Source code for mathmaker.lib.old_style_sheet.exercise.X_Equation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets
# with their answers
# Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <>

# This file is part of Mathmaker.

# Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.

# Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

from .X_Structure import X_Structure
from . import question

# Here the list of available values for the parameter x_kind='' and the
# matching x_subkind values
# Note: the bypass value allows to give the value of *x_subkind* directly to
# the matching question Constructor, bypassing the action of the present class
    {'short_test': ['basic', 'classic', 'classic_harder', 'harder',
     'preformatted': ['basic_additions', 'any_basic', 'basic_multiplications',
                      'classics', 'classic_xtwice_and_any'],
     'bypass': ['any_simple_expandable']}


STD_LAYOUT_for_9_equations = {'exc': [None, 'all'],
                              'ans': [[1, 6, 6, 6], (3, 3, 3)]}

# ----------------------  lines_nb    col_widths   questions
# In each list, the first number is the number of lines (or the value '?'),
# then follow the columns widths. The tuple contains the questions per cell.
# For instance, [2, 6, 6, 6], (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) means 2 lines, 3 cols (widths
# 6 cm each), then 1 question per cell.
X_LAYOUTS = {'default':
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[2, 6, 6, 6], (1, 1, 1,
                                     1, 1, 1)]},

             ('short_test', 'basic'):
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[2, 4.5, 4.5], (1, 1,
                                      1, 1)]},

             ('short_test', 'classic'):
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[1, 4.5, 4.5], (1, 1)]},

             ('short_test', 'harder'):
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[1, 6, 6], (1, 1)]},

             ('short_test', 'harder_harder'):
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[1, 7, 11], (1, 1)]},

             ('short_test', 'classic_harder'):
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[1, 5, 5, 7], (2, 1, 1)]},

             ('preformatted', 'basic_additions'): STD_LAYOUT_for_9_equations,

             ('preformatted', 'any_basic'): STD_LAYOUT_for_9_equations,

             ('preformatted', 'basic_multiplications'):

             # ('preformatted', 'classic_xtwice_and_any'): EMPTY_LAYOUT,

             ('bypass', 'any_simple_expandable'):
             {'exc': [None, 'all'],
              'ans': [[1, 9, 9], (1, 1),
                      [1, 9, 9], (1, 1),
                      [1, 9, 9], (1, 1)]}}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @class X_Equation
# @brief All exercises related with equations resolution.
[docs]class X_Equation(X_Structure): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor. # @param **options Options detailed below: # - start_number=<integer> # (should be >= 1) # - number_of_questions=<integer> # /!\ only useful if you use x_kind and not preformatted # (should be >= 1) # - x_kind=<string> # ... # ... # - preformatted=<string> # /!\ preformatted is useless with short_test # /!\ number_of_questions is useless with preformatted # /!\ if you use it with the x_kind option, ensure there's a # preformatted possibility with this option # 'yes' # 'OK' # any other value will be understood as 'no' # - short_test=bool # /!\ the x_kind option above can't be used along this option # 'yes' # 'OK' # any other value will be understood as 'no' # @return One instance of exercise.Model def __init__(self, x_kind='default_nothing', **options): self.derived = True X_Structure.__init__(self, x_kind, AVAILABLE_X_KIND_VALUES, X_LAYOUTS, X_LAYOUT_UNIT, **options) # The purpose of this next line is to get the possibly modified # value of **options options = self.options default_question = question.Q_Equation # FINALLY DEPRECATED:) # this field, which is specific to equation exercises, is used # in the write_answer() method from the StructureEquation class. # it can be changed depending on the x_kind of exercise desired. # should be useful as long as write_answer() is better implemented # to manage itself the displaying choices... maybe with the help # of a self.x_kind field ? # self.number_of_equations_per_column = 2 # TEXTS OF THE EXERCISE self.text = {'exc': "", 'ans': ""} # alternate texts section # if self.x_kind == '...': # self.text = ... # PREFORMATTED EXERCISES if self.x_kind == 'preformatted': if self.x_subkind == 'basic_additions': # self.number_of_equations_per_column = 3 for i in range(3): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='basic_addition', expression_number=i)) for i in range(2): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='basic_addition_r', expression_number=i + 3)) for i in range(4): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='any_basic_addition', expression_number=i + 5)) elif self.x_subkind == 'any_basic': # self.number_of_equations_per_column = 3 for i in range(9): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='any_basic', expression_number=i)) elif self.x_subkind == 'basic_multiplications': # self.number_of_equations_per_column = 3 for i in range(4): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='basic_multiplication', expression_number=i)) for i in range(2): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='basic_multiplication_r', expression_number=i + 3)) for i in range(3): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='any_basic_multiplication', expression_number=i + 5)) elif self.x_subkind == 'classics': for i in range(3): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='classic', expression_number=i)) for i in range(3): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='classic_r', expression_number=i + 3)) elif self.x_subkind == 'classic_xtwice_and_any': for i in range(3): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='classic_x_twice', expression_number=i)) for i in range(3): self.questions_list.append(default_question( q_kind='any_classic', expression_number=i + 3)) # OTHER EXERCISES # Take care: the displaying of the answers if # number_of_questions is different from 6 is not implemented yet ! else: for i in range(self.q_nb): self.questions_list.append( default_question(q_kind=self.x_subkind, expression_number=i + self.start_number, **options))