) != elt_nb: raise RuntimeError('Found {} elements in this spans product: {}, ' 'but {} were expected.' .format(len(spans), cartesianpower_spans, elt_nb)) for span in spans: try: intspan(span) except ParseError: raise ValueError('Syntax error found in this integers\' span: ' '{}, what should complain with intspan ' 'syntax. See' 'en/latest/index.html'.format(span)) self.spans_str = spans self.spans = [intspan(_) for _ in spans]
[docs] def turn_to_query_conditions(self, nb_list=None, nb_modifiers=None): """Turn self to a SQLite query condition.""" query = '' prevails = [] if nb_list is not None and (len(nb_list) != len(self.spans_str)): raise ValueError('nb_list must be either None or a list of {} ' 'elements. Found {} instead.' .format(len(self.spans_str), repr(nb_list))) if nb_modifiers is None: nb_modifiers = ['' for _ in self.spans_str] if len(nb_modifiers) == 1: nb_modifiers = [nb_modifiers[0] for i in range(len(nb_modifiers))] if len(nb_modifiers) != len(self.spans_str): raise ValueError('nb_modifiers can be None or a list of one ' 'element or a list of {} elements. Found {} ' 'instead.'.format(len(self.spans_str), repr(nb_modifiers))) for i, span in enumerate(self.spans_str): ranges = [] single_values = [] s = span.split(',') if nb_list is None: nb_id = 'nb{}{}'.format(i + 1, nb_modifiers[i]) else: nb_id = '{}{}'.format(nb_list[i], nb_modifiers[i]) for r in s: if '-' in r: mini, maxi = r.split('-') ranges.append('{} BETWEEN {} AND {}' .format(nb_id, mini, maxi)) elif r != '': # only handle really provided values, not '' single_values.append(r) ranges = ' OR '.join(ranges) single_values_str = ', '.join(["'{}'".format(v) for v in single_values]) q = '' if single_values_str: q += '{} IN ({})'.format(nb_id, single_values_str) if len(single_values) == 1: prevails += single_values if ranges: hook = ' OR ' if q else '' parenthesis1 = '(' if q else '' parenthesis2 = ')' if q else '' q += hook + parenthesis1 + ranges + parenthesis2 hook = ' AND ' if query else '' parenthesis1 = '(' if len(self.spans) >= 2 else '' parenthesis2 = ')' if len(self.spans) >= 2 else '' query += hook + parenthesis1 + q + parenthesis2 output = {} if query: query = '({})'.format(query) output.update({'raw': query}) if prevails: output.update({'prevails': prevails}) return output
@staticmethod def _group_by_packs(spans, dist_code): """ All possibilities to gather IntspansProduct factors in packs. :param dist_code: tells what kind of packs should be made. For instance, for a product of 4 intspans, it can be 2_1_1, 2_2, 3_1, 4, or 1_1_1_1. :type dist_code: str """ intspans_list = [intspan(_) for _ in spans] packs_lengths = [int(_) for _ in dist_code.split('_')] if sum(packs_lengths) != len(spans): raise ValueError("dist_code '{}' cannot be used for a list of " '{} intspans.'.format(dist_code, len(spans))) first_length = packs_lengths.pop(0) if first_length == 1: packs_list = [[[intspan(intspans_list[0])]]] else: # packs_list = list(combinations(intspans_list, first_length)) packs_list = [[list(_)] for _ in list(combinations(intspans_list, first_length))] for p in packs_lengths: new_list = [] for line in packs_list: remainings = [_ for _ in intspans_list] for elt in line: for _ in elt: if _ in remainings: remainings.remove(_) if p == 1: new_elts = [[intspan(remainings.pop(0))]] else: new_elts = [list(_) for _ in list(combinations(remainings, p))] for elt in new_elts: new_line = [_ for _ in line] new_line.append(elt) new_list.append(new_line) packs_list = [_ for _ in new_list] # Let's remove possible duplicates packs = [] for line in packs_list: new_line = [] for elt in line: new_line.append(sorted(elt, key=lambda x: (min(list(x)), max(list(x))) )) packs.append(sorted(new_line, key=lambda x: (-len(x), min(x[0]), max(x[0])) )) final_packs_list = [] for line in packs: if line not in final_packs_list: final_packs_list.append(line) return sorted(final_packs_list, key=lambda x: (min(x[0][0]), max(x[0][0])) ) @staticmethod def _filter_packs(packs_list): filtered_packs = [] for line in packs_list: filtered_line = [] for pack in line: filtered_pack = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, pack) filtered_line.append(filtered_pack) if ((filtered_line not in filtered_packs) and all([p != intspan('') for p in filtered_line])): filtered_packs.append(filtered_line) return filtered_packs @staticmethod def _rebuild_spans_from_packs(filtered_packs, dist_code): coeffs = [int(_) for _ in dist_code.split('_')] unpacked_spans = [] for line in filtered_packs: new_line = [] for p, c in zip(line, coeffs): new_line += [p] * c unpacked_spans.append(new_line) return unpacked_spans @staticmethod def __filter_possibilities(possibilities, i, span, len_spans, result, **kwargs): # note: some conditions for a query do not apply to tuples # in particular: nb*_to_check, lock_equal_products # first, tests on str versions possibilities = [str(p) for p in possibilities] applied_conditions = [] excluded = kwargs.get('not_in', None) if excluded is not None: span_values = [str(_) for _ in span] if all(v in excluded for v in span_values): excluded = [v for v in excluded if v not in span_values] possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p not in excluded] applied_conditions.append('not_in={}'.format(excluded)) included = kwargs.get('nb{}_in'.format(i + 1), None) if included is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p in included] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_in={}'.format(i + 1, included)) # back to tests on ints possibilities = [int(p) for p in possibilities] constructible = kwargs.get('constructible', None) if i == len_spans - 1 and constructible is not None: applied_conditions.append('constructible={}' .format(constructible)) previous_max = max(result) all_previous_but_max = [_ for _ in result] all_previous_but_max.remove(previous_max) if constructible: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if previous_max + 1 - sum(all_previous_but_max) <= p <= sum(result) - 1] else: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p < previous_max + 1 - sum(all_previous_but_max) or p > sum(result) - 1] mini = kwargs.get('nb{}_min'.format(i + 1), None) if mini is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p >= mini] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_min={}'.format(i + 1, mini)) maxi = kwargs.get('nb{}_max'.format(i + 1), None) if maxi is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p <= maxi] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_max={}'.format(i + 1, maxi)) notmod = kwargs.get('nb{}_notmod'.format(i + 1), None) if notmod is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p % int(notmod)] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_notmod={}' .format(i + 1, notmod)) mod = kwargs.get('nb{}_mod'.format(i + 1), None) if mod is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if not (p % mod)] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_mod={}'.format(i + 1, mod)) lt = kwargs.get('nb{}_lt'.format(i + 1), None) if lt is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p < lt] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_lt={}'.format(i + 1, lt)) ge = kwargs.get('nb{}_ge'.format(i + 1), None) if ge is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p >= ge] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_ge={}'.format(i + 1, ge)) neq = kwargs.get('nb{}_neq'.format(i + 1), None) if neq is not None: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p != neq] applied_conditions.append('nb{}_neq={}'.format(i + 1, neq)) regex_rule = r'nb{}_mod(\d+)_ge'.format(i + 1) for kw in kwargs: matches = re.findall(regex_rule, kw) for value in matches: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p % int(value) >= int(kwargs[kw])] applied_conditions.append('nb{}mod{}_ge={}'.format(i + 1, value, kwargs[kw])) regex_rule = r'nb{}_mod(\d+)_range'.format(i + 1) for kw in kwargs: matches = re.findall(regex_rule, kw) for value in matches: possibilities = [p for p in possibilities if p % int(value) in intspan(kwargs[kw])] return possibilities, applied_conditions, result @staticmethod def _random_draw_attempt(spans, failed_attempts, return_all=False, **kwargs): result = [] all_possibilities = [] # Spans will be processed one after the other. # e.g. if spans are '2-7', '2-9', '10-100', one number will be drawn # from span 2-7, then one number from span 2-9 and the last from span # 10-100. # DISTCODE # Before looping over the spans, setup auxiliary variables to handle # a possible distcode stick_to = None stick_on = [True for _ in range(len(spans))] distcodes = kwargs.get('code', None) dc_garbage = intspan('') # get filled only if a distcode is being used if distcodes is not None: stick_on = [] distcodes = [int(_) for _ in distcodes.split('_')] for p in distcodes: stick_on += [False] + [True for _ in range(p - 1)] # LOOP OVER THE SPANS for i, span in enumerate(spans): possibilities = intspan(span) if stick_to is not None: # only if a distcode is being used if stick_on[i]: possibilities = intspan(stick_to) else: dc_garbage |= intspan(stick_to) possibilities -= dc_garbage # Previous failed attempts, if any, are removed from possibilities if tuple(result) in failed_attempts: possibilities -= failed_attempts[tuple(result)] possibilities = list(possibilities) if not possibilities: # From previous failed attempts, we know this is a dead end if len(result) >= 1: failed_attempts[tuple(result[:-1])]\ .add(intspan(result[-1])) return False, failed_attempts else: return False, 'impossible' possibilities, applied_conditions, result = \ IntspansProduct.__filter_possibilities( possibilities, i, span, len(spans), result, **kwargs) if not possibilities: if len(result) >= 1: failed_attempts[tuple(result[:-1])]\ .add(intspan(result[-1])) return False, (failed_attempts, applied_conditions) else: failed_attempts[tuple()].add(intspan(span)) return False, (failed_attempts, applied_conditions) all_possibilities.append(possibilities) drawn_nb = random.choice(possibilities) result.append(drawn_nb) if distcodes is not None: # only if a distcode is being used if not stick_on[i]: stick_to = drawn_nb if return_all: return (True, all_possibilities) return (True, tuple(sorted(result))) @staticmethod def _random_draw_from_spans(spans, return_all=False, **kwargs): # CONSTRUCTIBILITY: early detection of impossible cases # (if the provided intspan does not allow to create a (not) # constructible tuple although it is required) constructible = kwargs.get('constructible', None) if constructible is not None: spansL = [list(intspan(s)) for s in spans] found = False if constructible: for s in spansL: others = [_ for _ in spansL] others.remove(s) values_to_test = [max(_) for _ in others] values_to_test.append(min(s)) m = max(values_to_test) values_to_test.remove(m) if m < sum(values_to_test): found = True if not found: raise RuntimeError('Impossible to draw a constructible ' 'int tuple from {}.\n' .format([str(s) for s in spans])) else: for s in spansL: others = [_ for _ in spansL] others.remove(s) if max(s) >= sum([min(_) for _ in others]): found = True if not found: raise RuntimeError('Impossible to draw a not ' 'constructible int tuple from {}.\n' .format([str(s) for s in spans])) # ATTEMPTS TO DRAW A RANDOM TUPLE spans_lengths = [len(list(intspan(s))) for s in spans] max_tries = min(1000, reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, spans_lengths)) # each key: value of failed_attempts will be in the form: # tuple_that_leads_to_impossible_result: intspan(values) failed_attempts = defaultdict(intspan) applied_conditions = [] for _ in range(max_tries): made_it, result = IntspansProduct._random_draw_attempt( spans, failed_attempts, return_all=return_all, **kwargs) if made_it: return result else: if result == 'impossible': raise RuntimeError('Impossible to draw an int tuple from ' '{} under these conditions: {}.\n' .format([str(s) for s in spans], '; '.join(applied_conditions))) elif isinstance(result, tuple): failed_attempts, applied_conditions = result else: failed_attempts = result # Cannot yet figure out a case where this could happen, # so it is not tested, # but I leave this here in case this may be useful someday. raise RuntimeError('The conditions to draw a random int tuple lead to ' 'no result after {} attempts.\n' 'Initial spans were: {}.\n' 'Conditions: {}.\n' .format(max_tries, spans, '; '.join(applied_conditions)))
[docs] def random_draw(self, return_all=False, do_shuffle=True, **kwargs): spans = sorted([s for s in self.spans], key=lambda x: len(list(x))) dist_code = kwargs.get('code', None) equilateral = kwargs.get('equilateral', None) equal_sides = kwargs.get('equal_sides', None) if [dist_code, equilateral].count(None) == 0: raise ValueError('Only one keyword between code and equilateral ' 'can be used in a query.') if [dist_code, equal_sides].count(None) == 0: raise ValueError('Only one keyword between code and equal_sides ' 'can be used in a query.') if equilateral and equal_sides is not None and not equal_sides: raise ValueError('Impossible to draw with equilateral set to ' 'True and equal_sides set to False.') if equilateral is not None and equilateral: dist_code = str(len(spans)) if equal_sides: if equilateral: dist_code = str(len(spans)) else: query_conditions = {'equal_sides': 1, 'nbof_nb': len(spans)} if (equilateral is not None) and (not equilateral): query_conditions.update({'equilateral': 0}) dist_code =**query_conditions)[0] if dist_code is not None: kwargs.update({'code': dist_code}) spans_list = self._filter_packs(self._group_by_packs(spans, dist_code)) spans_list = self._rebuild_spans_from_packs(spans_list, dist_code) if do_shuffle: random.shuffle(spans_list) for spans in spans_list: try: return self._random_draw_from_spans(spans, return_all=return_all, **kwargs) except RuntimeError: pass raise RuntimeError('The conditions to draw a random int tuple ' 'lead to no result.\n' 'Initial spans were: {}.\n' 'Conditions: {}.\n' .format(spans, kwargs)) else: return self._random_draw_from_spans(spans, return_all=return_all, **kwargs)
[docs]class source(object): ## # @brief Initializer # @param table_name The name of the table in the database # @param cols The name of the cols used to return values. The # first one will be used to _timestamp the retrieved # data and won't be returned. If only one value is # returned it is unpacked from the tuple containing # it. def __init__(self, table_name, cols, **kwargs): self.table_name = table_name self.allcols = cols self.idcol = cols[0] self.valcols = cols[1:] self.language = kwargs.get('language', '') self.db = kwargs.get('db', shared.db) def _unlock(self): """Reset locked column of current table.""" log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db_lock') log.debug('UNLOCK table: {}\n'.format(self.table_name)) self.db.execute("UPDATE {} SET locked = 0;".format(self.table_name)) def _twothirds_reset(self): """Will reset only two thirds of the already timestamped entries.""" log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db') n = tuple(self.db.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) from {} ' 'WHERE drawDate != 0;' .format(self.table_name)))[0][0] lim = Number(Number('0.67') * Number(n)).rounded(Decimal('1')) log.debug(' 2/3 RESET: {}/{}\n'.format(lim, n)) self.db.execute('UPDATE {table_name} SET drawDate=0 ' 'WHERE id IN ' '(SELECT id FROM {table_name}' ' WHERE drawDate != 0' ' ORDER BY drawDate LIMIT {nb});' .format(table_name=self.table_name, nb=lim)) ## # @brief Resets the drawDate of all table's entries (to 0) def _reset(self, **kwargs): self.db.execute("UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET drawDate = 0;") if "lock_equal_products" in kwargs: self.db.execute("UPDATE {} SET lock_equal_products = 0;" .format(self.table_name)) if "union" in kwargs: self.db.execute("UPDATE {} SET drawDate = 0;" .format(kwargs['union']['table_name'])) cmd = self._cmd(**kwargs) if (not len(tuple(self.db.execute(cmd))) and kwargs.get('not_in', None) is not None): if 'nb1_min' in kwargs and 'nb1_max' in kwargs: kwargs.update({'not_in': [str(n) for n in kwargs['not_in'] if not (Decimal(kwargs['nb1_min']) <= Decimal(n) <= Decimal(kwargs['nb1_max']) )] }) if 'nb2_min' in kwargs and 'nb2_max' in kwargs: kwargs.update({'not_in': [str(n) for n in kwargs['not_in'] if not (Decimal(kwargs['nb2_min']) <= Decimal(n) <= Decimal(kwargs['nb2_max']) )] }) results = re.findall(r"nb(\d) BETWEEN (\d+) AND (\d+)", cmd) for r in results: kwargs.update({'not_in': [str(n) for n in kwargs['not_in'] if not (Decimal(r[1]) <= Decimal(n) <= Decimal(r[2]) )] }) return kwargs ## # @brief Creates the "SELECT ...,...,... FROM ...." part of the query def _select_part(self, **kwargs): table_name = kwargs.get('table_name', self.table_name) return "SELECT " + ",".join(self.allcols) + " FROM " + table_name ## # @brief Creates the language condition part of the query def _language_part(self, **kwargs): return "AND language = '" + self.language + "' " \ if self.language != ""\ else "" ## # @brief Creates the conditions of the query, from the given kwargs # Some special checks are allowed, like nb1_min <= ... # and nb1_max >= ... def _kw_conditions(self, wrap_in_AND=True, **kwargs): result = "" def hook(i): """Return ' AND ' if i != 0, else ''""" yield ' AND ' if i else '' # kn stands for keyword number # It must be updated (+=1) ONLY if a keyword has led to add a condition # indeed. Hence it - alas - CANNOT be handled by enumerate(kwargs). kn = 0 for kw in kwargs: if kw == "raw": result += next(hook(kn)) + kwargs[kw] + " " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith('_mod'): k = kw[:-len('_mod')] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " % " + str(kwargs[kw]) \ + " = 0 " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith('_notmod'): k = kw[:-7] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " % " + str(kwargs[kw]) \ + " != 0 " kn += 1 elif kw == "triangle_inequality": common_nb, t1, t2 = kwargs[kw] mini = str(abs(t1 - t2) + 1) # we avoid "too flat" triangles maxi = str(t1 + t2 - 1) result += next(hook(kn)) + ' ( '\ '( nb1 = ' + str(common_nb) + ' '\ 'AND ( nb2 >= ' + mini + ' AND nb2 <= ' + maxi + ' ) '\ ') OR '\ '( nb2 = ' + str(common_nb) + ' '\ 'AND ( nb1 >= ' + mini + ' AND nb1 <= ' + maxi + ' ) '\ ')) ' kn += 1 elif (kw == "prevails" or kw.startswith("info_") or kw == "union" or kw == 'table_name' or kw == 'no_order_by_random' or kw == 'enablereset'): # __ pass elif kw == "lock_equal_products": result += next(hook(kn)) + " lock_equal_products = 0 " kn += 1 elif kw in ["lock_equal_coeffs", "lock_equal_contexts", "lock_equal_types"]: if "locked = " not in result: result += next(hook(kn)) + " locked = 0 " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_to_check"): k = kw[:-9] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + "_min" + " <= " \ + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " result += ' AND ' + k + "_max" + " >= " \ + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_min"): k = kw[:-4] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " >= " + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_max"): k = kw[:-4] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " <= " + str(kwargs[kw]) + " " kn += 1 elif kw == "not_in": if kwargs["not_in"] is not None: updated_notin_list = list(kwargs[kw]) for c in self.valcols: if c in kwargs and kwargs[c] in updated_notin_list: updated_notin_list.remove(kwargs[c]) # prevails is used to not prevent numbers to be drawn # twice in a row, like when drawing multiples of the same # number, or drawing complements to the same number # (e.g. 100) # Take care it must contain a list of str (e.g. ['100']) if "prevails" in kwargs: for n in kwargs["prevails"]: if n in updated_notin_list: updated_notin_list.remove(n) if len(updated_notin_list): for i, c in enumerate(self.valcols): result += next(hook(kn + i)) + c + " NOT IN ( " \ + ", "\ .join(str(x) if is_number(x) else "'{}'".format(x) for x in updated_notin_list) + " ) " kn += 1 elif kw.startswith("either_") and kw.endswith("_in"): if kwargs[kw] is not None: k = kw.split(sep='_')[1:-1] result += next(hook(kn)) + " ( " + k[0] + " IN ( " + ", "\ .join(str(x) for x in kwargs[kw]) + " ) OR "\ + k[1] + " IN ( " + ", "\ .join(str(x) for x in kwargs[kw]) + " ) ) " kn += 1 elif kw.endswith("_in"): k = kw[:-3] result += next(hook(kn)) + k + " IN ( " + ", "\ .join(str(x) for x in kwargs[kw]) + " ) " kn += 1 elif kw == 'rectangle': if any([kw.startswith('nb2') for kw in kwargs]): result += next(hook(kn)) + "nb1 != nb2 " kn += 1 elif kw == 'square': if any([kw.startswith('nb2') for kw in kwargs]): result += next(hook(kn)) + " nb1 = nb2 " kn += 1 elif kw == 'diff7atleast': result += next(hook(kn)) + " nb2 - nb1 >= 7 " kn += 1 elif re.findall(r'nb(\d)_mod(\d+)_ge', kw): for match in re.findall(r'nb(\d)_mod(\d+)_ge', kw): result += "{} nb{} % {} >= {} ".format(next(hook(kn)), match[0], match[1], kwargs[kw]) kn += 1 elif re.findall(r'nb(\d)_mod(\d+)_range', kw): for match in re.findall(r'nb(\d)_mod(\d+)_range', kw): result += "{} {} "\ .format(next(hook(kn)), IntspansProduct(kwargs[kw]) .turn_to_query_conditions( nb_list=['nb{}'.format(match[0])], nb_modifiers=[' % {} '.format(match[1])])) kn += 1 elif kw.endswith('_noqr'): pass else: # default interpretation is " AND key = value " key = kw rel_sign = " = " if kw.endswith('_lt'): rel_sign = " < " key = kw[:-3] # If following lines become useful, don't forget to update # other places (search for '_gt') # if kw.endswith('_gt'): # rel_sign = " > " # key = kw[:-3] if kw.endswith('_ge'): rel_sign = " >= " key = kw[:-3] elif kw.endswith('_neq'): rel_sign = " != " key = kw[:-4] simple_quote = "" try: # automatic detection of integers int(kwargs[kw]) except ValueError as excinfo: if ('invalid literal for int() with base 10' in str(excinfo)): simple_quote = "'" else: raise # This automatic detection in not enough, since int('1_1_1') # does not raise an error. if any([c not in '0123456789.' for c in str(kwargs[kw])]): simple_quote = "'" result += next(hook(kn)) + key + rel_sign + simple_quote \ + str(kwargs[kw]) + simple_quote + " " kn += 1 if wrap_in_AND: fmt = 'AND ( {} ) ' else: fmt = ' {} ' return fmt.format(result) if result else '' ## # @brief Concatenates the different parts of the query def _cmd(self, **kwargs): if 'union' in kwargs: kwargs2 = kwargs.pop('union') return "SELECT * FROM (" \ + self._cmd(no_order_by_random=True, **kwargs) \ + " UNION " \ + self._cmd(no_order_by_random=True, **kwargs2) \ + ") ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1;" else: order_by_random = " ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1;" if 'no_order_by_random' in kwargs: order_by_random = "" return self._select_part(**kwargs) + " WHERE drawDate = 0 " \ + self._language_part(**kwargs) \ + self._kw_conditions(**kwargs) \ + order_by_random ## # @brief Executes the query. If no result, resets the table and executes # the query again. Returns the query's result. def _query_result(self, cmd, **kwargs): log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db') log.debug(cmd) enablereset = kwargs.get('enablereset', True) qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd)) if (not len(qr) and self.table_name in ['deci_int_triples_for_prop', 'mini_pb_prop_wordings', 'mini_pb_time_wordings']): self._unlock() qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd)) if not len(qr) and enablereset: self._twothirds_reset() qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd)) if not len(qr): log.debug('FULL RESET of {}\n'.format(self.table_name)) kwargs = self._reset(**kwargs) cmd1 = self._cmd(**kwargs) qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd1)) if not len(qr): if ' nb1 ' in cmd1 and ' nb2 ' in cmd1: cmd2 = cmd1.replace(' nb1 ', 'TEMP') \ .replace(' nb2 ', ' nb1 ') \ .replace('TEMP', ' nb2 ') cmd2 = cmd2.replace(' nb1_', 'TEMP') \ .replace(' nb2_', ' nb1_') \ .replace('TEMP', ' nb2_') qr = tuple(self.db.execute(cmd2)) if not len(qr): logm = settings.mainlogger logm.error('Query result is empty:\nQUERY1\n{}\n' 'QUERY2\n{}\nQUERY3\n{}\n' .format(cmd, cmd1, cmd2)) log.debug('Query result = {}\n'.format(qr)) return qr ## # @brief Set the drawDate to datetime() in all entries where col_name # has a value of col_match. def _timestamp(self, kwconditions, **kwargs): cond = self._kw_conditions(wrap_in_AND=False, **kwconditions) log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db_timestamp') log.debug('TIMESTAMP condition={}\n'.format(cond)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET drawDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f')" + " WHERE " + cond + ";") if 'union' in kwargs: self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + kwargs['union']['table_name'] + " SET drawDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f')" + " WHERE " + cond + ";") ## # @brief Will 'lock' some entries def _lock(self, t, **kwargs): log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db_lock') if 'lock_equal_products' in kwargs: if t in kwargs['info_lock']: log.debug('LOCK: products equal to {} in {}\n' .format(str(t[0] * t[1]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET lock_equal_products = 1" + " WHERE nb1 = '" + str(t[0]) + "' and nb2 = '" + str(t[1]) + "';") for couple in kwargs['info_lock'][t]: self.db.execute( "UPDATE " + self.table_name + " SET lock_equal_products = 1" + " WHERE nb1 = '" + str(couple[0]) + "' and nb2 = '" + str(couple[1]) + "';") if ('lock_equal_coeffs' in kwargs and self.table_name == 'deci_int_triples_for_prop'): log.debug('LOCK: coeff {} in {}\n' .format(str(t[0]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE {table_name} SET locked = 1 WHERE coeff = '{coeff}';" .format(table_name=self.table_name, coeff=str(t[0]))) if ('lock_equal_contexts' in kwargs and self.table_name in ['mini_pb_prop_wordings', 'mini_pb_time_wordings']): log.debug('LOCK: context "{}" in {}\n' .format(str(t[0]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE {table_name} SET locked = 1 " "WHERE wording_context = '{wcontext}';" .format(table_name=self.table_name, wcontext=str(t[0]))) if ('lock_equal_types' in kwargs and self.table_name == 'mini_pb_time_wordings'): log.debug('LOCK: type "{}" in {}\n' .format(str(t[1]), self.table_name)) self.db.execute( "UPDATE {table_name} SET locked = 1 " "WHERE type = '{wtype}';" .format(table_name=self.table_name, wtype=str(t[1]))) ## # @brief Synonym of, but makes the source an Iterator. def __next__(self): return ## # @brief Handles the choice of the next value to return from the # database
[docs] def next(self, **kwargs): sql_query = self._cmd(**kwargs) query_result = self._query_result(sql_query, **kwargs) if not len(query_result): raise RuntimeError('No result from database query. Command was:\n' + str(sql_query)) t = query_result[0] self._timestamp({str(self.idcol): str(t[0])}, **kwargs) self._lock(t[1:len(t)], **kwargs) return t[1:len(t)]
[docs]def db_table(tag): """Table's name possibly associated to tag.""" if (tag.startswith('intpairs_') or tag.startswith('table_') or tag.startswith('multiplesof') or tag.startswith('complements_to_')): return 'int_pairs' elif tag.startswith('singleint_'): return 'single_ints' elif tag.startswith('singledeci1_'): return 'single_deci1' elif tag == 'unitspairs': return 'units_conversions' elif tag == 'decimalfractionssums': return 'decimals' elif tag.startswith('deciinttriplesforprop'): return 'deci_int_triples_for_prop' elif tag == 'rightcuboids': return 'polyhedra' elif tag in ['int_deci_clever_pairs', 'nn_deci_clever_pairs', 'digits_places', 'fracdigits_places', 'simple_fractions', 'decimals', 'polygons', 'int_triples', 'int_quadruples', 'int_quintuples', 'int_sextuples', 'anglessets', 'times']: return tag elif any(tag.startswith(t) for t in ['nnpairs', 'nntriples', 'nnquadruples', 'nnquintuples', 'nnsextuples']): # This is in natural_nb_tuples database. # Table name is the same as tag after 'nn' prefix is removed return tag.split(':')[0][len('nn'):] return ''
## # @brief Will tell if the tag belongs to int pairs, decimal numbers etc.
[docs]def classify_tag(tag): if (tag.startswith('intpairs_') or tag.startswith('table_') or tag.startswith('multiplesof') or tag.startswith('complements_to_')): # __ return 'int_pairs' elif tag.startswith('singleint_'): return 'single_int' elif tag.startswith('singledeci1_'): return 'single_deci1' elif tag.startswith('deciinttriplesforprop'): return 'deciinttriplesforprop' elif tag.startswith('inttriplesforprop'): return 'int_triples' elif tag.endswith(r'%of...'): return 'percentage' elif tag.startswith('int_quintuples'): return 'int_quintuples' elif any([tag.startswith(t) for t in ['nnpairs', 'nntriples', 'nnquadruples', 'nnquintuples', 'nnsextuples']]): return 'natural_nb_tuples' elif tag in ['int_deci_clever_pairs', 'nn_deci_clever_pairs', 'int_irreducible_frac', 'nothing', 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_multi', 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_divi', 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_multi', 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_divi', 'unitspairs', 'digits_places', 'fracdigits_places', 'decimals', 'decimalfractionssums', 'extdecimals', 'simple_fractions', 'dvipsnames_selection', 'polygons', 'int_triples', 'int_quadruples', 'int_quintuples', 'int_sextuples', 'anglessets', 'rightcuboids', 'times', 'clocktime_data']: # __ return tag raise ValueError(tag + " is not recognized as a valid 'tag' that can be " "used in a mathmaker xml file.")
[docs]def preprocess_qkw(table_name, qkw=None): """Add relevant questions keywords to build the query.""" with open(settings.db_index_path) as f: db_index = json.load(f) with open(settings.shapes_db_index_path) as f: db_index.update(json.load(f)) with open(settings.solids_db_index_path) as f: db_index.update(json.load(f)) with open(settings.natural_nb_tuples_db_index_path) as f: db_index.update(json.load(f)) if table_name not in db_index: return {} d = {} if qkw is None: qkw = {} for kw in qkw: if any([kw.startswith(ref) for ref in db_index[table_name]]): d.update({kw: qkw[kw]}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_int_triplesforprop_tag(tag, not_in=None): d = {'equal_sides': 0, 'nb3_notmod': 'nb2'} parts = tag.split('_') if len(parts) == 2: L0 = list(intspan(parts[1])) # Make use of 'not_in' to remove numbers from last draw from the ones # we add here. if not_in is not None: not_in = [int(_) for _ in not_in] for elt in not_in: if elt in L0: L0.remove(elt) L = [str(_) for _ in L0] # For nb2 and nb3, usually we don't want to use 15 and 25 L1 = [str(_) for _ in L0 if _ <= 14] d.update({'nb1_in': L, 'nb2_in': L1, 'nb3_in': L1}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_deci_int_triplesforprop_tag(tag, qkw=None): d = {} parts = tag.split('_') if len(parts) == 2: n1, n2 = parts[1].split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2, 'nb2_min': n1, 'nb2_max': n2} return d
## # @brief Will turn the tag into the matching conditions for the db query. # Note that any value matching a 'nbN' key (like 'nb1': '11') will # be automatically removed from any "NOT IN(...)" condition in a # query. The "raw" keyword allows to give more complex queries but # as the 'nbN' keys are then "buried" inside the query string, it's # possible to add a "prevail": 'value' in the returned dictionary # to allow this very same behaviour (as directly adding a # 'nbN': 'value' may change the query). # @return A dictionary
[docs]def preprocess_int_pairs_tag(tag, qkw=None): if qkw is None: qkw = {} d = {} if tag.startswith('complements_to_'): step = 1 upper_bounds = tag[15:] if '...' in upper_bounds: mini, maxi = [int(n) for n in upper_bounds.split('...')] if mini % 10 == 0 and maxi % 10 == 0: step = 10 if mini % 100 == 0 and maxi % 100 == 0: step = 100 upper_bound = random.choice([n * step + mini for n in range(maxi // step - mini // step + 1)]) else: upper_bound = int(upper_bounds) if qkw.get('nb_variant', 'default').startswith('decimal'): upper_bound *= 10 step = 10 d = {'nb2': upper_bound, 'nb1_lt': upper_bound // 2 + 1, 'prevails': [str(upper_bound)]} if upper_bound > 10: d.update({'diff7atleast': True}) if step != 1: d.update({'nb1_notmod': step}) # 'table_11' is a shortcut for a special range elif tag == 'table_11_ones': d = {'nb1_in': ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'nb2': '11'} elif tag == 'table_11_tens_easy': d = {'nb2_in': ['11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '51', '52', '53', '54', '61', '62', '63', '71', '72', '81'], 'nb1': '11'} elif tag == 'table_11_tens_hard': d = {'nb2_in': ['19', '28', '29', '37', '37', '39', '46', '47', '48', '49', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98', '99'], 'nb1': '11'} elif tag == 'table_11_tens': d = {'nb2_in': [str(n + 11) for n in range(89)], 'nb1': '11'} # 'table_N' is a shortcut for 'multiplesofN_2to9' if N <= 10 # and for 'multiplesofN_2to6' if N >= 12 (11 is managed separately) elif tag.startswith('table_'): n = int(tag[6:]) r = "_2to9" if n <= 10 else "_2to6" tag = 'multiplesof' + str(n) + r if tag.startswith('intpairs_'): if '×' not in tag: n1, n2 = tag[9:].split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2, 'nb2_min': n1, 'nb2_max': n2} else: nb1_part, nb2_part = tag.replace('intpairs_', '').split(sep='×') min1, max1 = nb1_part.split(sep='to') min2, max2 = nb2_part.split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': min1, 'nb1_max': max1, 'nb2_min': min2, 'nb2_max': max2} elif tag.startswith('multiplesof'): N, r = tag[11:].split(sep='_') mini, maxi = r.split(sep='to') d = {'raw': '(nb1 = ' + N + ' and (nb2 >= ' + mini + ' and nb2 <= ' + maxi + ')) or (nb2 = ' + N + ' and (nb1 >= ' + mini + ' and nb1 <= ' + maxi + '))', 'prevails': [N]} return d
[docs]def preprocess_int_quintuples_tag(tag, qkw=None): d = {} if 'to' in tag: if '×' not in tag: n1, n2 = tag[len('int_quintuples_'):].split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2, 'nb2_min': n1, 'nb2_max': n2} else: nb1_part, nb2_part = tag.replace('int_quintuples_', '')\ .split(sep='×') min1, max1 = nb1_part.split(sep='to') min2, max2 = nb2_part.split(sep='to') d = {'nb1_min': min1, 'nb1_max': max1, 'nb2_min': min2, 'nb2_max': max2} return d
[docs]def preprocess_single_nb_tag(tag): """From single..._mintomax, get and return min and max in a dictionary.""" n1, n2 = tag.split(sep='_')[1].split(sep='to') return {'nb1_min': n1, 'nb1_max': n2}
[docs]def preprocess_percentage_tag(tag, qkw=None): """ Deal with quarters, halves... numbers' sources. As the initial tag (source_id) may be modified, it is returned along the tag to use, in first position, so all return statements are of the form return tag, ... """ if qkw is None: qkw = {} if '|' in tag: possible_values = tag[:-len('%of...')].split('|') value =[0] tag = str(value) + '%of...' if tag in [r'25%of...', r'75%of...']: if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': return tag, 'multiplesof4_2to10' else: return tag, 'multiplesof2_2to100' elif tag == r'50%of...': if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': return tag, 'multiplesof2_2to100' else: return tag, 'singleint_12to200' elif tag == r'10%of...': if qkw.get('nb_variant', 'default').startswith('decimal'): return tag, random.choice(['singleint_1to9', 'singleint_11to19', 'singleint_21to29', 'singleint_31to39', 'singleint_41to49', 'singleint_51to59', 'singleint_61to69', 'singleint_71to79', 'singleint_81to89', 'singleint_91to99', 'singleint_101to109', 'singleint_111to119', 'singleint_121to129', 'singleint_131to139', 'singleint_141to149', 'singleint_151to159', 'singleint_161to169', 'singleint_171to179', 'singleint_181to189', 'singleint_191to199']) if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': choice = random.choice([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) if choice == 1: return tag, 'singleint_12to200' elif choice == 2: return tag, random.choice(['multiplesof10_2to9', 'multiplesof10_11to19', 'multiplesof10_21to29', 'multiplesof10_31to39', 'multiplesof10_41to49', 'multiplesof10_51to59', 'multiplesof10_61to69', 'multiplesof10_71to79', 'multiplesof10_81to89', 'multiplesof10_91to99']) else: return tag, 'multiplesof100_2to10' else: choice = random.choice([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]) if choice == 1: return tag, 'singleint_1to9' elif choice == 2: return tag, random.choice(['singleint_11to19', 'singleint_21to29', 'singleint_31to39', 'singleint_41to49', 'singleint_51to59', 'singleint_61to69', 'singleint_71to79', 'singleint_81to89', 'singleint_91to99']) elif choice == 3: return tag, random.choice(['multiplesof10_2to9', 'multiplesof10_11to19', 'multiplesof10_21to29', 'multiplesof10_31to39', 'multiplesof10_41to49', 'multiplesof10_51to59', 'multiplesof10_61to69', 'multiplesof10_71to79', 'multiplesof10_81to89', 'multiplesof10_91to99']) else: return tag, 'multiplesof100_2to10' elif tag == r'5%of...': if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': return tag, 'multiplesof2_2to100' else: return tag, 'singleint_12to200' elif tag in [r'20%of...', r'30%of...', r'40%of...', r'60%of...', r'70%of...', r'80%of...', r'90%of...']: return tag, 'multiplesof{}_2to9'.format(tag[0]) else: # any other percent value: 1%, 2%,... 7%,... 12%,... 15% etc. raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def preprocess_units_pairs_tag(tag, last_draw=None, qkw=None): """ Create the SQL query according to last_draw content and possible qkw. """ d = {} if qkw is None: qkw = {} if last_draw is None: last_draw = {} if 'level' in qkw: d.update({'level': qkw['level']}) if 'category' in qkw: d.update({'category': qkw['category']}) elif len(last_draw) >= 5: d.update({'category_neq': last_draw[3]}) if 'direction' in qkw: d.update({'direction': qkw['direction']}) elif len(last_draw) >= 5: d.update({'direction_neq': last_draw[2]}) if ('category' not in d and 'category_neq' not in d and 'level' not in d and d.get('direction', None) is not None): d.update({'level': 1}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_decimals_query(qkw=None): """ Create the SQL query according to possible qkw. """ d = {} if qkw is None: qkw = {} if 'fd' not in qkw: d.update( {'fd': Number(str(shared.fracdigits_places_source .next()[0])).fracdigits_nb()}) if 'iz' in qkw and int(qkw['iz']) >= d['fd']: d['fd'] = int(qkw['iz']) + 1 if 'iz_ge' in qkw and int(qkw['iz_ge']) >= d['fd']: d['fd'] = int(qkw['iz_ge']) + 1 # if 'iz_gt' in qkw and qkw['iz_gt'] >= d['fd']: # d['fd'] = qkw['iz_gt'] + 1 else: d.update({'fd': qkw['fd']}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_polygons_sides_lengths_query(polygon_data=None, qkw=None): """ Query's keywords depending on polygon's type and expected kind of numbers. """ if qkw is None: qkw = {} d = {} sides_nb, codename = polygon_data[0], polygon_data[3] variant = polygon_data[6] d.update({'code': '_'.join(codename.split('_')[1:])}) sum_ingredients = qkw.get('sum_ingredients', 'int_2to10') if sides_nb == 3: tuple_name = 'triples' d.update({'triangle': 1}) if variant == 1: d.update({'pythagorean': 1}) elif sides_nb == 4: tuple_name = 'quadruples' d.update({'quadrilateral': 1}) elif sides_nb == 5: tuple_name = 'quintuples' d.update({'pentagon': 1}) elif sides_nb == 6: tuple_name = 'sextuples' d.update({'hexagon': 1}) nb_source = '{}_{}'.format(sum_ingredients.split('_')[0], tuple_name) mini, maxi = sum_ingredients.split('_')[1].split('to') for n in range(sides_nb): d.update({'nb{}_min'.format(n + 1): mini, 'nb{}_max'.format(n + 1): maxi}) return nb_source, d
[docs]def preprocess_extdecimals_query(qkw=None): """ Create the SQL query according to possible qkw. """ if qkw is None: qkw = {} d = {} d.update({'position': qkw.get('position', None)}) d.update({'width': qkw.get('width', 'random')}) d.update({'generation_type': qkw.get('generation_type', 'default')}) d.update({'pos_matches_invisible_zero': qkw.get('pos_matches_invisible_zero', False)}) d.update({'unique_figures': qkw.get('unique_figures', True)}) d.update({'grow_left': qkw.get('grow_left', False)}) d.update({'numberof': qkw.get('numberof', False)}) d.update({'digits_positions': qkw.get('digits_positions', None)}) return d
[docs]def preprocess_decimalfractions_pairs_tag(qkw=None, **kwargs): """ Create the SQL query according to possible qkw's overlap value. :param qkw: keywords provided by the question :type qkw: dict :rtype: dict """ return {'overlap_level_ge': qkw.get('overlap', 0), 'overlap_noqr': qkw.get('overlap', 0)}
[docs]def preprocess_divisibles(intsp, reason='no reason'): """ Called to help to choose special numbers divisible by intsp (e.g. 3 or 9). :param intsp: the possible divisor """ result = {} if intsp == intspan('3'): # This added condition makes sure that the two last digits of 3×nb2 # will not be a multiple of 3. result = {'nb2_mod100_ge': 34} if intsp == intspan('9'): # This added condition makes sure that the two last digits of 9×nb2 # will not be a multiple of 9. result = {'nb2_mod100_ge': 12} elif intsp == intspan('4'): if reason == '4easy': result = {'nb2_mod100_range': '0-10,25-35,50-60,75-85'} elif reason == '4harder': result = {'nb2_mod100_range': '11-24,36-49,61-74,86-99'} return result
[docs]def postprocess_decimalfractionssums_query(qr, qkw=None, **kwargs): """ Create two decimal fractions from the drawn decimal number. :param qr: the result of the query (containing the decimal number) :type qr: tuple :rtype: tuple """ variant = qkw.get('variant', 'random') if variant == 'random': variant = random.choice(['atomize', 'cut']) if variant == 'atomize': decimals = Number(str(qr)).atomized() else: decimals = Number(str(qr)).cut(overlap=kwargs['overlap_noqr']) if is_integer(decimals[0]) and (len(decimals) >= 3 or random.choice([True, False])): first = decimals[0] else: first = Fraction(from_decimal=decimals[0]) return (first, *[Fraction(from_decimal=decimals[i + 1]) for i in range(len(decimals) - 1)])
[docs]def postprocess_percentage_query(qr, source_id, qkw=None, **kwargs): """ Create the two numbers from the query result, depending on source_id. :param qr: the result of the query (containing the number(s)) :type qr: tuple :param source_id: the original source id :type source_id: str :param qkw: the question's keywords (attributes) :type qkw: dict :rtype: tuple """ if source_id in [r'25%of...', r'75%of...', r'50%of...', r'10%of...', r'5%of...']: if isinstance(qr, tuple) and len(qr) == 2: n2 = Number(str(qr[0])) * Number(str(qr[1])) else: # qr should be a single number n2 = Number(str(qr[0])) if source_id == r'25%of...': n1 = Number(25) elif source_id == r'75%of...': n1 = Number(75) elif source_id == r'50%of...': n1 = Number(50) elif source_id == r'10%of...': n1 = Number(10) elif source_id == r'5%of...': n1 = Number(5) return (n1, n2) elif source_id in [r'20%of...', r'30%of...', r'40%of...', r'60%of...', r'70%of...', r'80%of...', r'90%of...']: # In such cases, we get a pair of int, so it's always a tuple if int(source_id[0]) == qr[0]: n1, n2 = qr else: n2, n1 = qr n1, n2 = Number(n1), Number(n2) if qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'easy': n2 *= 10 elif (qkw.get('level', 'normal') == 'normal' and not qkw.get('nb_variant', 'default').startswith('decimal') and random.choice([True, False])): if random.choice([True, False]): n2 *= 10 else: n2 *= 100 n1 *= 10 return (n1, n2) else: # any other source raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def postprocess_int_triplesforprop_query(qr): shuffled_qr = list(qr) random.shuffle(shuffled_qr) return tuple(shuffled_qr)
## # @brief Generates a list of values to be used # @todo Several cases should be factorized or maybe later moved to the db
[docs]def generate_values(source_id): if source_id == 'int_irreducible_frac': return [(k, Fraction(n, k)) for k in [i + 2 for i in range(18)] for n in coprime_generator(k)] elif source_id == 'alternate_2masks': lr = ['left', 'right'] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'alternate_3masks': lr = [1, 2, 3] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'alternate_4masks': lr = [1, 2, 3, 4] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'alternate_nb2nb3_in_mini_pb_prop': lr = [True, False] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id.startswith('alternate'): lr = ['left', 'right'] random.shuffle(lr) return lr * 20 elif source_id == 'trigo_functions': return ['cos', 'cos', 'sin', 'sin', 'tan', 'tan'] elif source_id == 'trigo_vocabulary': return ['adjacent', 'adjacent', 'opposite', 'opposite'] elif source_id == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_multi': box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box_10_100_1000: box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] chosen_10_100_1000 = box_10_100_1000.pop() digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[2:]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3], weights=[0.14, 0.63, 0.33])[0] start_pos = random.choice([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))]) result |= {(chosen_10_100_1000, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_divi': box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box_10_100_1000: box_10_100_1000 = [10, 100, 1000] chosen_10_100_1000 = box_10_100_1000.pop() digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[2:]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3], weights=[0.14, 0.63, 0.33])[0] wt = {10: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], 100: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0], 1000: [0.34, 0.33, 0.33, 0, 0]} start_pos = random.choices([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))], weights=wt[chosen_10_100_1000])[0] result |= {(chosen_10_100_1000, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_multi': box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box: box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] chosen = box.pop() digits_positions = list() if chosen == Decimal('0.1'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[:-1]) elif chosen == Decimal('0.01'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[:-2]) elif chosen == Decimal('0.001'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[:-3]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3, 4], weights=[0.14, 0.43, 0.33, 0.2])[0] start_pos = random.choice([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))]) result |= {(chosen, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_divi': box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] result = set() for n in range(20): if not box: box = [Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.01'), Decimal('0.001')] chosen = box.pop() digits_positions = list() if chosen == Decimal('0.1') or chosen == Decimal('0.01'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES) elif chosen == Decimal('0.001'): digits_positions = list(DIGITSPLACES[1:]) width = random.choices([1, 2, 3, 4], weights=[0.14, 0.43, 0.33, 0.2])[0] start_pos = random.choice([n for n in range(len(digits_positions))]) result |= {(chosen, generate_decimal(width, digits_positions, start_pos))} return list(result) elif source_id in ['nothing', 'bypass']: return []
[docs]def generate_random_decimal_nb(position=None, width='random', generation_type=None, pos_matches_invisible_zero=False, unique_figures=True, grow_left=False, numberof=False, digits_positions=None, **unused): if position is None: position = Decimal(str([0])) if generation_type is None: if numberof: generation_type = 'default' else: generation_type = random.choice(['default', 'alternative']) chosen_deci = Decimal('0') figures = [str(i + 1) for i in range(9)] if not unique_figures: figures = figures * 3 random.shuffle(figures) if digits_positions is None: digits_positions = copy.copy(DIGITSPLACES) if (isinstance(width, str) and width.startswith('random') and width != 'random'): if len(width.split('_')) != 2: width = 'random' warnings.warn('Malformed random width. ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) else: _, span = width.split('_') if not len(span.split('to')) == 2: width = 'random' warnings.warn('Malformed random width\'s span. ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) else: mini, maxi = span.split('to') try: mini, maxi = int(mini), int(maxi) except ValueError: width = 'random' warnings.warn('Malformed random width\'s span bounds ' '(both should be int). ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) else: width = random.choice([i + 1 for i in range(max(maxi - mini + 1, 1))]) elif width != 'random': try: width = int(width) if not (1 <= width <= len(digits_positions)): width = 'random' warnings.warn('The chosen width ({}) is not greater than 1 ' 'and lower than the length of digits positions' ' ({}). ' 'A random value will be chosen instead.' .format(width, len(digits_positions))) except ValueError: raise ValueError('As width you can specify either \'random\', ' '\'random_xtoy\' or an int.') if width == 'random': if generation_type == 'default': width = random.choice([3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) else: width = random.choices([2, 3, 4, 5], cum_weights=[0.1, 0.4, 0.75, 1])[0] if numberof: width = random.choices([2, 3, 4, 5], cum_weights=[0.15, 0.55, 0.85, 1])[0] # Two different ways to generate a number. Here is the "default" one: if generation_type == 'default': positions = [] if not pos_matches_invisible_zero: if grow_left: positions = [digits_positions.index(position) - p for p in range(width)] elif not numberof: # High positions are to the right of the numeral, # while low positions are to the left lr = digits_positions.index(position) - width + 1 lowest_start_pos = lr if lr >= 0 else 0 hr = digits_positions.index(position) highest_start_pos = hr if hr + width < len(digits_positions) \ else len(digits_positions) - 1 - width highest_start_pos = highest_start_pos \ if highest_start_pos >= lowest_start_pos \ else lowest_start_pos possible_start_positions = [lowest_start_pos + p for p in range( highest_start_pos - lowest_start_pos + 1)] start_pos = random.choice(possible_start_positions) positions = [start_pos + p for p in range(width)] else: # High positions are to the right of the numeral, # while low positions are to the left positions += [digits_positions.index(position)] # Probability to fill a higher position rather than a lower one phr = 0.5 hr = lr = digits_positions.index(position) for i in range(width - 1): if lr == 0: phr = 1 elif hr == len(digits_positions) - 1: phr = 0 if random.random() < phr: hr += 1 positions += [hr] phr *= 0.4 else: lr -= 1 positions += [lr] phr *= 2.5 else: # position matches invisible zero if position <= Decimal('0.1'): positions = [digits_positions.index(p) for p in digits_positions if p > position] width = min(width, len(positions)) positions = positions[-width:] elif (position >= Decimal('10') or (position == Decimal('1') and random.choice([True, False]))): positions = [digits_positions.index(p) for p in digits_positions if p < position] width = min(width, len(positions)) positions = positions[:width] else: # units, second possibility positions = [digits_positions.index(p) for p in digits_positions if p != position] width = min(width, len(positions)) maxi_start = len(positions) - width + 1 slice_start = random.choice([i for i in range(maxi_start)]) positions = positions[slice_start:slice_start + width] # Let's start the generation of the number: for p in positions: figure = figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * digits_positions[p] # "Alternative" way of generating a number randomly: else: figure = '0' if pos_matches_invisible_zero \ else figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * position digits_positions.remove(position) if pos_matches_invisible_zero: if position <= Decimal('0.1'): next_pos = position * Decimal('10') figure = figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * next_pos digits_positions = [p for p in digits_positions if p > next_pos] elif position >= Decimal('10'): next_pos = position * Decimal('0.1') figure = figures.pop() chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * next_pos digits_positions = [p for p in digits_positions if p < next_pos] width = min(width, len(digits_positions)) if position != Decimal('1') and not pos_matches_invisible_zero: figure = figures.pop() r = DIGITSPLACES_CONFUSING[ -(DIGITSPLACES_CONFUSING.index(position) + 1)] chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * r digits_positions.remove(r) width -= 1 for i in range(width): figure = figures.pop() r = random.choice(digits_positions) digits_positions.remove(r) chosen_deci += Decimal(figure) * r return (chosen_deci, )
[docs]class sub_source(object): ## # @brief Initializer def __init__(self, source_id, **kwargs): self.ondemand = kwargs.get('ondemand', False) if self.ondemand: self.values = [] self.generator_fct = kwargs.get('generator_fct') else: self.values = generate_values(source_id) random.shuffle(self.values) self.current = 0 self.max = len(self.values) ## # @brief Resets the source def _reset(self): random.shuffle(self.values) self.current = 0 ## # @brief Synonym of, but makes the source an Iterator. def __next__(self): return ## # @brief Handles the choice of the next value to return
[docs] def next(self, qkw=None, **kwargs): # qkw is only here for compatibility with source class # it must be "merged" with kwargs during preprocessing if self.ondemand: return self.generator_fct(**kwargs) else: if self.current == self.max: self._reset() self.current += 1 log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db') if isinstance(self.values[self.current - 1], tuple): qr = self.values[self.current - 1] log.debug('Query result = {}\n'.format(qr)) return qr qr = (self.values[self.current - 1], ) log.debug('Query result = {}\n'.format(qr)) return qr
[docs]class mc_source(object): ## # @brief Handles the choice of the next value to return
[docs] def next(self, source_id, qkw=None, **kwargs): if qkw is None: qkw = {} not_in = kwargs.get('not_in', None) tag_classification = classify_tag(source_id) kwargs.update(preprocess_qkw(db_table(source_id), qkw=qkw)) if tag_classification == 'natural_nb_tuples': log = settings.dbg_logger.getChild('db') nb_of_elts = \ {'pairs': 2, 'triples': 3, 'quadruples': 4, 'quintuples': 5, 'sextuples': 6}[source_id.split(':')[0][len('nn'):]] spans = IntspansProduct(source_id.split(':')[1], nb_of_elts) if nb_of_elts == 2: reason = 'no reason' if (qkw.get('variant2', 'default') == 'ensure_no_confusion_between_rules' and spans.spans[0] in [intspan('3'), intspan('9')]): reason = '3or9' if spans.spans[0] == intspan('4'): if qkw.get('level', 'default') != 'default': reason = '4' + qkw.get('level', 'default') if reason != 'no reason': kwargs.update(preprocess_divisibles(spans.spans[0], reason=reason)) random_result = sorted(spans.random_draw(**kwargs)) log.debug('Random draw output = {}\n'.format(random_result)) db_source = {2: shared.nnpairs_source, 3: shared.nntriples_source, 4: shared.nnquadruples_source, 5: shared.nnquintuples_source, 6: shared.nnsextuples_source}[nb_of_elts] L = list(random_result) nb_args = {'nb{}'.format(i + 1): L[i] for i in range(nb_of_elts)} try:, **nb_args) except RuntimeError as excinfo: if str(excinfo).startswith('No result from database query. ' 'Command was:'): log.debug('No result from db query, return random result') return tuple(random_result) else: raise log.debug('Got a result from db, so redrawing from db') kwargs.update(spans.turn_to_query_conditions()) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'int_pairs': kwargs.update(preprocess_int_pairs_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'int_triples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_triples'), qkw=qkw) if 'forprop' in source_id: correct_kw.update(preprocess_int_triplesforprop_tag(source_id, not_in=not_in)) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] if 'forprop' in source_id: return postprocess_int_triplesforprop_query(**correct_kw)) return**correct_kw) elif tag_classification == 'int_quadruples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_quadruples'), qkw=qkw) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] return**correct_kw) elif tag_classification == 'int_quintuples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_quintuples'), qkw=qkw) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] correct_kw.update(preprocess_int_quintuples_tag(source_id)) return**correct_kw) elif tag_classification == 'int_sextuples': correct_kw = preprocess_qkw(db_table('int_sextuples'), qkw=qkw) # Ugly hack: as code and codename start with the same letters, # codename cannot be detected as requiring to be removed from the # query. So, we manually deleted it here, if necessary. if 'codename' in correct_kw: del correct_kw['codename'] return**correct_kw) elif tag_classification == 'simple_fractions': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification.startswith('single'): kwargs.update(preprocess_single_nb_tag(source_id)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'int_deci_clever_pairs': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'nn_deci_clever_pairs': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'digits_places': return (Decimal(str(**kwargs)[0])), ) elif tag_classification == 'fracdigits_places': return (Decimal( str(**kwargs)[0])), ) elif tag_classification == 'int_irreducible_frac': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_multi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_10_100_1000_for_divi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_multi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimal_and_one_digit_for_divi': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'unitspairs': kwargs.update(preprocess_units_pairs_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw, last_draw=kwargs.get( 'not_in', None))) kwargs.pop('not_in', None) try: # poor way to remove possibly too constraining conditions return**kwargs) except RuntimeError: kwargs.pop('direction_neq', None) try: return**kwargs) except RuntimeError: kwargs.pop('category_neq', None) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimals': kwargs.update(preprocess_decimals_query(qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'extdecimals': kwargs.update(preprocess_extdecimals_query(qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'decimalfractionssums': kwargs.update(preprocess_decimals_query(qkw=qkw)) kwargs.update(preprocess_decimalfractions_pairs_tag(qkw=qkw, **kwargs)) return postprocess_decimalfractionssums_query(**kwargs)[0], qkw=qkw, **kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'percentage': source_id, t = preprocess_percentage_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw) tc = classify_tag(t) if tc == 'int_pairs': kwargs.update(preprocess_int_pairs_tag(t, qkw=qkw)) return postprocess_percentage_query(**kwargs), source_id, qkw=qkw, **kwargs) elif tc == 'single_int': kwargs.update(preprocess_single_nb_tag(t)) return postprocess_percentage_query(**kwargs), source_id, qkw=qkw, **kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'dvipsnames_selection': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'anglessets': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'polygons': result =**kwargs) nb_source, kwords = preprocess_polygons_sides_lengths_query( polygon_data=result, qkw=qkw) all_kw = {} all_kw.update(kwargs) all_kw.update(qkw) all_kw.update(kwords) adj_qkw = preprocess_qkw(db_table(nb_source), qkw=all_kw) nb_result = mc_source().next(nb_source, qkw=adj_qkw) if all([isinstance(n, int) for n in nb_result]): matching_pairs = nndist(nb_result) for p in matching_pairs: sp = sorted(p) # We won't timestamp the (1, ...) pairs as it does not # seem to make sense (and causes a lot of timestamps). if sp[0] != 1: shared.int_pairs_source._timestamp({'nb1': sp[0], 'nb2': sp[1]}) return result + nb_result elif tag_classification == 'rightcuboids': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'deciinttriplesforprop': kwargs.update( preprocess_deci_int_triplesforprop_tag(source_id, qkw=qkw)) return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'times': return**kwargs) elif tag_classification == 'clocktime_data': from mathmakerlib.calculus import ClockTime # times are drawn *after* the wording... wordings_kw = deepcopy(kwargs) wordings_kw.update( preprocess_qkw(db_table('mini_pb_time_wordings'), qkw=qkw)) wordings_kw.update({'lock_equal_contexts': True, 'lock_equal_types': True}) wdata = **wordings_kw) max_start_time = ClockTime(wdata[5], wdata[6]) min_duration = ClockTime(wdata[7], wdata[8]) max_duration = ClockTime(wdata[9], wdata[10]) min_end_time = ClockTime(wdata[11], wdata[12]) max_end_time = ClockTime(wdata[13], wdata[14]) times_kw = kwargs times_kw.update(preprocess_qkw(db_table('times'), qkw=qkw)) adj_max = max_start_time - min_duration times_kw.update({'raw': '((hour = {} AND minute >= {}) OR hour > {})' ' AND ' '((hour = {} AND minute <= {}) OR hour < {})' .format(wdata[3], wdata[4], wdata[3], adj_max.hour, adj_max.minute, adj_max.hour) }) start_time = \ ClockTime(*, **times_kw)) if start_time + min_duration >= start_time: adj_min = max(start_time + min_duration, min_end_time) else: adj_min = min_end_time if start_time + max_duration >= start_time: adj_max = min(start_time + max_duration, max_end_time) else: adj_max = max_end_time times_kw.update({'raw': '((hour = {} AND minute >= {}) OR hour > {})' ' AND ' '((hour = {} AND minute <= {}) OR hour < {})' .format(adj_min.hour, adj_min.minute, adj_min.hour, adj_max.hour, adj_max.minute, adj_max.hour) }) if adj_max.hour > adj_min.hour and start_time.minute >= 2: times_kw.update({'minute_max': start_time.minute - 1}) end_time = \ ClockTime( *, **times_kw), 0) return (wdata[0], wdata[1], wdata[2], start_time, end_time) elif tag_classification == 'nothing': return () else: raise RuntimeError('Could not build a query to the database, ' 'because tag\'s classification did not match ' 'any known case.')